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Renata and her mom

 Renata
 Mother
 Monica
 Psychologist Martinez

characters involved in this act:
Renata and Mother Scenario: House of Renata, a table and armchair, Renata and her mother
enter his room, and begin to talk.
Renata: Mom today is the birthday of my best friend, could you give me permission to leave.
Mother: Is well daughter, but I will pass to pick you up at 10 pm, give me the address of the
house of your friend.
Renata: Mom, I already have 17 years! I want to go out with my friends, why can't I go back
after midnight? All my friends can!
Mother: You're not as old as you think, and I don't care if your friends return late to their
homes. You are my daughter and while living at home you will do what I tell you.
Renata: It's not fair! You just want me to do what you want, and I'm a good daughter ...
Mother: Let's see, good daughter ... you have good grades in Mathematics, but you don't
wash the dishes when I ask you, you don't go to bed early ... You should do things when I ask
you, not when you want them.
(Renata sits furiously and starts reading a magazine)
Renata: As you say ... I'm not perfect.
Mother: I'm leaving, I'm late for work. (While he goes to his work of night shift) Order the
room and your bedroom, do not open the door to strangers, and you will not go to that party,
you are punished ... (He leaves).
Renata: I'm not going to do any of that! I wish I had another mother!
she ignores his mother and plans to escape to go to the party with his friend.

Characters involved in this act: Renata and Flor

Scenario: Renata is at home, dials her friend's number on her mobile phone
Renata: Hi, my friend, you know my mother didn't give me permission to leave, but I'm
planning to escape and I don't care if I'm punished.
Monica: I think it's very good, friend, you're too old to be paying attention to your mother, so
I'll wait for you at my house at 9:00 pm. to get ready See you.
Renata: Okay I'll be at your house at that time, see you later.

Characters involved in this act: Renata and her friend
Scenario: Living room of the friend's house
(It's 9.00 pm Renata arrives at her friend's house, so they get ready to go to the party.)
Monica: Friend you arrived, now we will get dressed because you can't go that way.
Renata: but that's how I look good,
Monica: Are you serious? Look how you are. Look at your clothes, you look like a nun.
Renata: so what should I wear?
Monica: Look at this, what do you think? (shows you a top)
Renata: It's very pretty, but I'm not sure how to use it
Monica: you're going to use it, plus you're going to wear makeup
Renata: I've never put on makeup before
Monica: that's what I'm for
Renata: well.
Leaving Monica's house, they went to the disco, entered and Monica introduced them to some
friends of his and drank liquor. Renata leaving the disco decided to go with her new friend to
her house and continued drinking.
Characters involved in this act: Renata and her mother
Scenario: Renata's house
The next day the mother arrives from work at 6:00 am at her home and does not find her
daughter. furious, he calls his daughter's cell phone and does not answer.
After 1 hour Renata arrives at her drunk house.
Mom: Are these the hours to arrive?
Renata: mom please! I need sleep I will not argue with you. So leave me alone.
Mom: this is not going to stay like that Renata.

Characters involved in this act: Mother and the Psychologist
The mother very desperate without knowing what to do with her daughter, takes her laptop
and starts looking for a psychologist who could help her about her daughter's situation, finds
a page that provides services of that type. Take your cell phone and dial the number right
Mom: good morning
Psychologist: good morning
Mom: I would like to talk with the psychologist Martinez
Psychologist: very well, it's me, tell me how can I help you?

Mom: I am having problems with my daughter, she has become very rebellious, she ignores
me at all, I stop going to study ...
Psychologist: I understand. What we can do is stay one day to talk personally about this
Mom: could it be today? Or as soon as possible. I'm desperate…
Psychologist: I'm very sorry but today I have scheduled appointments, let me check…. Yes,
tomorrow afternoon we could talk in person about this situation. What do you think?
Mom: Alright, what time can you be available and where should I go?
Psychologist: look, at 2:00 pm it comes to the address Áncash street N ° 512.
Mom: Thank you very much, I'll be there at that time. See you tomorrow
The next day at 2 pm the mother worried about her daughter arrives at the agreed address
and meets the psychologist and greets him.
Mom: good morning miss, I am the lady who called you yesterday on the subject of my
Psychologist: good morning. Please take a seat.
Mom: thanks
Psychologist: tell me what is happening?
Mama: I'm really very worried about how my daughter has changed in such a short time ...
The psychologist listens to her very carefully and takes notes on the problem she tells him.
Finishing everything, the psychologist asks to meet her daughter.
Meeting Renata
Psychologist: how are you ...
Renata: very good, thanks, excellent.
Psychologist: I think you are a nice person
Renata: thanks, my mom doesn't think that ...
Psychologist: you can trust me,
Renata: I don't know ... I feel like my mom is judging me all the time, she won't let me out ...
The psychologist and the daughter talk for a long time. Renata and her mother attend therapy
once a week for 3 months.
Characters involved in this act: Mother, Renata, psychologist.
The mother organizes a dinner for her daughter and also invites her to the psychologist for
helping them.
Mom: thank you very much doctor for helping us. Now we are better than ever.
The mother takes the hand of the psychologist very grateful and then that of her daughter.
Psychologist: thank you very much for having invited me to this dinner
Renata: Thank you for being my mom, you are the best mother in the world. Even if we fight,
I wouldn't want to have another mom ever.

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