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L 13.

1 (Oscillations and Periodic Motion)

A. Choose the correct answer :

1- The motion of a clock’s pendulum, a child on a swing, a rocking
chair are all examples of :
a. Circular motion
b. Periodic motion
c. Linear motion

2- ………………… it has a cycle that repeats.

a. Linear motion
b. Periodic motion
c. Slow motion

3- A grandfather clock takes 2 seconds to make one complete

cycle. The period is equal to :
a. 2 seconds
b. ½ seconds
c. 4 seconds

4- The unit of period is :

a. S
b. Hz
c. N

5- The number of oscillations in a unit of time is the :

a. Period
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude

6- The SI unit of frequency is :

a. s
b. s-1
c. N.s

7- …………….. is the inverse of the period.

a. Period
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude

8- ……………. is measure in Hz.

a. Period
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude

9- In any system in simple harmonic motion, the restoring force

acting on the mass in the system is proportional to
a. displacement.
b. the length of a pendulum.
c. the mass.
d. frequency.

10- For a mass spring system , if the maximum displacement from

equilibrium is equal to 7 cm, the amplitude is equal to :
a. 7 cm
b. 1/7 cm
c. 14 cm

11- An oscillation with large frequency has a …………. Period.

a. Small
b. Large
c. The frequency doesn’t affect the period

12- A bird flaps its wings 7 times a second. Its frequency is :

a. 5 Hz
b. 7 Hz
c. 1/7 Hz

13- If the bird flaps its wings 9 times a second. Its period will be:
a. 0.11 s
b. 5 s
c. 9 s

14- If the frequency is doubled what happens to the period?

a. halved
b. Doubled
c. Divided by 3
15- In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force is ……………
to the displacement from equilibrium.
a. Directly proportional
b. Inversely proportional
c. Equal
16- As the displacement from the equilibrium position
decreases, the restoring force ……………….
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Doesn’t change

17- …………….. is the maximum displacement from the

equilibrium position.
a. Period
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude

18- The period of a mass-spring system is ……………… to the mass

of the object.
a. Directly proportional
b. Inversely proportional
c. None of the above

19- As the stiffness increases, the period of the mass-spring

system …………….
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same

20- If the mass attached to a spring is increased , the frequency

of the mass-spring system :
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stays the same

21- The spring constant in a given oscillating mass-spring may

be changed by :
a. Increasing the mass
b. Decreasing the mass
c. None of the above

22-In an oscillating mass-spring system, the velocity of the mass is

greatest when the mass is:
a.At the point of maximum displacement.
b. Halfway between the equilibrium point and maximum
c. At the point where acceleration is greatest.
d. At the equilibrium point.
23-In a system in simple harmonic motion, the amplitude depends
a. Frequency.
b. Wavelength.
c. The position of the equilibrium point.
d. Maximum displacement from the equilibrium point.

24- In an oscillating mass-spring system, the distance of the

maximum compression of the spring is a measure of :
a. Amplitude
b. Frequency
c. Period
d. Equilibrium

25- A certain oscillating mass-spring system has a period of 1.2 s

with a 1.0 kg mass, What will the period be when a 4 kg mass is
substituted for the 1 kg mass ?
a. 4.8 s
b. 2.4 s
c. 0.6 s
d. 0.3 s

26- You constructed an oscillating mass-spring system for an

experiment. In order to increase the frequency of the system,
you could :
a. Decrease the initial displacement
b. Use a greater mass
c. Use a spring with a higher spring constant
d. Increase the period of oscillation
B. Matching
a. Period
b. Frequency
c. Simple harmonic motion
d. Mass-spring system
e. Restoring force
f. Amplitude
g. Periodic motion
1- It acts to bring the object back to equilibrium position.
2- Any motion that repeats itself over and over.
3- The time it takes to complete one cycle.
4- How many oscillations happen in a unit of time.
5- Is an example of simple harmonic motion.
6- Is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.
7- Occurs when the force pushing or pulling an object toward the
equilibrium position is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium.

C. Short answer
1- Period and frequency are …inversely……………. Proportional to each
other, which means that as one of them increases the other will …
2- If the frequency is tripled, the period will be …decrease to…1/3………

3- (A) If the mass-spring system in figure (1)is pulled to the right, the
direction of the restoring force will be ……left………..
(B) If it is pushed to the left the direction of the restoring force will be
(C )If it is at the equilibrium position the restoring force will be …equal

4- (A) State the formula used to calculate the period of a mass on a spring

(B) From the equation what is the relation between the period and the
mass of the object? (Directly or inversely proportional)
……………………………… Directly …………………………….

(C) From the equation what is the relation between the period and the
spring constant? (Directly or inversely proportional)
…………………………………… inversely proportional ……………………….
(D) If the mass is increases by a factor of 4, by what factor does the period
……………………The period increase by factor 2 ……………………………………….

(E) If the mass is increases by a factor of 16, by what factor does the
period change?
…………………… The period increase by factor 4……………………………………….

(F) If the mass is increased, what happens to the frequency of the system.
………………The fercuency decreased…………………………………………….

D. Problems
1- A total of 5 s passes as a child completes one complete swing on a
playground swing.
a. What is the period of the swing?
The period T=5 S

b. What is the frequency ?

The frequency F= 1/5=0.2 Hz

2- The frequency of a certain pendulum is 0.5 Hz. Calculate the period of

this pendulum.

T=1/0.5 =2 S

3- A 0.34 kg air-track cart is attached to a spring with a spring constant of

10 N/m and set into motion. What is the period of its oscillation?

T =2π√0.34/10
= 1.16 s

4- A 0.42 kg mass attached to a spring undergoes simple harmonic motion

with a frequency of 1.2 Hz. What is the spring constant of the spring?

=1/1.2 =0.83 S

K= 4π2m/T2
=4π2x0.42/0.83 2
=24.07 N/m

5- You have a spring with a spring constant of 19 N/m. What mass should
you attach to this spring so that its motion has a period of 0.82 s?
m= T2xK /4 π2
=0.822x19/ 4π2
= kg

6- A spring of spring constant 30 N/m is attached to different masses, and

the system is set in motion.
Find the period and frequency of vibration for masses of the following
a. m= 2.3 kg K=30 N/m

= 2π √(2.3/30)=1.74 S
=0.57 Hz

b. 15 g
m=15/1000=0.015 kg K =30 N/m

== 2π √(0.015/30)
=0.14 S
=7.14 Hz

c. m= 1.9 kg K=30 N/m



F= 1/T

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