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Steps to follow to JAR for offline application :-

1 :- Go to "C:\Program Files\Java" and check which java version has been installed on
machin. It should be 1.8 or above.

2 :- Copy folder DesktopApp folder to "D:/" drive.

3 :- Open command promt as an administrator and run below command

cd C:/Program Files/Java//jdk1.8.0_73/jre/lib/security

3:- After that run below command

keytool -import -keystore cacerts -file D:/DesktopApp/ooo.cer

4:- User default password "Changeit" Now this will print details about certificate and ask
you for confirmation of adding certificates like below. Type "y" and enter.

Trust this certificate? [no]: y

Certificate was added to keystore

5:- On the chrome://settings page scroll down to ‘Advanced’.

6:- Under ‘Privacy and Security’ click ‘Manage Certificates’.

7:- On the popup that is launched, select the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ tab and
then click ‘Import’

8:- A certificate import wizard is launched. Select the file placed


9:- The installed certificate will be displayed under the ‘Trusted Root Certification
Authorities’ tab.

10:- Go to crome and hit below url

Double lick to run bdtm.bat to start application

11:- Go to crome and hit below url


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