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History of newspaper in the Philippines

Journalism started in the Philippines during the late 1800’s. The emergence of several publications was
intended to inform and awaken the people about the abuses and atrocities committed by the Spaniards
and eventually by the Americans. It encourages the people to become aware of the social and political
circumstances at that time.

1637 - Successos Felices (Fortunate Events) is the first Philippine newsletter was launched by Tomas
Pinpin who is known as "The Father of Filipino Printing".

1799 - Hojas Volantes or "flying sheets" | Aviso Al Publico (Notices to the Public)

August 8, 1811 - Del Superior Govierno was the first actual newspaper. It was launched by Gov.
Fernandez del Forgueras.

December 1, 1846 - La Esperaza, the first daily newspaper edited by Felipe Lacorte and Evaristo

1847 - La Estrella

1848 - Diario de Manila

1852 - Boletin Oficial de Filipinas

1862 - El Catolico Filipino was considered the first Philippine Religious newspaper and was publish by
Mariano Sevilla.

1865 - El Porvenir Filipino

1884 - El Eco de Vigan was the first provincial newspaper which was issued in Ilocos.

April 1, 1887 - La Opinion - According to historians was the first paper to defy the friars and campaigned
for the ouster of the religious.

February 15, 1889 - La Solidaridad was published in Madrid Spain. It was financed by Dr. Pablo Riazares
and edited by Graciano Lopez-Jaena.

January 18, 1896 - Ang Kalayaan was the official revolutionary newspaper of the Kataastaasang Kagalang-
galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan. It illustrates the cruelties committed by the civil guards and
Spanish friars against Filipino. The call for the Filipino people to revolt against the Spain was evident in
the articles contained in the newspaper.

June 20, 1898 -La Libertad was published and edited by Clemente Jose Zulueta. He was an enterprising
writer, disappointed bibliophile, and later official researcher in the archives of Paris, Madrid, and Mexico,

September 3, 1898 - La Independencia was founded by Gen. Antonio Luna and his brother Joaquin. It
was considered the most significant newspaper of the revolution.
September 15, 1898 - The Newspaper La Republica Filipina was published in Mandaluyong, Rizal. It was
edited by Pedro Paterno. In 1901, Maj. Gen. Douglas MacArthur included in his annual report to the
Secretary of War that both La Republica and La Independencia are “official organ of insurgent

September 29, 1898 - Periodical El Heraldo de la Revolicion Filipina was published in Malolos Bulacan for
the first time. It was the official publication of the revolutionary government founded by Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo on July 14, 1898.

December 18, 1898 -La Revolution was focused on explaining that “our claims are as great as our
strength” and it aimed “to defend the rights that the Filipino have won.” It was published in Jaro, Iloilo.

March 24, 1899 - Columnas Volantes was published in Lipa, Batngas. It contained articles about general
politics and military movements. It was published by young professionals, who belonged to the Club
Democratico Independiente.

November 18, 1899 - Both newspapers, Filipinas Ante Europa and El Defensor de Filipinas, were
published in BarcelonaSpain. It was edited by Isabelo de los Reyes.

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