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MC: Hello everyone, welcome back to your awaited and beloved show of the day.

I am Kamal
as your host today and this is..

Khafi: Khafi the co-host.

MC&Khafi: welcome to the jungle Show!

MC: Today we will invite some precious guest star that is already familiar on your everyday life.
The best duo in Hang Tuah. Esa and Vikri, welcome to the stage.

MC: So this is the duo that is almost like a twin but different in every aspect. So, may you
introduce yourself?

Esa: Hello guys, my name is Esa Adipura.

Vikri: Hi, I am Moch. Vikri. You can call me Vikri.

Khafi: How old are you guys?

Esa: I am twenty one

Vikri: I am also twenty one

MC: May we know what is your secret to be so popular?

Vikri: we introduce healthy lifestyle to the people around us

Esa: and crack some jokes to make it easy to understand.

MC: Ok, actually we have another guest that is an ambassador of healthy lifestyle here. Please
come in Mr. Ambassador!

Khafi: Please take a seat Mr. Ambassador.

MC: so we heard that you also introducing how to life happily by changing your lifestyle to a
healthy one.

Gan: Yes, that’s right.

MC: Oh, Alright almost forgot. May you introduce yourself to our audience first?

Gan: No problem. Hello everyone, My name is Wanda Hogantara. Please support me in Guk
Yuk sidoarjo.

Khafi: alright that’s it guys. Don’t forget to vote for Mr Hogan in Guk Yuk Sidoarjo.

MC: Mr Hogan, can you explain to us how do healthy lifestyle can make us happy?

Gan: for example, When you stop smoking you can save your money to buy something

MC: ah, that’s right. Instead of burning your money you can use it to buy a car right?

Gan: Yes

MC: So, that’s It guys our show for today thank you for your attendance
Khafi: see you again in the next episode of Welcome to the jungle Show!

MC: Have a nice day and good bye!

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