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In this demonic world, all she ever did was pray to her angel to come and save her. This unwavering trust
of hers in the angel was the only thing that kept her alive even in the most infernal circumstances of her
life. How could she not wait for him? After all these were the last words of her mother before she closed
her eyes forever. She clearly remembers them- “You aren’t alone Misha. There is an angel looking after
you. All you need is to call him. He will always come for you. Hold trust and love in that pure heart of
yours when you need him and he will be your knight in shining armour.”

As the night dawned, Misha braced her body for the round of merciless beating. This was a part of her
routine at Chopra House where she was forced to live with her uncle as he was her only legal guardian. She
was forced to do all the household chores throughout day without any morsel of food. She had the privilege
of just one meal for which she had to pay the price which was the whipping. After such a hellish night, all
she did was pray to her angel to come and take her away from this nasty world. She had faith that no matter
what, her angel will come for her because she knew her mother would never lie. Her heart longed for her
mother as she was her only shield against all the evil in this entire world. But she was taken away from her
leaving her all alone with just the faith in her heart.

He entered the room wearing a sinister smile and strode towards her. She was ready for her daily payment
for food but little did she know that fate had something else in store for her and not the usual lashing of
belt. He pulled her hair and dragged her to the basement. Her teensy body was battered by the devil in his
inebriated state. Shooting pain engulfed Misha’s body. She couldn’t take it any longer. But as if this was
not enough he started forcing himself upon her. The little soul had had enough. This broke her down. She
pleaded him to leave her alone but all in vain. As a last resort, she closed her eyes and asked her angel for
help. As if her prayers were answered, the bell rang signaling someone’s presence at the door. The Satan
left saying that they were done for today. Suddenly everything started to blur out and all voices started to
fade. Soon darkness became her host and took away the pain.

There was darkness everywhere but she was drawn towards it. For the first time she felt at peace. Going
deeper she saw a source of light. Captivated by it, she wondered what that was. As she neared the source
of light she realized it was her angel, Lord Krishna, whom she yearned for. She collapsed at his feet crying
and said that she can’t take it anymore. She asked for His refuge and pleaded to take her away with Him.
She sobbed and prayed that she didn’t want to return to that place.

With a smile on his face, Krishna said- Misha I always have your back and am always there for you. I will
give you what you ask for but listen to me once and then take your decision. Life is not what it looks like
at face value. Despite whatever mundane goals and life purpose a person might think he has, always
remember it is much more than that. The ultimate aim of a person’s life, no matter whoever he might be, is
to find the eternal truth; the truth which is beyond the realm of time and space and the one which is constant
beyond all boundaries. That is the ultimate destiny of a human life. That truth is the key to every single
thing in this entire universe. Nothing else matters once you are there. This is the reason of this world out
there. It is beautiful and devilish at the same time. It is just like a game of treasure hunt accompanied by a
lot of obstacles that might hinder you or help you. There are distractions like money, fame, materialistic
happiness, worldly pleasures etc at every single step of human life that lure them to fall right into the trap
of never even getting to know what they are there for. Besides these distractions, human life is filled with
ups and downs. There is no person on the entire earth whose life graph is a straight line. All these problems
and moments of peace serve its own part in that person’s life. These are there to bring that individual closer
to the realization of the reality of this world but very few understand. People forget that the main aim of
this game is to get to the treasure using those obstacles as clues and not to get too indulged in them and
losing out on the treasure because remember the clock is always ticking. The only way to that truth is
understanding without any prejudice or pre-stored information. Either you try and see who you are, or who
the Almighty is or what this universe is. You will be heading in the same direction. For example it does not
matter if you study a drop from an ocean, a wave of the ocean or the ocean itself, the end result will be that
you will end up at water. When you reach it you will realize who you are. The entire universe is in you and
you are in the universe. It might not make sense to you right now but it will once you get to that truth. Live
your life to play the game right. Focus your energy on finding the treasure. Let every circumstance of your
life lead you towards it and not away.

Misha looked at Him and asked you said that the world is alluring but I didn’t see anything in this world
that can be qualified as such. All this world can ever be is a hell. It is nowhere near the heaven. You told
that pain and pleasure both are required to fulfill the destiny of human life. But Krishna, how can you expect
that from me when I have just experienced one side of it? Can you show me the other side? In case you do,
I will change my decision and be on the road to my eternal destiny.

Krishna smiled and asked her to come with Him. He took Misha to a valley filled with flowers. There were
clouds in the sky and a different kind of peace that the girl never got to experience in her life. For the first
time she was awestruck. Different colours on the display by the nature soothed her eyes and soul. She
along with her angel discovered shapes in clouds. Everything about that place; the mountains touching the
sky, the clouds playing hide and sike with the peaks, the sun at its full glory and the birds flying with joy,
it just touched her soul. Next destination was ocean floor. She saw sea creatures swimming past her
graciously. The hues of blue and green by the blend of water and marine plants was the best combination
she could ask for. The ambience oozed of divinity. All of a sudden she finds herself in the middle of jungle
chase where the king was hunting for his food. All throughout her heart was racing as to what would unfold.
Will the deer escape the beast or the king will prove his title? In the end the beast won the battle. Before
she could react, she was at the beach watching the sunset. She walked barefoot on sand with her angel
beside her all the time and thus it ended. But deep down inside she knew that this place now had her heart
and her decision needed to change.

The smile on her face compensated for her words. Understanding her silence, Krishna said experience life
but don’t let it to get to you. Know your priorities. Remember you are an entire Universe in itself. There is
literally nothing that can stop you if you put your heart and soul in it. The outer world might be demonic
but as soon as you close your eyes and concentrate on the world inside, nothing else matters. To relive your
ecstatic experience all you need to do is tune into your inner angelic world. In contrast to the outer hellish
world which is full of action that exhausts you, your inner world takes away all your negative emotions and
rekindles the life energy in you. Just stick to it and you will sail through the infernal world reaching the
destiny of your life. You will always find me by your side but it’s time for you to return.

She is out of danger now. You can take her home in an hour. Misha opened her eyes and found herself in a
hospital room with an old lady by her side. The old lady smiled and said time to go home. Misha realized
that her game has already begun but from a different level now and a lot of explanation awaits her. But I
guess that is what life is about- making sense of life to just reach the end.

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