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Daniel 3:8-12

Our world is in desperate need of men who are strong mentally, emotionally, physically and
spiritually. We need men who are willing to stand for what’s right no matter the circumstances.
God wants men, real men who are willing to stand up for him.


1. What is your definition of a real man?

2. What does a real man looks like to you?
3. What does the Bible say about a real man?
v A real man is a man who is willing to stand up for what’s right
v A real man is a Godly man
v A real man takes care of his responsibilities

Man is faced, with this real life situation, but …


1. There will be people who will hate you for being a real man for God v.12

It happens all the time. It happens in our workplace too. But when you stand up for
what’s right and you are a man of God, He will bless you. He will be there for you in your
situation. He will bless you for standing firm for Him and for doing what is right. God is
waiting to bless you if you only stay faithful to Him.
Will you stand up for Jesus in the following situations:


1. Have you ever experience people hate you because you stand to be a real man of
God in the following situations?
v Your friends on the job invite you to go to happy hour after work.
v You are tempted by all the sexual images that bombard you on a daily basis.
v Your boss is offering you a triple overtime if you work on Sunday.

2. How did you overcome the situations? What helps you to overcome it?

2. As men we must be willing to stand for what is right.

Even though folks will hate you, you must still stand up for what’s right. Example: Not
because something is culturally acceptable doesn’t make it right. Everybody around
Daniel and his friends decided to bow down and worship the image the king had
constructed but they stood up for what is right to worship the Living God alone.
Satan doesn’t care if you don’t worship him but he wants you to worship God by default.
Do you worship your cars, women, jobs, financial status, houses, your title and position?
We all get caught up and end up worshiping the titles and things of life instead of
worshiping the one who gives us the ability to have these things.

Daniel 3:17 if it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning
fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thy hand, O king.

1. What do you think are your rights as men?

2. In what ways where you tested, to stand up for what is right?
3. How do you responding to this kind of testing?

3. When you stand up for what is right you may experience consequences.

The King had forgotten about the 3 Hebrew men’s faithfulness to him and forgotten the wise
counsel they had given to him. He even forgotten the commendations he himself gave to the
3 Hebrew men. The furnace was heated seven times more than usual BUT God stand right
there with them. And if he is there standing with you, You also can stand.

In what basis should a real man make decisions?

A real man makes decision based on God’s will for his life. Daniel and his friends could have
bowed down and kept their place of position but they never COMPROMISE in this situation.

These brothers could speak with confidence because they knew that God would be in their
situation. But they said even if He doesn’t bring us through we will still be Faithful to him.


1. Have you ever make decisions in your life that you really stand up for God? Share it
with us?
2. What is the result of your decisions, have you regretted it?

We need men today to stand up for what is right no matter what happens. We need men like
Daniel, Noah, Moses, Abraham
We need men like Isaiah, Jeremiah and David


If men don’t stand up:

v The church will be debilitated
v Children will be destroyed
v The community will be devastated

God is looking for you that will glorify his church, run the race, rectify the wrong, purify the
community, sanctify the family. STAND UP REAL MAN.

God is calling for some real men who are willing to stand up Him. In our passage, these are
some men who need to stand up and make decision. They could follow the crowd or follow the
true living God. It is the time to prove their allegiance.

Challenged the men in your group to have this prayer:

v Lord whatever you will have me to do I will do it
v Lord if you want me to be a better husband or father I’ll do it with your help
v Lord the only way I can be a real man is by having you in my life

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