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Lesson Learned From Marketing Class

Name : Renno Prawira

NIM : 29019022

Definition Of Marketing

Marketing is one of the primary responsibilities of an organization or business to fulfill the requirements
and expectations of clients through certain ideas and strategies

Marketing Philosophies
Kohli and Jaworski founded three principles of marketing concept, customer-orientation
philosophy, achieving goals, and integrated marketing organization. Based on their view,
marketing concept is the ruling philosophy of the organization, its thinking and reasoning
strategy, and a guidance for the flow of organization resources and the organization’s strategic
plans. Market orientation is a tool to utilize marketing concept (Kohli & Jaworski, 1990) and
marketing concept is the “philosophy of business management”. Various approaches were
proposed which divided into four era.
Category of Marketing Philosophies
First Era : Production Era
It was begun form industrial revolution to 1920’s. Production era consists of:
1. Production Philosophy
It indicated that the business concerned only with manufacturing, construction and effectiveness
because only individuals manufactured products that other individuals wished. As a consequence,
efficiency and profitability would be created.

2. Social Marketing Philosophy

In this philosophy, companies concentrate not only on satisfaction and profitability of clients, but
also on social welfare, thus producing products that are harmless to society.

3. Total Quality Management Philosophy

Total Quality Management (TQM) is regarded as effective management model execution
capable of creating competitive advantage. As its foundations, TQM prioritizes customers,
process improvement and complete involvement

4. Customer Relations Management Philosophy

In CRM, marketers create long-term client relationships to achieve customer loyalty, revenues,
trustworthy relationships, and formal processes are reduced.
5. Customer Orientation Philosophy
Customers are very important in marketing. This philosophy points on attracting and retaining
profitable customers in order to get biggest market share and long-term profit.

6. Excellent Marketing Philosophy

This philosophy is trying to elaborate the relation of marketing philosophy and marketing skills.

7. Market Orientation Philosophy

Market orientation can be used to perform marketing concept and incorporate in order to
improve business operations.

8. Purposeful Customer-Torment Philosophy (postmodern marketing)

In postmodern marketing, successful marketing can be reach through TEASE model, tricksters,
entertainment, amplification, secrecy, exclusivity (Brown, 1993).

Marketing Goes to Sustainability

Marketing goes to sustainability because sustainability become an attractive method for

business to view its responsibilities through the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), a perspective based
on three important dimensions: environmental quality, social equity, and economic prosperity.
Marketing can play the role of spreading Triple Bottom Line. First, the environmental
dimension focuses on firm activities that do not erode natural resources through corporate
environmental management. Then, the social dimension encourages firms to consider their
impact on society and addresses issues akin to community relations, education support, and
charitable contributions. Finally, the economic dimension centers on the value creation and
enhanced financial performance of a firm’s activities. With competitive performance, firms can
improve quality of life by employment and by different products that fill customer demand.

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