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NAME: ________________________________________________COMB________

 Attempt all questions
 Time allowed is 2 Hours : 30 Minutes
1. In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force must be proportional to the:
A. amplitude
B. frequency
C. velocity
D. displacement

2. A particle oscillating in simple harmonic motion is:

A. never in equilibrium because it is in motion
B. never in equilibrium because there is always a force
C. in equilibrium at the ends of its path because its velocity is zero there
D. in equilibrium at the center of its path because the acceleration is zero there

3. In simple harmonic motion, the magnitude of the acceleration is greatest when:

A. the displacement is zero
B. the displacement is maximum
C. the speed is maximum
D. the force is zero

4. A particle moves in simple harmonic motion according to x = 2 cos(50t), where x is in meters

and t is in seconds. Its maximum velocity in m/s is:
A. 100 sin(50t)
B. 100 cos(50t)
C. 100
D. 200

5. A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a spring constant of 200N/m. If the
system has an energy of 6.0 J, then the amplitude of the oscillation is:
A. 0.06m
B. 0.17m
C. 0.24m
D. 4.9m

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6. If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled, its period will:
A. halve
B. be greater by a factor of √2
C. be less by a factor of √2
D. double

7. A block attached to the lower end of a vertical spring oscillates up and down. If the spring obeys
Hooke's law, the period of oscillation depends on which of the following?
I. Mass of the block
II. Amplitude of the oscillation
III. Force constant of the spring
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II
(E) I and III

8. Which of the following graphs shows the kinetic energy K of the particle as a function of its
displacement x

Questions 9-10. A block on a horizontal frictionless plane is attached to a spring, as shown

above. The block oscillates along the x-axis with simple harmonic motion of amplitude A.

9. Which of the following statements about the block is correct?

(A) At x = 0, its velocity is zero. (B) At x = 0, its acceleration is at a maximum.
(C) At x = A, its displacement is at a maximum. (D) At x = A, its velocity is at a maximum.
(E) At x = A, its acceleration is zero.

10. Which of the following statements about energy is correct?

(A) The potential energy of the spring is at a minimum at x = 0.
(B) The potential energy of the spring is at a minimum at x = A.
(C) The kinetic energy of the block is at a minimum at x =0.
(D) The kinetic energy of the block is at a maximum at x = A.
(E) The kinetic energy of the block is always equal to the potential energy of the spring.

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Use the following words to fill in the blanks:
equilibrium, frequency, force, kinetic energy, potential, simple harmonic motion, friction,
periodic, proportional, spring, driving, period, amplitude, kinetic, conserved, damped

Periodic Motion
What is periodic motion? The expansion of your lungs as you breathe, the pendulum of a
grandfather clock, the back-and-forth motion of pistons in a car engine - all these are examples
of motion that repeats itself over and over; ………………………. motion or oscillation. If the periodic
motion is sinusoidal then it is called ………………………. ………………………..

A body that undergoes periodic motion always has a stable ………………………. position. When
it is moved away from this position a ………………………. pulls it back toward equilibrium. But by
the time it gets there, it has picked up ………………………. ………………………., so it overshoots, stopping
somewhere on the other side, and is again pulled back towards equilibrium. This force is
………………………. to the distance the body has been displaced from its equilibrium position and is
written F=-kx. The minus sign tells you that the force is in the opposite direction to the
displacement, and is directed towards the equilibrium position. The k is the……………………….
constant. Two simple examples are spring-mass systems and pendulums.

Oscillatory motion can be described by a………………………., which tells you how long it takes
per oscillation, and a ………………………., which is how many oscillations per second. The size of the
oscillations is described by the ………………………..

When a mass on a spring oscillates it has ………………………. energy and elastic ……………………….
energy and gravitational potential energy. The total energy is the sum of these and is
……………………….. However, we know that if we start a spring oscillating, it will eventually stop,
because of ……………………….. This is known as ………………………. simple harmonic motion. To keep
the spring oscillating we need to provide a ……………………….force.

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11. An object of mass 0.4 kg oscillates with S.H.M along the x-axis. Its position varies with time
according to the equation 𝑥 = 5 sin (4𝜋𝑡 + 3 ) in m.

a. Determine the amplitude, frequency and period of motion.

b. Calculate the position, velocity and acceleration of the object at 𝑡 = 2 seconds.
c. Determine the kinetic energy and potential energy at 𝑡 = 2 seconds.
d. What is the total energy of the system?
e. Find the maximum acceleration and maximum velocity.

12. Determine the resultant equation of superposition of

𝜋 𝜋
𝑦1 = 3 sin (8𝜋𝑡 − 4 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦2 = 4 sin (8𝜋𝑡 + 4 )

13. A particle of mass m is fixed to the end of a spring. The spring can be compressed and extended.
The spring has a force constant k. The other end of the spring is attached to a ceiling. The particle
oscillates when it is displaced from its equilibrium position.
a. Show that the motion of the oscillating particle is s.h.m.
b. Show that the period T of the trolley is given by the equation: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√ 𝑘


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