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9/18/2019 Adept - Wikipedia

An adept is an indiv idual identified as hav ing attained a specific lev el of knowledge, skill, or aptitude in doctrines relev ant to a particular author or organization.

He stands out from others with his great abilities. All human qualities are dev eloped in him, including intelligence and spirituality . Any one can become an adept through spiritual dev elopment and self-improv ement. [1 ]

H. P. Blavatsky
Alice Bailey
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Temple of Set
Illuminates of Thanateros
Ceremonial magic and theurgic practices
See also

The word "adept" is deriv ed from Latin adeptus 'one who has attained' (the secret of transmuting metals). [2 ]


H. P. Blavatsky
Madame Blav atsky makes liberal use of the term adept in her works[3 ] to refer to their minor function as caretaker of ancient occult knowledge. She also mentions their great compassionate help for humanity and such lesser powers of the
adept as being able to take activ e control of elemental spirits as well as the phy sical and astral (conditions of non-adepts. [4 ]

Alice Bailey
In Alice Bailey 's body of writing she outlines a hierarchy of spiritual ev olution and an initiatory path along which an indiv idual may choose to adv ance. In her works an Adept is defined as a being who has taken fiv e of the sev en initiations. [5 ]

Various occult organizations hav e steps in which an initiate may ascend in their own magical sy stem. Some call these steps degrees or grades.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

In the initiatory sy stem of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an adept is one who has taken the oath of the 5=6 grade and has been granted the title Adeptus Minor. [6 ] Sy mbolically this degree represents a spiritual aspirant who, hav ing
mastered the union of the four elements under an upright and balanced spirit, [7 ] is allowed passage from the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti into the tomb of Christian Rosenkreutz in the center of the Rosicrucian Mountain of Initiation,
Abiegnus, at the center of the univ erse. [8 ] The grade of Adeptus Minor and subsequent grades, Adeptus Major, and Adeptus Exemptus form the Second Order of the Golden Dawn, also called the Rosæ Rubeæ et Aureæ Crucis (The Ruby Rose
and Golden Cross). These grades correspond to the kabbalistic sephirah of Tiphereth, Geburah, and Chesed respectiv ely . [9 ]

The oath of the Adeptus Minor includes a prov ision to "unite my self with my higher and Div ine Genius", [1 0 ] a process which is more commonly referred to (by way of Aleister Crowley ) as Knowledge and Conv ersation of the Holy Guardian
Angel. To undertake this process the Adeptus Minor must reconfirm the work of earlier grades (Zelator through Philosophus) with their newfound knowledge before passing to the Adeptus Major degree, as a full-fledged adept. [9 ]

A∴ A∴
Aleister Crowley , who formed the A∴A∴, restructured the Golden Dawn sy stem. This sy stem still holds to three forms of adept. [9 ]

Probationer—The Order of the Golden Dawn--
Dominus Liminis—The order of the RC (Rose Cross)--
Adeptus Minor
Adeptus Major
Adeptus Exemptus
Babe of the Abyss—The Order of the S. S. (Silver Star)--
Magister Templi

Temple of Set
The Temple of Set calls their steps degrees, and places adept second. Its sy stem is as follows:

Setian ( First Degree )

Adept ( Second Degree )
Priest / Priestess ( Third Degree )
Magister / Magistra Templi ( Fourth Degree )
Magus / Maga ( Fifth Degree )
Ipsissimus / Ipsissima ( Sixth Degree )

Illuminates of Thanateros
Also distinguished as degrees, the Illuminates of Thanateros, is a newer sty le of magic called chaos magic, which places adept closer to the top of their sy stem.

4° Neophyte
3° Initiate
2° Adept
1° Magus

Ceremonial magic and theurgic practices

Those who practice esoteric arts such as theurgy , and Kabbalah are familiar with the word "adept". In the traditions of esoteric Christianity and ritual magic, an adept is one who is skilled or profound, but not a master in these arts. [1 1 ][1 2 ]

See also
Apprentice Adept, a series of fantasy/science fiction novels by Piers Anthony
Mystery cult
Western esotericism 1/2
9/18/2019 Adept - Wikipedia

4. Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled. Vol II, pp. 588-590. 8. Regardie. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic Vol 7, p56.
1. Leadbeater, Charles Webster (31 December 2012). Masters and the path.
Rough Draft Printing. p. 8. ISBN 978-1603865104. 5. Bailey. Initiation Human and Solar. p. 215. 9. Eshelman. The Mystical & Magical System of the A∴A∴. p. 21.

2. "Adept - Define Adept at" ( 6. Regardie. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic Vol 7, p52. 10. Regardie. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic Vol 7, p42.
e/adept?s=t). Retrieved 21 September 2014. 7. Regardie. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic Vol 7, p25. The symbol 11. Secrets of the Magick al Grimoires by Aaron Leitch
3. Leadbeater. The Inner Life. p. 12. representing spirit over the four elements in the Golden Dawn tradition is the 12. The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
upright pentagram.

Bailey, Alice A.: Initiation Human and Solar. New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1997. ISBN 0-85330-110-7
Blavatsky, H. P.: Isis Unveiled. Theosophical University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-911500-03-0
Eshelman, James A.: The Mystical & Magical System of the A∴A∴. Los Angeles: College of Thelema, 2000. ISBN 0-9704496-0-7
Leadbeater, Charles W.: The Inner Life. The Theosophical Publishing House, 1978. ISBN 0-8356-0502-7
Regardie, Israel: The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic. Scottsdale, AZ, USA: Falcon Press, 1984. ISBN 0-941404-12-9

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