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Anatoli profile:

Character: I am very friendly and I talk a lot, but I also know how to keep quiet and how to really listen
to someone. I love my family and my friends and I am loyal to a fault. I hate arrogance and egomaniacs
and I try to keep away from people like that. I have a pretty healthy sense of humor and I find it an
attractive quality for a man to have. I'm pretty easy going but I need to warn you that I'm a woman who
needs to be stimulated mentally. Intellect is also something that I find very attractive. Basically I like
natural born communicators and listeners, people with open minds and men who have confidence in

Interests and hobbies: I am someone who is interested in all sorts of things. My profession may tell you
about the energetic part of my life, which is full of zumba, swimming and playing beach sports, but I can
also be very mellow, loving a quiet afternoon indoors, reading novels, trying new recipes, listening to
music or watching a movie. When I'm with my friends I usually love to try new restaurants and I adore
going to open air concerts. I have a passion for travel, sailing and my favorite season to do all is during
the summer.

Favorite movies: Romance and comedy mostly

Template: How are you doing? I am very happy you found my profile and stayed enough to get to know
me better.

I will try my best to introduce myself, however, it is quite hard to do so in a matter of a few words. I am
an athletic trainer from Greece, who loves life and sports which and it becomes obvious by my choice of
profession. As a starting point it would be good to say that I very much enjoy dancing, listening to music,
trying new recipes.

As for my desired man, I am looking for someone who is respectful and understands me. This is a must.
We need to share similar interests and be mutually supportive. I want someone who loves me and is
kind to me. As an affectionate person, I am looking for someone who is the same. I dislike arguments, I
am into solving problems with love. Make love, not war!

Another important thing is that age is just a number for me! I appreciate maturity and stability! It would
be great to get to know you and see where things go.

If you are interested, I would love to hear from you. Enjoy this beautiful day, dear!

Warm regards,

Katerina's profile

Character: I am an energetic young woman who loves living every moment of each day to its full
potential. I am honest, enthusiastic and faithful. I believe that honesty and faithfulness are some of the
best traits an ideal partner could have. I am also a great friend and good company.

Interests and hobbies: I love the sea and everything about it. In my free time I love to play beach sports I
love to swim. I also like travelling and discovering new cultures and nations. I love also to read, which
works as a kind of travelling on its own, without the physical effort.


Interests and hobbies: Since I live in Thessaloniki, I enjoy spending time close to the sea. I am fond of
travelling, listening to music, reading, watch a movie or two, swimming.

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