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1. Put a solid wood door on your bedroom. This creates a "second barrier" even
if someone were to break into your home while you slept. This would possibly
give you few seconds to wake up, get yourself together, and grab your gun. It's
also a safe place that you could run to if someone was breaking in a door or
entering your house during the day.
2. Keep the cell phone charged. Also, at night, keep the cellphone charged and
in the bedroom with you. A burglar might somehow disable your house phones,
making it impossible for you to call for help.
3. Leave a light on at night in a room. This will give the impression that someone
is still up and awake.
4. Draw the curtains. Don't let people see straight into your house.
5. Keep bushes around your house low. Or remove them. These are
intruder/burglar hidey-holes and can be very attractive to someone wanting to
hide. If your house is more open, the neighbors can help keep an eye on things
for you. Don't forget to ask them to!
6. Keep the area outside your house well-lit. Well-lit areas deter would-be
intruders who have no shadows to hide themselves in.
7. Keep doors and windows locked and shut at night.
1. Even during the day, be aware of which rooms have open windows.
2. If you can invest in windows that lock while open a small way, that
is a great option.
3. For sliding windows and doors, place a strong piece of dowel in the
sliding slot to prevent the window sliding back any further.
4. Always keep the front and back entrance doors locked. Keep keys
close by, but not in sight range from outside.

Krav Maga Instructor
Our Expert Agrees: One way to protect yourself in your home is to keep your doors
and windows locked. Also, go to every room in your house and think about what you
would do if someone broke in while you were in that room. Look at your options for
fighting back—what objects would work as a found weapon, or how would you access
your firearm if you have one?

8. Invest in a burglar alarm. They scare away burglars as soon as they enter the
house, or better still, there are some that will go off if anybody touches a window,
door etc.

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