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My name is Joan Camilo Olmos Duran, I am 20 years old, I study systems engineer

because since very little, I want to create games and create new intelligent systems,
also I like to understand How does it work the internet, a computer, a web page and
can understand how does it work a program and How can I create one, be it a
program or a system.
I like many things, I am going to count some one of them, I like so much the soccer,
is my favorite thing, I love to cook with my mom and too alone, I like in my free times
practice things for example about soccer, study, kitchen recipient and so I play Xbox
360 or I play Minecraft in my Smartphone, other thing that I do in my free time is
clean my motorcycle and consent it. I like to take out old the clothes of my closet and
give away things that I do not already use, for like I can get new things.
My dream is can buy my motorcycle. The motorcycle that I want is a Duke 790 or
Yamaha MT9. My vision in this moment is can go to travel to United States of
America to work and learn very good the English, also I want to practice the French
because I know that in Canada they are needing young people and married people,
so I want to go to Canada because for me the life over there is better than Colombia,
for this I want to travel to United States of America for practicing to work and to
prefect the English for later I come to Colombia to learn French and I can go to
Canada to like, to work and I have a good life style.

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