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This is a monthly newsletter of Coach Tata & Edna of FCA Cebu. Thanks for partnering with us in
reaching out to coaches and athletes in Cebu & the Philippines. God blesses!
After sharing his testimony on our radio program,
Dondon Ampalayo testified how good God is in
the HCI FCABL championship day. A lot of them
were so amazed how God’s word can build the
coaches’ & athletes’ character. Moreover, we
shared that Jesus is not only a character builder
Volume 4 Issue 11 November 2017 but an eternal life giver w/c many of them believed. HCI FCABL CHAMPIONSHIP DAY
Fellowship of Thank God coz He has given us a system in which
Christian Athletes we can multiply the ministry He has entrusted us.
Just like Jesus who recruited first His 12 disciples,
we are now reaching out to coaches first. We train
Mission: To see the world impacted and equip them in the sport (ex. Basketball), then
for Jesus Christ through the group them to have a coaches’ (huddle) bible
study using R12 Coaching philosophy so that we IN- OUT Coaches Huddle with Coach Calib
influence of coaches and athletes. will be in one mind that winning is not the
scoreboard but the show of our faith.
CEBU CHAPTER We pray and make sure that relationships will be
built among coaches. Then we go out thru a
basketball clinic sharing God’s word to all athletes
PRINCESA CEBU CITY 0322612853 in chapel time and break into huddles (small
or + 639255887548 groups-church teams) with the other coaches
facilitating the teaching of God’s word shared by the Coaches Huddle after bb training head coach or chaplain during the chapel times.
We do this weekly until we will have a league later.
Seeing success in doing it in Cansojong, Talisay. now
we are duplicating it in our INSIDE OUT and Word of
Life (WOL) outreaches. We then challenge coaches
to pray for each of their team members daily, bond
with them as well in and out of the court, teach
God’s word excellently in huddle times & make it a Chapel time then bb clinic w/ athletes
goal that one day they will go to church and be a
committed believer.
Praise God for FCA Cebu is growing! On your right you can see pictures of coaches’
huddle (R12), then coaches’ bb training, chapel time
during outreach, bb clinic with coaches teaching,
then break into team huddles lead by the trained
coaches. Then the outreach ends with prayer as the
bonding continues even after practice. ONE! Team Huddles lead by coaches
While we are trying to establish a ministry in a
certain area, we are also praying for other places
where there is opportunity to do evangelism.
Thanks for Praying with Us: Likewise we ask the Lord of Harvest to send us
more workers in the harvest field.
• More Staff to really engage
So this month we went back to MCOF to train their Coach Calib leading in MCOF ministry
• Talisay and WOL Coaches’ coaches with our FCA Coach Calib Gawangon
Huddles to be established leading our ongoing outreach there.
• Inside Out, Cansojong (FCABL) Another opportunity of ministry is partnering with
& Pooc, WOL Outreach- New Creation Koinonea of FCA Chaplain Junjun
Salvation & discipleship Senining while Miko Masiglat as our head
• 150 Campers to join FCA coach/chaplain. We are now recruiting coaches and
try to duplicate the same process so we can start a Coach Miko leading NCK Outreach
National Camp- January 2018
league anytime God willing!
• Wisdom and provision Lastly I was invited by Ptr Jun Tumungha to speak in
Adonai Church Outreach earlier this month. Praise
Should you need prayers or if the Lord is God about 40 athletes received Jesus as Lord & per-
leading you to partner with us please sonal Savior on the opening day as you see the pics
feel free contact us. Thanks. ONE! on your right. Alleluia. ONE! Athletes raised hands to receive Christ

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