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Quick Reference wiring much easier

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Try RasPiO Portsplus
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Quick Reference wiring much easier

We now have Pi2, A+, B+, Rev 2 and Rev 1 Pi pinouts to deal with.

Pi2 and A+ have identical pinouts to the B+.

GPIO Numbers
Raspberry Pi B Raspberry Pi A/B Raspberry Pi B+
Rev 1 P1 GPIO Header Rev 2 P1 GPIO Header B+ J8 GPIO Header
P i n No. P i n No. P i n No.
3.3V 1 2 5V 3.3V 1 2 5V 3.3V 1 2 5V
GPIO0 3 4 5V G PI O 2 3 4 5V GPIO2 3 4 5V
GPIO1 5 6 GND G PI O 3 5 6 GND GPIO3 5 6 GND
GPIO4 7 8 G PI O1 4 G PI O 4 7 8 G PI O1 4 GPIO4 7 8 G PI O1 4
GND 9 10 G PI O1 5 GND 9 10 G PI O1 5 GND 9 10 G PI O1 5
G PI O1 7 11 12 G PI O1 8 G PI O1 7 11 12 G PI O1 8 G PI O1 7 11 12 G PI O1 8
G PI O2 1 13 14 GND G PI O2 7 13 14 GND G PI O2 7 13 14 GND
G PI O2 2 15 16 G PI O2 3 G PI O2 2 15 16 G PI O2 3 G PI O2 2 15 16 G PI O2 3
3.3V 17 18 G PI O2 4 3.3V 17 18 G PI O2 4 3.3V 17 18 G PI O2 4
G PI O1 0 19 20 GND G PI O1 0 19 20 GND G PI O1 0 19 20 GND
GPIO9 21 22 G PI O2 5 G PI O 9 21 22 G PI O2 5 GPIO9 21 22 G PI O2 5
GPIO11 23 24 G PI O 8 GPIO11 23 24 G PI O 8 GPIO11 23 24 G PI O 8
GND 25 26 G PI O 7 GND 25 26 G PI O 7 GND 25 26 G PI O 7
DNC 27 28 DNC
GPIO5 29 30 GND
Key GPIO6 31 32 G PI O1 2
Power + UART G PI O1 3 33 34 GND
GND SPI G PI O1 9 35 36 G PI O1 6
I²C GPIO G PI O2 6 37 38 G PI O2 0
GND 39 40 G PI O2 1

You may redistribute this freely as long as it remains intact. http://RasPi.TV/rpi-gpio

Try RasPiO Portsplus
it makes GPIO
Quick Reference wiring much easier

Alternative Functions
Raspberry Pi B Raspberry Pi A/B Raspberry Pi B+
Rev 1 P1 GPIO Header Rev 2 P1 GPIO Header B+ J8 GPIO Header
P i n No. P i n No. P i n No.
3.3V 1 2 5V 3.3V 1 2 5V 3.3V 1 2 5V
SDA0 3 4 5V SDA1 3 4 5V SDA1 3 4 5V
SCL0 5 6 GND SCL1 5 6 GND SCL1 5 6 GND
GND 9 10 RXD GND 9 10 RXD GND 9 10 RXD
G P I O 1 7 11 12 PWM G P I O 1 7 11 12 PWM CE1_1 11 12 PWM0/CE0_1
GPIO21 13 14 GND GPIO27 13 14 GND GPIO27 13 14 GND
GPIO22 15 16 GPIO23 GPIO22 15 16 GPIO23 GPIO22 15 16 GPIO23
3.3V 1 7 18 GPIO24 3.3V 1 7 18 GPIO24 3.3V 17 18 GPIO24
MOSI 19 20 GND MOSI 19 20 GND MOSI_0 19 20 GND
MISO 21 22 GPIO25 MISO 21 22 GPIO25 MISO_0 21 22 GPIO25
S C L K 23 24 CE0 S C L K 23 24 CE0 SCLK_0 23 24 CE0_0
G N D 25 26 CE1 G N D 25 26 CE1 GND 25 26 CE1_0
DNC 27 28 DNC
GPCLK1 29 30 GND
Key GPCLK2 31 32 PWM0/GPIO12
Power + U A R T PWM1/GPIO13 3 3 34 GND
GND SPI PWM1/MISO_1 3 5 36 CE2_1
GPIO G N D 39 40 SCLK_1

 RPi.GPIO Tutorials

RPi.GPIO Basics series

1. How to check what RPi.GPIO version you have

2. How to check what Raspberry Pi board Revision you have
3. How to Exit GPIO programs cleanly, avoid warnings and protect your Pi
4. Setting up RPi.GPIO, numbering systems and inputs
5. Setting up and using outputs with RPi.GPIO
6. Using inputs and outputs at the same time with RPi.GPIO, and pull-ups/pull-
7. RPi.GPIO cheat sheet

You may redistribute this freely as long as it remains intact. http://RasPi.TV/rpi-gpio

Try RasPiO Portsplus
it makes GPIO
Quick Reference wiring much easier

RPi.GPIO more advanced

Interrupts (needs RPi.GPIO 0.5.2+)

1. Background and simple interrupt: How to use interrupts with Python on the
Raspberry Pi and RPi.GPIO
2. Threaded callback: How to use interrupts with Python on the Raspberry Pi
and RPi.GPIO – part 2
3. Multiple threaded callback: How to use interrupts with Python on the
Raspberry Pi and RPi.GPIO – part 3
4. Edge Detection: Detecting both rising and falling edges with RPi.GPIO

Software PWM

1. PWM explained: RPi.GPIO 0.5.2a now has software PWM – How to use it
2. PWM practical: How to use soft PWM in RPi.GPIO 0.5.2a pt 2 – led dimming
and motor speed control


You may redistribute this freely as long as it remains intact. http://RasPi.TV/rpi-gpio

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