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Name of Days, and Months in a Year

(Nama-nama hari dan Bulan dalam Setahun)

There are 7 (seven) days in a week: Ada 7 hari dalam seminggu.

There are 12 (twelve) months in a year: Ada 12 bulan dalam satu tahun.
There are 30-31 days in a month: Ada 30-31 hari dalam sebulan
February is a month with the least days, only 28-29 days: Februari merupakan bulan dengan
jumlah hari paling sedikit yaitu 28-29 hari saja.

Name of Days in a week: Months in a Year:

1. Monday : Senin 1. January: Januari 7. July: Juli

2. Tuesday : Selasa 2. Febuary: Febuari 8.August: Agustus

3. Wednesday: Rabu 3. March: Maret 9. September: September

4. Thursday: Kamis 4. April: April 10. October: Oktober

5. Friday: Jum’at 5. May: Mei 11. November: November

6. Saturday: Sabtu 6. June: Juni 12. December: Desember

7. Sunday: Minggu

1. How many days in a week? (ada berapa hari dalam satu minggu?)
a. four c. six
b. five d. seven
2. How many months in a year? (ada berapa bulan dalam setahun?)
a. eleven c. six
b. twelve d. seven

Yesterday= Today= Hari ini Tomorrow= Besok The day after

Kemarin tomorrow= Lusa

1. Today is Friday. What day was yesterday? (Hari ini hari Jum’at. Kemarin hari apa?)
a. Saturday c. Thursday
b. Sunday d. Wednesday
2. Today is Sunday. What day will be tomorrow?
a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Saturday
3. Today is Friday. The day after tomorrow will be ...
a. Saturday c. Thursday
b. Sunday d. Wednesday
4. Yesterday was Wednesday. So today is ...
a. Tuesday c. Friday
b. Thursday d. Saturday
5. Today is Saturday. What day was yesterday?
a. Friday c. Thursday
b. Sunday d. Wednesday
6. Today is Monday. What day will be tomorrow?
a. Sunday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Saturday
7. Today is Thursday. The day after tomorrow will be ...
a. Saturday c. Thursday
b. Sunday d. Wednesday
8. Yesterday was Tuesday. So today is ...
a. Thursday c. Wednesday
b. Friday d. Saturday
9. Yesterday was Wednesday. What is the day after tomorrow?
a. Friday c. Tuesday
b. Saturday d. Wednesday
10. Yesterday was Sunday. What day will be tomorrow?
a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Saturday

Before= Sebelum After= Sesudah Ago=yang lalu Later= Akan


1. What day is it before Wednesday?

a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Thursday
2. The day after Sunday is ...
a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Thursday
3. If today is Monday, three days later will be ...
a. Tuesday d. Thursday
b. Wednesday e. Friday
4. The day after Tuesday is ...
5. Today is Monday, three days ago was...
6. Yesterday was Sunday, tomorrow will be ...
7. The day before Thursday is ...
8. If today is Saturday, the day after tomorrow will be ...
9. Today is Tuesday, three days ago was...
10. The day after Friday is ...
1st = first= yang pertama 7th= seventh= yang ketujuh

2nd= second= yang kedua 8th= eighth= yang kedelapan

3rd= third= yang ketiga 9th= ninth= yang kesembilan

4th= fourth= yang keempat 10th= tenth= yang kesepuluh

5th= fifth= yang kelima 11th= eleventh= yang kesebelas

6th= sixth= yang keenam 12th= twelve= yang keduabelas

The first month = bulan pertama

The last month = bulan terakhir

Please draw a line between question in column A and the answer in column B!

Group A Group B

1. What is the first month? a. February

2. The second month is... b. April

3. What is the last month? c. August

4. The fourth month is ... d. October

5. What is the seventh month? e. January

6. The eighth month is... f. December

7. What is the third month? g. July

8. What is the ninth month? h. March

9 What is the tenth month? i. November

10. what is the eleventh month? j. September

1. How many days in a week? (Ada berapa hari dalam seminggu?)

2. How many days in a month? (Ada berapa hari dalam sebulan?

3. What is the month with the least days? (Bulan apa yang memiliki jumlah hari paling

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