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1. Hour ruler in same triplicity as Ascendant or Ascendant ruler.
2. Hour ruler has same nature as Ascendant or Ascendant ruler.
3. Hour ruler rules Ascendant's triplicity.
4. Hour ruler = Ascendant ruler.
5. Hour ruler in strong aspect to Ascendant ruler or to the Moon.

If the chart is not radical, then Bonatus says that the question may not
be sincere or that the querent is trying to trick, fool or test you. It
may be best to dismiss the question under the circumstances.

STRICTURE AGAINST JUDGMENT - Less than 3 degrees appear on the

Ascendant. Therefore, it is too early to read this chart. Things need
more time to develop. Ask the question at a later time. NOTE: if the
degree on the Ascendant is the same as that of a planet or cusp in the
natal chart (10 minute orb), then there is something of more or less
personal significance to the querent that offsets this rule. NOTE: The
horary chart can be read if it describes the querent and fits his

STRICTURE AGAINST JUDGMENT - More than 27 degrees appear on the

Ascendant. Therefore, it is too late to do anything in this matter.
Things are so far developed that the querent cannot change them or the
question has become irrelevant. NOTE: if the degree on the Ascendant is
the same as that of a planet or cusp in the natal chart (10 minute orb),
then there is something of more or less personal significance to the
querent that offsets this rule. NOTE: The horary chart can be read if
it describes the querent and fits his question.

STRICTURE AGAINST JUDGMENT - According to William Lilly, a chart with

the Moon in the Via Combusta, except conjunct Spica (23 Libra 42) is not
safe to judge. Events can take a sudden, unpredictable turn which can
contradict the reading and not be advantageous to the querent.
COURSE, the querent will either give up his objective or stop worrying
about something. The Moon is doing nothing, so NOTHING will happen but
talk. There is NOTHING to worry about. The question may be unnecessary
or of no real concern to the querent. It may be because vital facts
pertaining to the problem are unknown to him. Something unforeseen in
the very near future will happen which will render the whole matter of
the question null and void. According to Lilly, "All manner of matters
go hardly on, unless the principal significators are very strong, when
the Moon is void of course. Yet the Moon performs somewhat when void of
course in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces". It is not safe to
judge a chart when the Moon is void of course in Gemini, Scorpio or
Capricorn. If the Moon makes a positive aspect (parallel, conjunction,
sextile or trine to the Part of Fortune, then there is benefit or
success indicated in the change of circumstances that will come. There
will be no undue expense or loss. If the Moon makes a negative aspect
(square, quincunx or opposition) to the Part of Fortune, then there is
some expense or loss involved within the change of circumstances. In the
overall picture, there is nothing to worry about. A completely void of
course Moon indicates a project or anything begun will be abandoned or
reversed so that NOTHING is to come of it and the querent gives up his
objectives and eventually stops worrying about it.

WARNING - The Ascendant or any significator in the Via Combusta is a

warning concerning judgment. Any significator who is in the VIA COMBUSTA
represents a person who does not control his own affairs and is insecure
and on unsound ground. He is ineffectual in his affairs. If the
significator is conjunct Spica (23 Libra 42), then he is safe from the
effects of the Via Combusta and is actually strengthened. Any non-
significator in the Via Combusta shows a person of the house it is in as
one who encounters much misfortune on life and if that planet aspects
the Ascendant or its ruler, then it brings some concern to the querent.

WARNING - Saturn in the 1st house obstructs the matter and damages the
question, and if RETROGRADE, he destroys it (the matter seldom works
out). Saturn in the 1st house can delay any action as well. Be careful
not to upset the querent.

WARNING - Any significator who is COMBUST represents a person who does

not control his own affairs and is insecure and on unsound ground. The
force of that planet (person) has been burned up, greatly reduced,
and/or overwhelmed by the Sun (another person). The person may be at low
ebb in health, finances or ability to succeed. If Ascendant ruler is
combust, then the chart may not work, and the querent's actions are
beyond the astrologer's influence OR the querent may not have disclosed
all that is necessary for the astrologer to answer the question OR the
astrologer may be misinformed. The querent may be in great fear and/or
very worried.
CAUTION - A chart that has Saturn in or ruling the 7th house - Be
warned that if the matter does not concern a 7th house issue, then the
astrologer may make a mistake in calculations, interpretation, etc.
This is a warning. There will be something to correct or revise in the
mathematics, or placing of planets, or in the reading. Be guided by the
bad aspects in the chart rather than the good ones. The astrologer's
advice may not be well received OR there is poor astrological judgment
OR the matter will go from one misfortune to another. The astrologer's
judgment is clouded.

CAUTION - When 7th house ruler is unfortunately placed or in its fall or

in the terms of Saturn or Mars, then the querent will not obtain a good
answer. This is for questions not pertaining to a 7th house matter.

CAUTION - When the 7th house cusp is afflicted OR its ruler impedited,
then the astrologer's judgment will not please anyone. This is for
questions not pertaining to a 7th house matter.


1) Something out of place.
2) Something lost will return or be recovered.
3) An absent person may return, possibly suddenly.
4) A return to a former condition.
5) Someone will change their mind and not follow through with the
6) Conditions and situations that are unwholesome or unhealthy.
7) Something in poor condition.

A RETROGRADE significator shows a person who will not reveal his nature
entirely. He has much that he keeps to himself. "There is more than
meets the eye" as regards whatever it is that the planet stands for. The
retrograde condition also discloses that at the time the question was
asked, the person was very likely ill. If it is a place or a thing that
is asked about rather than a person or animal, then that place or thing
is in poor condition, rundown and requiring care and attention, and the
more so if the significator is in the sign of its DETRIMENT. A
retrograde malefic frequently describes an unfortunate person of that
house who has been rejected, sent away or denied acceptance into the
circle and who cannot take part in the matter now under consideration.

MERCURY RETROGRADE in the chart means that there will be a change in the
plan or matter will be postponed and there will be a change of mind in
some important part, price or name for you to take into consideration.
days, then there may be a decision to drop the matter. Mercury's
aspect, good or bad, to the Ascendant tells you whether or not he will
work for or against the querent by his retrograde motion.
A PEREGRINE planet represents someone who is roving, aimless or
pointless in the matter inquired about. He is a wanderer, off-base,
without any say in the matter and not dependable. According to Lilly,
"a peregrine planet is malicious beyond expression".

An INTERCEPTED planet indicates interference and something or someone
hemmed in.


A planet in the sign of its DETRIMENT shows a person disadvantaged in
the matter inquired about because there is some opposition due to
weakness or incapacity to act.

A planet in the sign of its FALL represents someone who is capable of

doing something calling for an apology. It is "a fall from grace", even
if trivial. The application of the Moon to a planet in his fall
signifies anguish, trouble, and delays in the thing demanded.

A significator who is in its DETRIMENT or FALL, and especially if

afflicted, indicates one who is in dispair about the matter and is in
some danger, indifferently situated, insolvent, and unable to extricate
himself unless saved by being in MUTUAL RECEPTION somewhere in the

A planet in the sign of its EXALTATION represents someone sure to rise

to a higher position in the department in which he appears in the chart,
through push or pull.


NODES point
to a catastrophe, casualty, fatality or tragedy. The event is more far-
reaching when a malefic is involved. If the planet is applying, the
affliction is about due. If it is separating, then the trouble has
already occurred. Something unexpected and outside the querent's
control or knowledge may affect the outcome. That planet will exert a
"fateful" influence upon the situation revealed within the chart. If
the planet is Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, the fateful turn
of events may be traumatic or calamitous. If the planet is Venus,
Jupiter, the Sun, Moon or Part of Fortune, the fateful turn may be very
rewarding, especially if the aspect to the nodal axis is a trine or

A significator or the Moon in a CRITICAL DEGREE will bring matters to a

critical point or a trauma. This shows a crisis concerning the person
or thing represented by that significator.
A significator conjunct a FIXED STAR modifies the interpretation of that
significator. For instance, (as of 1990) a significator conjunct the
fixed star ALGOL (26 Taurus 02) may cause the person to lose his head,
in more ways than one. A significator conjunct SERPENTIS (19 Scorpio)
denotes one who may be a pest and a terror to society or a curse to
relatives and friends unless overruled by benefics. A significator
conjunct the PLEIADES (29 Taurus 51) denotes something to weep about in
the matter. A significator conjunct VINDEMIATRIX (9 Libra 49) suggests
possibilities of widowhood.


Any significator who is UNDER THE SUN'S BEAMS represents a person who is
like that person who is represented by combustion, only not as
unfortunate. This denotes timidity or fear or stage-fright that prevents
that person from appearing to advantage.


No matter how many houses apart the planets are, if a significator is
between any two malefics, then that significator is besieged and is thus
restrained in action. The further apart the malefics are, then the less
the restraint will register. The matter is very serious and the
significator is under DURESS if all three planets are in the same sign.

When a significator is in mutual reception with another planet, you may
treat it as having exchange status with that planet. In other words,
you may consider it as though it were back in its own sign where its
present degree places it (keep the same degree). This gives the person
represented great leeway in the matter or a way out of whatever
situation he finds himself in. Showing the planet where it would thus
fall in the chart after exchange reveals the department where the person
signified would better himself if he chose to go there. If the
significator is RETROGRADE, then he may not really want to make any
change at the time. Mutual reception means that the significator gains
an advantage thereby through an outside person and can get out of what
he got into IF HE WISHES. He may obtain his release, escape a penalty,
complete a deal, regain his former standing, and "get back to normal".

When BOTH significators are in MUTUAL RECEPTION, then it gives exchange

status by mutual consent as though each says, "My house is yours." The
matter is brought to a conclusion acceptable to both due to mutual
deference. If their aspect is a sextile or trine, then the conclusion is
reached easily and quickly. If it is a square, then an obstacle is
surmounted by mutual agreement. If it is an opposition, then there will
be amicable division of holdings or a separation by mutual consent.
The planet the Moon LAST PASSED OVER BY CONJUNCTION tells the nature of
the preceding activity in the question and what led up to asking it. If
a benefic or well aspected to one, then it was desireable, and the
better the planet was conditioned by sign and aspects, the better the
development at the time. But, if the Moon last passed over a malefic or
a planet in bad aspect to one, then the situation was troublesome and
costly. The planet the Moon last passed over shows the event, its nature
and approximate date. The matter involved was something ruled by the
house the planet is in. If that planet is RETROGRADE, then the person
was averse to taking the action, or found it distressing and will want
to forget it. The nature of the event reflected that of the planet
itself, emphasized and explained by its closest aspect in the chart.


A CARDINAL sign on the Ascendant shows action and an early start.
Cardinal signs on all four angles shows an immediate forward movement.

A FIXED sign on the Ascendant shows something that has already taken
root and is established. The matter is already under way at the time of
asking. Fixed signs on all four angles shows sure development. There is
no stopping the matter.

A COMMON sign on the Ascendant shows a following up or following after

in the matter due to present contingencies. A common sign person
generally defers to someone else, is more willing to give up, and does
what is expedient under the circumstances. Common signs on all four
angles shows a very unstable situation and a matter that will change

Mixed signs on the Angles show a matter that begins according to the
quality of the sign on the Ascendant and continues according to the
quality of the sign on the Midheaven. A mixed-cross chart has
intercepted signs, signifying interference that is accounted for by the
house where the rulers are.


The querent's INTEREST in the matter lies in the house holding the
querent's significator or his co-ruler Moon. The Moon may reflect what
the querent was thinking about at the time of the question, or she may
relate to the subject in general. Check to see what house the Moon
occupies and what house she rules. How do they relate to the question?
Since the SAME SIGNS ARE ON THE 12th AND 1st HOUSES, this denotes that
the querent has brought his troubles on himself, he is his own worst
enemy. If the querent's significator is in mutual reception with
another planet, then he can still get out of whatever trouble he got
The ruler of the person ALONE IN A SIGN reveals that he is alone at the
time. With another planet, he is with somebody else. With several
planets, he is in the company of others. The ruler sextile another
planet, then he is offered a good opportunity. Trine, then he is having
an easier time. Square, then he is in trouble. Opposition, then he is
aware of the situation and is facing it. If the ruler is besieged, then
he is hemmed in and needs help. If the ruler is in 29 degrees, then he
is at the end of his rope or patience or discouraged.

A querent's or quesited's SIGNIFICATOR WHO IS WEAK BY SIGN OR
BY MALEFICS is unfortunate and insecure in the matter at hand and is
unprepared to handle it now.

A RETROGRADE malefic in the 12th house and ruling the 12th house shows
that the person is the keeper of a dread secret.

The Moon in a COMMON sign and in a CADENT house will not land where she
planned, either at her intended destination or in finishing the matter.
Something unexpected occurs. If the Moon rules the person, then he is
not where he said he would be, nor at the place he had in mind.

If the Moon aspects a malefic planet on the 6th house cusp, then the
person may be upset or sickened because of receiving the very
information he requested. Any planet afflicting the 6th house can
represent infirmity.

Neptune CONJUNCT the Ascendant might indicate that the querent was not
totally informed about something or is being deceived.

The querent's significator in the house of the quesited indicates that

he has gone over to the other side and will easily yield to that other
person's lead, especially if the querent's significator is in a COMMON

If another person's significator is in the 1st house, then that person

has come to the querent and will follow the querent's lead, due to his
own insecurity.

If both querent and quesited are ruled by the same planet, then take the
Moon for the querent's significator. The quesited is thus at a
disadvantage and insecure. If the Moon is VOID OF COURSE, then the
querent will not press his advantage and nothing will come of the

A significator in 0 DEGREES OF A SIGN shows that the person has lately

entered upon a new course of action. If the significator leaves a sign
in which it had better standing, then it is a turn for the worse. If
the significator leaves a sign in which it had worse standing, then it
is a turn for the better. Another meaning: matters which are just
beginning and for which it is too early to do anything about. According
to Lilly, the Moon in 0 degrees operates much in the same way as if void
of course; ineffectual and/or of little use.
A significator in 29 DEGREES OF A SIGN shows that the person is about to
make a definite change. If the significator leaves a sign in which it
had better standing, then it is a turn for the worse. If the
significator leaves a sign in which it had worse standing, then it is a
turn for the better. The 29th degree shows some misfortune connected
with the matter. The person or matter asked about is changing, at the
end of his rope or patience, or desperate.

Any PLANET CONJUNCT A HOUSE CUSP is entering a new department and

leaving an old one, if that planet is direct. If the planet is
RETROGRADE, then the person is holding back and averse to entering the
house - he would prefer to remain outside. If in a FIXED sign, however,
then he is bound to enter and will certainly do so later on when he
turns in direction. As it is, he is on the brink of something and
unwilling concerning it. If the planet represents a lost or missing
object, then it is near a threshold, a door, a gate or window, or near a
boundary line of sort sort. Planets conjunct the cusp of the next-
following house are on the threshold of a new department and
environment. Planets just inside a house have just recently become
involved with the affairs of that house.


shows that a reconciliation is possible or a contract can be re-written,
etc. The apparent backward condition of the planet allows the person
represented to go back and try again.

WHEN IS A GOOD PLANET BAD? - Normally, if the Moon's final aspect is a

trine to Jupiter, this would be considered very beneficial. Under what
circumstances would it likely be considered unfavorable? Answer - the
Moon's final aspect being a trine to Jupiter would be considered
unfavorable if Jupiter were accidently malefic by being ruler of the
12th house, peregrine, and/or void of course.


the matter has already taken root and will develop and grow; there is no
stopping it. In a COMMON sign, it is a possibility, but not necessarily
a probability because common signs can be swayed; some alteration is
sure. In CARDINAL signs, expect quick action, rapid development and a
speedy conclusion with some change according to the house the ruler is

Planets in ANGULAR houses act openly and frankly so that the

significator here would hide very little in the matter inquired about.
Any planet angular achieves publicity. There is more privacy about
SUCCEDENT houses because they are 'possessive' houses and the
significator holds on and keeps things to himself. The CADENT houses
operate with more secrecy or stealth from behind the scenes, under cover
or through a 3rd person; some facts are not divulged. If the planet
ruling the sign on a CADENT cusp is in an ANGULAR house, it is out in
the open and a secret of that cadent house is sure to come out in the
open also.
ANY PLANET IN THE 1st QUADRANT tells you that something is coming up
related to whatever is governed by the house it is in. A malefic rising
first in the 1st quadrant holds the matter back and confirms a negative
answer if you have to give one. If he is there, but following another
planet, he helps to give a negative answer or deny complete perfecting
of the case.

TRANSLATION OF LIGHT - When two significators are separating from
aspect (ideally a conjunction, sextile or trine) so that they are out of
contact, only a 3rd planet faster than they and earlier in degree can
reunite them, by applying to each of them in turn. It is then a 3rd
person entering voluntarily to translate the light or restore contact
between the two and perfect the matter for them. Translation is most
effective when the Sun or Moon is involved. NOTE: in translation, the
translator planet must be the fastest planet. If not, then look to see
if the scenario is prohibition. Also, in translation, the two planets
have already separated. In translation, the significator from which the
faster planet separates should receive the translating planet in one of
its essential dignities (the faster planet must start out in a segment
of the zodiac governed by the 1st significator so that it can carry the
light of the 1st significator with it to the 2nd one). The translating
planet may not make an aspect with any other planet before it aspects
the 2nd significator.

COLLECTION OF LIGHT - When the two significators have not been in aspect
and are therefore like strangers, but each applies to the same 3rd
planet that is slower than either of them and whose degree is later than
theirs, that 3rd planet is a 3rd person to whom they both can turn,
someone willing to "collect their light" and represent them both.
Collection is most effective when the Sun or Moon is involved. NOTE: the
collector must be the slowest planet, else the scenario could end up
being frustration. The two fastest moving planets must never meet by
themselves. If they will, then it can't be collection, but it may then
be frustration. Both faster planets should receive the slowest planet in
one of his essential dignities.

REFRANATION - One planet applies to another, but the applying planet

goes retrograde before completing the aspect. Another example is when
planets are applying by mutual application, but the retrograde planet
goes direct before completing the aspect. Another example is when one
planet applies to another, but the planet receiving the aspect changes
signs before the aspect is completed.

FRUSTRATION - A faster planet applies to a slower planet, but before

the aspect can take place, the slower planet aspects a third planet,
thus frustrating the applying aspect. Think of the proverb, "The 2 dogs
quarrel and the 3rd dog gets the bone".
PROHIBITION - Two planets apply to an aspect, but before the aspect is
completed, another planet intercedes. NOTE: in prohibition, the two
planets apply to an aspect. The house the interceding planet rules might
show from whom the prohibition comes, i.e. a brother if the interceding
planet rules the 3rd house.

EMPLACEMENT - The presence of a planet in a house which can give an

affirmative answer such as the ruler of the Ascendant in the 10th house
in a question concerning a job might be favorable if no other
contradictions are present.

IMPEDITED - When one or more significators are so evilly conditioned by

house, sign, retrogradation, lack of mutual reception, and/or aspect
(besieged between malefics or badly aspected by them without good aspect
from the benefics), so that they cannot do anything in their own behalf,
then they are said to be IMPEDITED, so much so that the matter cannot be
brought to perfection, due to impediment.


CONJUNCTION - The conjunction is always good, bringing two
significators together to conclude the matter. In a cardinal sign and
angular house without any intervening aspect from a 3rd planet to
interrupt, or to a 3rd planet to delay, there is immediate action toward
an early solution. The conjunction in succedent houses causes delays due
to long deliberations. In cadent houses it will take still more time,
with many changes in plan and much coming-and-going in the matter. With
intervening planets or aspects keeping the conjunction from being
reached without interruption, there is more time lost and usually
unnecessarily. But so long as the conjunction is promised in the chart,
there will surely be an eventual meeting of minds despite all obstacles.

SEXTILE and TRINE - The sextile gives an easy opportunity if grasped,

and this is more likely to be recognized by the querent if coming from
angular or succedent houses. Cadent houses often involve
procrastination, especially in questions where time is important in
grasping an opportunity. The trine hardly requires the effort of
grasping because the opportunity arrives full-blown under its own power,
and is usually accepted by the querent. When angular, well-placed by
sign, direct in motion, and not afflicted by malefics, the trine and
sextile bring the matter to a speedy conclusion under pleasant
circumstances that everybody finds profitable and satisfactory. If
similarly distinguished, but coming from a succedent or cadent house, it
is later in perfecting.
SQUARE - The square is a trouble making aspect which does not deny
success, but does make the cost almost prohibitive and involves many
difficulties, obstacles, or setbacks, much suspicion and anger, greater
expense or loss, and possibility of more or less force or undue
pressure. If the significators are angular and strong by sign, direct in
motion, not afflicted by malefics, fortified by good aspect to the Sun
(for success) or to Venus or Jupiter (for recompense for any loss), a
satisfactory and profitable conclusion can be achieved. If retrograde,
it is a calculated risk and something will be withheld. In succedent or
cadent houses quarreling prevents a continuance of former pleasant
relationship at the end and the estrangement is lasting if FIXED signs
are involved. If the Moon's aspects end with a square to a retrograde
malefic, there will be trouble before all is said and done, and any
request will give great offense.

OPPOSITION - The opposition is a separative aspect, therefore not

calculated to bring opposing forces together to handle a matter. But, if
the two significators are in mutual reception, they can work together
under a handicap, and if angular, so much the better. If the Moon,
Jupiter or Venus trines one and sextiles the other, the matter will be
perfected. If the Moon's final aspect is an opposition, it will cause
enmity and jealousy, separation or severed ties, such as divorce,
dissolution of partnership, departure from home, withdrawal of
membership, etc., and the weaker planet suffers the most. Gossip
follows if a malefic squares both from a cadent house.


represented by
where the significator of the quesited is. Where you find the co-
significator of the quesited, you have confirmation regarding its


then the
querent still has the possession; it is not lost for good.

If the significator of the missing possession is in 3 degrees or less of

its sign or in 27 degrees or more of its sign, then the missing
possession is near a threshold or a doorway.

If a significator planet is CONJUNCT A HOUSE CUSP and represents a lost

or missing object, then it is near a threshold, a door, a gate or
window, or near a boundary line of sort sort.

Any missing article will be in the home or, if not a domestic article,
where it should be, if the Moon, 2-ruler, and/or Venus is in an angular
house. If 2-ruler is itself angular, the missing thing will be found
more easily; if succedent, it should or must be looked for and will not
be so easily found; if cadent, it is out of sight and only indirectly
PLANETS represent the thing asked about and describe it.
SIGNS describe the place it is in.
The ELEMENT of the sign tells you where to look for it.

AIR - denote the highlands, highest part of the house or HIGH in a room.

FIRE - near a fireplace, heater, stove, chimney or outdoors, anywhere

there has been a fire and near something made of iron. MIDWAY UP in a
room. EAST.

WATER - near a faucet, sink, washbowl or tub, near plumbing lines. LOW
in a room. NORTH.

EARTH - at or below GROUND LEVEL. close to the floor or on the first

floor of a building, on stone or gravel or cement in the open. SOUTH.

ANGULAR HOUSES - in the home or in the part where the person generally
works with such things or suspects it may be found. Can be easily

SUCCEDENT HOUSES - it is not in the house, but not far away. Perhaps in
the garden or yard or in buildings close by and not out of range.

CADENT HOUSES - it is farther off and may be lost, hidden or secluded.

Perhaps sent away. In the 3rd - a nearer neighborhood. In the 9th - a
distant neighborhood. In the 6th or 12th - in a neighborhood different
in type from querent's.

The planet representing the querent or the person or thing inquired
about is the significator. Where you find that planet by HOUSE and SIGN,
there will you find the person or thing you are seeking.
12th ESE 3rd NNE 6th WNW 9th SSW
1st EAST 4th NORTH 7th WEST 10th SOUTH
2nd ENE 5th NNW 8th WSW 11th SSE


Aries EAST Leo E by N Sagittarius E by S
Capricorn SOUTH Taurus S by E Virgo S by W
Libra WEST Aquarius W by N Gemini W by S
Cancer NORTH Scorpio N by E Pisces N by W
To determine approximate distance afar of a person or animal, take the
planet ruling the house of the person, or 6-ruler for a small animal, or
12-ruler for a large animal, and find its latitude, North, South, or 0
(without latitude) degrees of latitude (the Sun is always 0). Combine
LATITUDE of significator with TYPE of house significator is in.
PLANET 0-Latitude North Latitude South Latitude
------ ---------- -------------- --------------
Angular nearby 1 mile 2 miles
Succedent 1/2 mile 2 miles 3 miles
Cadent 1 mile 3 miles indefinite

Multiply distance above by the difference in degrees between the planet

and the Moon, whether in aspect or not.

To find distance when Cancer is on the cusp of the person or animal

asked about, take the degree on the cusp in Cancer for the one asked
about and follow the preceding rules. Her latitude and house position
denote her equivalent basic distance (see table preceding), to be
multiplied by the difference between the Moon's degree and that on the
cusp in Cancer, to ascertain the real distance.

The distance between the querent and his lost possession that is shown
to be away from home is the difference in degrees between 1-ruler and 2-
ruler multiplied by 2 if the Moon is in a CARDINAL sign or multiplied by
0.5 if the Moon is in a COMMON sign or multiplied by 0.25 if the Moon is
in a FIXED sign. This gives the distance in miles.

Cancer appears on both the 1st and 2nd house cusps, so to find the
distance between the querent and his lost possession that is shown to be
away from home, take the difference in degrees between the Moon and 2-
ruler multiplied by 2 if the Moon is in a CARDINAL sign or multiplied by
0.5 if the Moon is in a COMMON sign or multiplied by 0.25 if the Moon is
in a FIXED sign. This gives the distance in miles.


The degrees required to complete an applying aspect will give you a
starting point toward finding the time needed to bring a matter to
completion. The Moon, in most cases, is the most dependable

Timing may also be judged by the house and sign the applying
significator is in OR by the Moon's aspect to the significator OR by the
actual distance beteewn the ruler of the matter inquired about and the
ruler of its end-of-the-matter 4th house.
Combine QUALITY of sign significator is in with TYPE of house it is in.


--------------- ------------- ---------------
Cardinal Angular Days
Cardinal Succedent Weeks
Cardinal Cadent Months
Common Angular Weeks
Common Succedent Months
Common Cadent Years
Fixed Angular Months
Fixed Succedent Years
Fixed Cadent ????

Planets in cardinal signs operate PROMPTLY, common signs PRETTY SOON,

and fixed signs AFTER AWHILE. Angular houses act AS SOON AS POSSIBLE,
cadent houses act IN A MINUTE, and succedent houses act WHEN THEY GET
AROUND TO IT or WHEN THEY CAN. The fixed sign, cadent house combination
often operates only WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE.

TIMING OF PAST EVENT - Take the difference in degrees between the Moon
and the planet the Moon last passed over, ignoring the signs. This is
the time. The Moon, by house and sign position, tells you the time unit
to use. Use chart above.


Mars - force
Venus - cooperation
Saturn - organization
Mercury - coordination
Uranus - reorganization
Sun - promotion and publicity
Jupiter - circulation and travel
Neptune - renunciation, a scheme
Pluto - complication and a group

SUN - Rules whatever is genuine and rare, one of its kind, the work of a
great master, large and showy structures, mansions and palatial
edifices, great halls, theaters and pleasure resorts, gambling and
sports clubs, showboats, towers and minarets, impressive villas and
castles set on cliffs. The Sun rules whatever is constructed
magnificently and gives pride of ownership and pleasure, and is easy to
see from afar. Property ruled by the Sun is large, showy and more or
less costly. The Sun increases the value of whatever is represented by
the house he rules or is in. The Sun also increases the assets of the
department he is in and they are traceable to the preceding house whose
substance it is. The Sun gives pride where found.
MOON - Rules nursey equipment, laundry and bathroom furnishings,
household linens, water vehicles, articles of sentimental value, places
of residence such as the home, a hotel, motel, apartment house,
houseboat, trailer, stop-over sites, parking-places, lodges, restrooms,
nests, the womb, the grave, aquariums, all docking places, seaports,
beaches, docks, wharfs, piers, boat-houses, and all kinds of boats and

MERCURY - Rules places of business, transportation, learning,

communication, service and go-between activities, such as agents or
messengers. Mercury rules whatever carries a ticket, receipt, document,
certificate or message, wriiten or oral. He rules places where people
come together for active participation, usually public, as in assemblies
or for games (non-violent), mirrors, delicate instruments, artists'
supplies, machinery operated by hand, sewing machines, roller skates,
sleds, costume jewelry, needles and pins, wind instruments, brief cases,
luggage, things having compartments or shelving, gossip, rumors, much
coming and going, offices, pulpits, newspaper and other publishing
houses, communication centers, information booths, train stations,
airports, all points of departure and return, convention halls,
grandstands for public exhibitions and post offices.

VENUS - Rules useful articles that are also beautiful, all stringed
musical instruments, places catering to ease and entertainment, social
centers, ballrooms, restaurants, outdoor cafes, public gardens, beauty
salons, bedrooms, dressing rooms, shops where fine commodities are sold
over the counter, and barber shops. Venus beautifies exteriors and
purifies interiors, protects finishes, polishes surfaces, increases the
value of, develops charm, ambience, refinement, and elegance of whatever
is enquired about.

MARS - Rules engineering tools, laboratory apparatus, explosives,

boots, drums, khaki cloth, dental drills, places of action, forges,
prize-fighting and other arenas, slaughter houses, operating rooms,
kilns, machine shops, burned ground, and devastated areas such as
battlefields. Mars in the 1st house suggests that the querent has
suffered an injury or that there is or has been violence in the matter
or that perhaps the querent has a scar. Force or a collision may have
been involved. Mars in the house ruling the matter inquired about
suggests trouble and that it is near a place where action occurs. If
Mars and the Moon are in any aspect at all, there has been or will be an
operation (perhaps only minor).

JUPITER - Rules uniforms, parade regalia, wigs, lottery wheels, batons,

pipe organs, large vehicles, places of dignity and solemnity, places
that command respect, churches, altars, confessionals, courts of law,
military tribunals, banks and large institutions such as universities,
great libraries and cathedrals. Jupiter enlarges and embellishes so that
whatever is being asked about will be impressive, to a greater or lesser
extent. Where Jupiter is there is dignity and honor involved, and some
deeper meaning. Something is worthy of respect because of a superiority
or a high and honorable position.
SATURN - Rules places of labor, usually hard to reach, unpleasant to
find or to smell, pig sties, cow barns, chicken houses, dung hills,
rubbish dumps, dark caverns, dungeons, mortuaries, graves, things that
are heavy or weighed down, places of sadness, melancholy, solitude and
desertion. Saturn rules work clothes, clown costumes, shoes and belts,
plumbing supplies, wheelbarrows, spades and shovels, trucks, ruins,
cellars, prisons, dark recesses, cemeteries, caves, stone quarries,
gravel pits, deserted cities and all places of caged or barren
detention, fences, walls, and barriers.

URANUS - Rules all mixed or streaked colors as in plaids and checks,

automobiles, airplanes, spaceships, hearing devices, helicopters, places
of scientific activity which may be devoted to chemistry, invention,
electricity, or modern improvements. Uranus works with lightning,
explosives, high frequency sounds and rays, high-tech electronics,
television, fissionable material and whatever is capable of spontaneous
or induced disintegration. Uranus breaks down and rearranges the things
it touches. Expect the sudden, the unexpected, the unpredictable where
Uranus rules or resides.

NEPTUNE - Rules glass, porcelain, plastics, replacement limbs, places

of retirement, confinement, seclusion and enforced solitude, such as
peisons, jails, police station, hospitals, asylums, cells and bared
places. There is always some form of restraint and/or mystery. Neptune
likes to fool, defraud, trick, confuse, dissolve, misinform and/or


ARIES - Rules newly opened tracts or plowed ground and pastures, virgin
territory, sandy stretches, burned or hilly ground and unfrequented
areas affording a place of refuge for lawbreakers or nudists. Aries
suggests East. Indoors, Aries rules the fireplace, chimney, furnace,
oven, a room where cutting is done, a kennel, the ceiling or roof, and
the east wall in a room, along a straight line.

TAURUS - Rules lately cultivated meadows and pastures at a far distance

from the house, with lawns, trees and planting near the dwelling.
Indoors, Taurus rules quiet, dim rooms with low ceilings and ground
floor storerooms and dark closets, basements, and tiled floors. Taurus
suggests the southeast wall of the house or room.

GEMINI - Rules hilly and high places, areas reached on foot and west by
south in direction, usually requiring a climb, the loft in a barn, the
mail box, storehouses, posters, billboards, street and direction signs,
weather vanes, signals, traffic lights, and detour signs. Indoors,
Gemini rules the stairway and upstairs rooms, escalators and ladderways,
a study, school room, playroom, telephone booth, reading and corner.
Gemini suggests the upper part of a room or piece of furniture, a trunk,
chest of drawers, filing cabinet or storage receptacle or desk. Gemini
suggests the west wall, following a meandering line.
CANCER - Rules reservoirs, wells, cisterns, fountains, pools, marshes,
ditches, moats, canals, water-ways, run-offs, rivers and their banks,
lakes, ponds, running water, hydrants and plumbing lines. Its direction
is NORTH. Indoors, Cancer represents the kitchen, cellar, laundry, sinks
and pumps, and plumbing lines. Follow an irregular line toward the
north wall of the house or room where the planet lies.

LEO - Rules parks, playgrounds, the front yard and the parking strip
that is decoratively planted to enhance the appearance of the property
or street. Leo rules forests, reservations, jungles, animal preserves,
lairs, dens, deserts, places that are high, rocky, stepp or hard to
reach, forts and natural sites serving as fortresses. Indoors, Leo
rules the main hall, living room, playroom, cardroom, dining room, music
room, den, fireplace and picture windows. Leo represents the east wall
in a room and up where you would have to reach for what is being sought.
Usually there is a lack of orderliness or periods of great disorder
giving a "jungle" effect.

VIRGO - Rules more level, productive, improved ground, not difficult to

reach, gardens, cornfields, grazing and pasture grounds, dairies,
haystacks, barns, storehouses for grain and dairy produce, and fodder.
South by west. Indoors, Virgo suggests the south wall, following a
meandering line, closets, pantries, study rooms, bookcases, desks,
dispensaries, home offices, rooms that are rented out in the house, and
rooms kept locked for precautionary reasons.

LIBRA - Rules hillsides, mountain meadows, clear, pure air, trees,

hunting areas, and detached buildings in clean or barren gravel fields.
Indoors, Libra rules upper, airy rooms, alcoves and garrets, wardrobes
and the top of a piece of furniture holding clothing, or its top drawer.
Libra suggests high in the room and the west wall.

SCORPIO - Rules swamps, bleak stretches, drains, places where vermin

and reptiles breed, rubbish dumps, places of rot or stench, stagnant
pools, tar pits, oil pools, locations subject to flooding, ruins near
water, cesspools. Scorpio suggests north by east. Indoors, Scorpio rules
the toilet, sewer, sink, bathroom and its medicine cabinet. It is the
northeast wall.

SAGITTARIUS - Rules high, clearly visible ground suitable for large

buildings, temples, etc. which are best seen by raising the eyes on
high, estates, and acreages. Indoors, Sagittarius rules upper rooms, the
larger ones in the house and one where a safe is kept or where
ammunition is stored. Sagittarius rules army barracks, stables for
horses and the southeast wall.

CAPRICORN - Rules abandoned places and slum areas, woods and deserts,
barren fields and those lying fallow, mines and wells, neglected farms,
mountain peaks and crags. Indoors, Capricorn represents places for
storage of farm tools and lumber, low roofs, dark ceilings, sparsely
furnished or uncomfortable rooms, belongings that are worn and old, dark
corners near the ground or floor where something may be easily lost or
mislaid. Capricorn suggests the south wall of the room and following a
crooked line.
AQUARIUS - Rules ground that has been changed in character or reclaimed
in some way. The ground may be near transportation facilities or new
buildings where modern methods or scientific research is going on.
Indoors, Aquarius rules modern architecture, built-in devices and
equipment, and barely comfortable furnishings. Go northwest.

PISCES - Rules ground that is lower and suitable for religious orders
such as monasteries, convents, retreats, hermitages and missions
intended to advance religion. Pisces also rules secluded ground that is
low and susceptible to sinkage and flooding, standing water, perhaps a
beach or bayou or swamp where waterfowl frequent and where fish are
found. Plants are more likely to be lush and parasitic. Indoors, Pisces
rules low ceilings, cold or damp floors, rooms in which water or other
fluids are available and where medicine is under lock and key or
otherwise inaccessible, smaller rooms, and adequately or bare minimumly
furnished rooms. Its direction is northwest.


The 1st house rules the life of man, the head and face of man and the
physical body, health, accidents, birth, arrivals, the present and
today, the condition of a vehicle one is in, new ventures, the querent,
plaintiff, fellow travelers, newcomers, arrivals, great-grandchildren,
and grandparents.

The 1st house relates primarily to the querent and describes his
appearance, health, and state of mind at the time he asks a question. It
answers questions for himself about birth, accidents, ventures and
adventures, new enterprises and the beginning of anything personal that
involves himself. Besides the body of the person, the 1st house also
represents the body of any vehicle enroute anywhere and carrying cargo
or passengers. The ruler of the Ascendant tells about the querent or
the vehicle, as the question may be, in a specific way at the time.

ANY PLANET IN THE 1st HOUSE will have a bearing on the matter inquired
about, and its nature will be reflected in the querent or any other
first house person he asks about. Benefics mitigate any difficulty, and
protect or encourage the querent. Malefics upset the health and mind as
well as the business in hand or any vehicle, the more so if afflicted,
retrograde, or badly placed by sign and not changed by mutual reception.

him first place in the matter and power over his own affairs. If the
significator is afflicted or intercepted there, then the person is also
afflicted, interfered with and sometimes refused a voice in the case.
If retrograde, he holds back or warily bides his time. Usually he is
not too well, and may not really want to get out of his predicament even
if a mutual reception would permit him to do so.


denotes that the other person has come to the querent in the matter and
is more likely to accede to whatever the querent desires, particularly
if in good aspect to the querent's significator. If retrograde, he is
not in good health, which may have a bearing in the matter by affecting
his capacity or willingness to take part.
The 2nd house rules the querent's estate, fortune, money, moveable
property, everything the querent owns, securities, gain, investment, the
future and tomorrow, ancestors, the querent's banker, and investors.

The 3rd house rules communication, rumors, short journeys, exams,

letters, trips, visits, messages, deliveries, writing, schooling,
gossip, reports, brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors, gossipers,
visitors, teachers, deliverymen, tradesmen, court reporters and postmen.

The 4th house rules land, houses, your roots, hidden treasure, mislaid
articles, domestic affairs, inheritances, farms, wells, mines, property,
graves, the father, mother-in-law, family, farmer, gardener, jurymen,
grave-diggers, builders, ranchers and miners.

The 5th house rules banquets, bars, taverns, plays, community property,
speculation, betting, pregnancy, children, pregnant women, messengers,
speculators, gamblers, and entertainers.

The 6th house rules sickness (quality and cause), disease (long or
short), distress, voluntary labor, civil service work, animal husbandry,
caretaking, uncles and aunts from father, tenants, farmers, employees,
inferiors, lodgers, pets, small animals, nurses, dentists, healers, and
those in civil service.

The 7th house rules marriage, partnerships, lawsuits, war, quarrels,

divorce, agencies, removals, separation, settlements, contracts,
agreements, open enemies, theft, the other person (unrelated), public
enemies, thief, spouse, partner, astrologer, doctor, agent, fugitive,
the public, opponent, defendant, niece, and nephew.

The 8th house rules the estate of the deceased, wills, legacies, dowry
of the wife, death (quality and nature), alimony, gifts, fees, tips,
taxes, escrows, debts, bankruptcy, losses, injury, surgery, the heir of
the deceased, the Grim Reaper, pall bearers, coroners, undertakers,
surgeons, and tax collectors.

The 9th house rules voyages, foreign countries and interests, visions,
dreams, books, learning, absent persons, legal issues, education, long
journeys, ceremonies, rituals, legalizing, publishing, science, parades,
education, religion, the clergy, religious men, in-laws, strangers,
aliens, travelers, explorers, insurance adjusters, publishers, and
The 10th house rules honor, preferment, dignity, career, profession,
kingdoms, authority, fate, fame, notoriety, business, employment,
credit, reputation, conviction, execution, the mother, kings,
presidents, judges, employers, guardians, rulers, superiors,
professionals, and executives.

The 11th house rules hope, trust, confidence, wishes, memberships,

deaths in the family, unbonded relationships, liberty, legislation,
regulation, friends, advisors, club members, son and daughter-in-laws,
and legislators.
The 12th house rules large animals, sorrow, tribulations, imprisonment,
detention, bribery, subversion, the past and yesterday, murder, suicide,
kidnapping, uncles and aunts from the mother, witches, secret enemies,
those on relief, widows, orphans, jailers, guards, keepers, assassins,
kidnappers, informers, nuns, monks, recluses, clandestine associates.

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