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A: Hello, my name is Alex

B: Nice to meet you Alex.
B: I’m Rob, Robert Smith.
A: Have you got a nickname?
B: Yes, certainly. The tricky.
A: Where are you from?
B: Oh, my boy. I’m from Trickland.

I We
You am is are You are
He She It They

B. Questions

Asking questions: If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence we use is, are in
yes or no questions.
In yes or no questions the verb and the subject change their place.

is are
Are you a girl? Are we teachers?
Is he a boy? Are you teachers
Is she a girl Are they students?
Is it a dog?
In wh questions wh question word+
WH questions

WHO is you?
WHERE you from?
WHEN are your birthday?


Spot the difference! Look at your picture. You can see a picture of a famous
people. By asking question try to find out the name of the character. Use colour





Memory game: Repeat sentences from the first to the end.

The first runner is nine. The ninth runner is five…


an hour half past a quarter past

What time is it?

3:00 5.30 5:15

5:00 7:30 7:15
7:00 9:30 9:15

5:45 p.m.
7:45 a.m.
a quarter to 9:45

Fill the form!

Full name:………………………………………...

First name: ……………………………………….

Surname: …………………………………………

Age: ………..

Job: …………………………………………

I’ m as fit as fiddle but I’m alone. I have no fiends to talk with.

However there are some animals in the island. Look! This is a tortoise in my
palms. It’ s one of my friends.

1. Group the animals!

Snake, snail, shark, gorillas, giraffe, spider, swallow, owl, elephant, lion,
donkey, lephard, cat, hen, turkey, goose, dog, bear, parrot, turtle

mammals birds reptiles insect

How many…..?

How many wild animals are there in the pictures?

How many domestic animals are there here?
How many mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects can you see?





Az egyes számban lévő főnevek elé névelőt teszünk.

ha a főnév határozatlan a, an, ha határozott the
a girl mássalhangzóval kezdődik
an apple – magánhangzóval kezdődik
A többsszámú főnevek után s beűt teszünk. Nem keverendő össze a birtokos ‘s
Példa: dog-dogs, chicken- chicken,
az y ra végződő főneveknél az y változatlan marad, ha magánhangzó előzi meg.
Példa donkey- donkeys
y ból i lesz, ha az y mássalghangzó után következik.
Példa: fly- flies
az s- ből es lesz, ha a főnév -sh, -ss, -ch végű.

Bus-bushes, boss-bosses, church-churches

nincs többesszáma: fish, deer,

rendhagyó még: foot-feet, tooth-teeth, man-men, woman-women, child-children

Write sentences by using the following tables! 1.b

the bookcase
on, in, between, amongst between the pages
is next to, past, near, field
in front of, in the middle the water
of, in front of
are behind, under, over the………….flower

A gyűjtőnevek többesszámban állnak. Parrots are colorful.

A megszámlálhatatlan főnevek egyes számot vonzanak, kivétel ha meg van adva a
mennyiségük. Water is cold. Two cups of cold tea please.
Play lottery

I bet in a lottery office. Here are nine numbers in the card.

Please make do digits of numbers from 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…
ex.: 23 is.............….....….

Look at the picture. Ask questions from the girl!

Find pairs!
France outskirt
Madrid and Rome is /are capital(s)
Poland country (ies)
Mucsaröcsöge small village
Érd and Diósd

Write sentences!
1. ………………………………………………………in…………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………..
4. ……………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………

north west east sousth

northern western eastern southern

WRITING TASK: writing a friendly letter by using the following question,


Who are living in the island? What is the weather like?
What are they look like? Are they friends. Are they all happy?

Use: It is raining/ the sky is cloudy/there are/ aggressive, rude, hungry, shy…
inhabitants, deserted island, unlucky, sad…...
English 3.
Food map


I like

I rather like

I don’t really lake

I can’t state

I don’t like
I hate

Write sentences using the names of food!

This is a…………… These are ……………….
…………….yellow. …………………

That is a…………….. Those are………………..

…………………..purple. ……………………
adjectives Is this/is that Are these/are those

Irregular plural No plural Special cases

man-men fish-fish a piece of jeans
woman-women deer-deer bunch of banana
shelfs-shelves Flock of herd….
child-children A dozen of eggs
Foot- feet Half a dozen of
Tooth- teeth A bottle of/ a cup of
A kilo of/ a bar of

Dilogue: A: How much are they?

A: Good morning! B: Yes. That’s 5 pence at all.
B: Good morning A: Here you are…
B: What can I do for you? B: Bye
A: Can I have a lemon? A: Bye
B: Here you are.
B: Anything else
A: Yes, a dozen of eggs, please.

Writing tasks: Informal letter

If you write a letter to your friend this is called informal letter.
It starts with your friend’ s address and the date you write this letter.
Then come’s your friend’s name, and you have to write a coma.
The letter starts with expression like? Nice to hear you again, I’m writing to,
Then comes of the body of the letter.
At the end of the letter you say goodbye to your friend.
I’m looking forward to / Yours, with love ,write me about...

Lemon street 25.

15th October, 2010

Dear Peter,

It’s nice to hear you again. What about you?

Imagine we spent our holiday in a hotel in Spain. We booked a room near the
seaside. We went to the beach every day where we swam a lot. At 12.30 we had
our dinner in a restaurant, close to the beach. Here the cook preferred the healthy
food and drink. So you have to start with a vegetable mix, then one of the waiter
showed your table. The menu was simple. Soups made of different types of
poultry or some fish prepared in different ways. Then came the main dishes,
roast chicken with cabbage, potato, tomato soup with potato and so on. At the end
you may have apple pie, roast apple, or some fruits.
This menu was horrible but cheap therefore we don’t mind if we had to wait
hours for the waiters, but before the end of the season we heard that this restaurant
went into bankrupt.
Please drop me some line about your holiday.

A vocabulary you need:listen – figyelj

say your name

write your name
open your book
close your book

VOCABULARY: a bank, a supermarket, a post office, a book shop

a caffé, a restaurant, a bus stop, a bus station
a car park, a train station, a ticket office, a square,
a roundabout, a circle, a cinema, church-churches

Find your way:

Preposition of places you can find at page of…

on holiday
Look for ten things from your dictionary that start with the word sun!
Write sentences where you can find this word.
Ex.: sunglasses

red sunglasses
The red sunglasses
The red sunglasses on the bench
The red sunglasses on the bench is
The red sunglasses on the bench is mine.





How many …. are threre

There are many ships in the sea. ...............…....…......….......….........…......…..

Wordink: you’ll see a word. Then you have to build another one with the last
letter of the word before.
ex.: water-row-wall (write 15)


continent-courtry-capital- city-outskirts- village

Europe is a continent with a population of

Country is a territory of

Capital is a metropolis where

City is smaller than capital. There

Village consists of a small group of house and a church and a pub.

official seat of the government

Find pairs. Country

territory of a nation


an area with a small population


with singular noun: a There is a girl in the zoo.

There isn’t a bus in thr bus station.
Is there ticket an office near here?

With plural nouns: some There are some parks.

There aren’t any parks here
Are there any park in the city?

Write 5 sentences about these things!

mountains, a river, houses, fields, a mill

Put in some or any.

1 We didn't buy….. flowers.
2 Tonight I'm going out with……. friends of mine.
3 a: Have you seen……………... good movies recently?
b: N o, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
4 i didn't have…………... money, so I had to borrow
5 Can I have .............. milk in my coffee, please?
6 We wanted to buy………….. grapes, but they didn't have…... in the shop.
7 He did everything himself-without ……
8 You can use this card to withdraw ……. money at cash machine.
9 I'd like information about places of interest in the town.
10 With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on…... train you like.
11 Those apples look nice. Shall we buy .... ?

Harry Brenda

son daughter
Sylvia---------Peter Mary---------George

Anne John David Andrew Pat Michael

Who is who?

Mary is George’s _________ and David’s ____________.

Andrew is John’s _________ and Brenda’s ___________ .
Sylvia is Anne’s __________ and Peter’s _____________.
Harry is Michael’s ________ and Sylvia’s ____________.
Pat is Mary’s _____________and Peter’s _____________.

Pat is can be shorten Pat’s except for in formal language.

Pat’s not the same with Mary’s (possessive)

Possessive 2.

What’s your name? My name is Sam.

My mother is a woman. Her name is Sheila.
My cousin’s are Pam and Jane. Their names are very interesting.
My father is a teacher. His name is Tom.
I my we our
you your you your
He, she, it His, her, its they their

This is a pen. This is the girl’s pen.

This is the girls’ pen.
These are the girl’s pens
These are the girls’ pens.

Possessive with of. We use it just with objects.

The book of the boy.

The car of the boys.
Present Simple

Vocabulary: in a big house a cat at school

with my parents on the second floor a sister

at 52 Gyulavezér utca some pats Biology

History two brothers

Pair the expressions in exercise one and two.

……………. ……………...
live ……………. have ……………...
……………. ……………...
……………. ………………

study …………………..

Write composition by answering the question!

What’s your name? Where are you from? How old are you?
Where do you live? Where and what do you study? Do you have any sisters or
What do you like? I/ like, don’t like, hate, can’t stand…..

Tell your story about your hobbies.

Vocabulary: stamps tissue postcards

magzine candy

Possession with have

A: Good morning!
B: Good morning!
B: What can I do for you?
A: Do you have any Italian newspapers?
B: No, but there is a post office near here.
A: Oh, would you be so kind to tell me how I can get there?
B: Certainly.
B: Go along the street, then turn right and the first
B: shop is the post office.
A: Thanks a lot. Bye
B: Bye

Present Simple

do the houseworkmake the beds do the washing up

wash your clothes water the plants lay the table

clear the table sweep the floor wash the floors

peeling potatoes prepare food take the rubbish outskirt

iron the clothes cook wash the car

air the room dust the room

Collect the verbs in 3rd person singular.

Ask yes or no or wh questions with the verbs in the following way.

Cook Does she cook a delicious soup for dinner?

What does she cook for dinner?


In 3rd person singular we put -s after the verb.

ex.: read-reads We read a book. She reads a book.
Write-writes I write my homework. She reads a book.
Watch-watches I watch television. She watches television.
Fly-flies I fly. The fly flies.
Stay-stays They stay in a hotel. She stays in a hotel.
Go-goes We go home. She goes home.
Do-does You go home. She goes home.
Have-has We have a baby. She has a baby.
Qestion: (szoktam igeidő)

I go to school by bus. Do you go to school by bus?

I do my homework. Do you do your homework?

I have a pat? Do you have a pat?

What do you have?

She goes to school by bus. Does she go to school by bus?

She does her homework. Does she do her homework?
She has a car. Does she have a car.
Where does she go?

Adverbs of frequency:

never rarely sometimes usually always

A timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Math English PE Literature PE
History Literature English Music Relaxing
English Math Grammar Drawing Literature
PE Literature
Music Piano lessons Piano lessons
How often does he have piano lessons?
How often does she have PE a week?
When does he have music?
What day does she have History?

Write sentences like these below.

Prepositions of time: at on

9 o’clock Wednesday(s)
night 12th May


the afternoon from three to five o’clock
the evening between three to five
the morning

Write a sentence all prepositions.

Find pairs!
Open hate expensive small hot start left
cheap love cold finish close big right
Fill the gaps with time adverbs!

People……………………. have tea with breakfast.

People ……………………wear shoes in the house.
People.…………..………..have a big lunch.
People.……………………sleep in the afternoon
People……………...……..kiss their relatives when they meat.
People……………………..have dinner at.

Find pairs! Meet go to read do stay watch

listen to a book friends in a book

tv the cinema music homework the house

Write question about your friend’s daily routine?

Wh questions?

Who a person
What a place
When a time
Where a thing
Why a number
How many a reason
Past Simple

Adjectives: find pair:

old poor slow happy safe busy ugly

sad beautiful quiet dangerous unhappy rich fast

Find nouns to the adjectives!

Poor people sad…………………..

Old buildings beautiful……………..
Slow quiet………………..l.
Happy dangerous…………….
Safe …. unhappy……………...
busy rich…………………..
ugly fast…………………..

Describe the following words.

ex.: poor people- people who don’t have a lot of money.

Old buldings

In the 1900’s people lived in different places .There were a lot of fields around
the houses where there were many domestic animals.
Houses were smaller but there were a lot of furniture in the it.
Air was less polluted, roads were more quiet. Cars were slower and no accident

Past tense we use second form of be. (past form)

is/are- was/were

Speaking. Ask questions!

When were you born?

I was born in 1992.
And where were you born?
I was born in Hungary.
And when was your mother born?

The first African President

He was born in Hawaii. Ha was the President of the USA between 2009-
2017. He was the 44. President. He wasn’t always rich. When he was a
child his family was very poor. They were farmers.

Where was he born?

Was his family rich?
Who were his parent?
Who was he?
When was he President.?

About you….

When were you born?

Were you a friendly child?
Were you happy at school?
What was your favorite subject.?
Were good at Math?

Ask and answer to these questions!

I was in Germany two weeks ago.

Erika’s mother was a famous actress.
We weren’t at home this morning.
I wasn’t at home this morning.
My friend were at the same school.
You weren’t here two weeks ago.
My grandmother was from Hungary.

Past tense

1. Let’s see the part of an old house.

Old houses were

They were

Streets were
In the living room there was

Who are they?

1. He was a famous detective in a tv serial. There were many parts of the

serials in which the detective investigated the case and found the murderer
in the end. He always turned back and said oh, just one more question.

Underline words in past tense!

Choose 10 words. Write sentences with this words!

ex.:Clean the windows

I cleaned the windows because
I cleaned the windows in the morning because…



Put the following time adverbs in order.

Last night, Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last month, this day,
last weekend, last year

Form sentences with and or but or both.

ex.: Mary was an English teacher but he never taught.

Robert studied hard an he passed the exam.

At the train station

A: Can I have a ticket to London?

B:Yes, please. A single or a return?
A:A single please.
A: And which platform does th10.15 train train start?
B: Platform 4
A: How much are the ticket, please?
B: That’s 2 Euros at all.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank. Bye
A: Bye
Collect the name of colours!
How can we say mixed colours?
ex.: bluish, bluish green.
reddish, brownish

What colour is it?

What size is it?
How much is it?

Ex.: What size is the man jacket?

Is there a medium size of red skirt?
Where is the briefcase from?
Can I have a jumper in blue?
Which is cheaper the men’s or the women’s jacket?


(impolite) (polite)

I want to be a pilot. I would like to eat. Can I have a piece of cake?

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