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They say history is the window to the past. Yes indeed! However, there are

untold story that lies within. Not everything is written in the history. Every person has

different story to tell and different stories hidden underneath. It can be pass by means of

oral but often times it was buried on the ground.

This movie affect me and my mindset about history, women and my perception

about education. We barely heard women fighting for the freedom during colonial era

because oftentimes the bravery of men spread like a wild fire. In this movie, it made me

realize that women are not that fragile and cannot fight for her own rights. They are also

brave and bold spirit that lies upon them. They prove it many times in the history and I

believe that they deserve to be look upon to. It made me realized that education should

be taken seriously and should not be taken for granted because it is the fruit of the

endless battle of our ancestor against the colonizers.

This movie want to impart the existence of women in the history and their heroic

deeds that we are ignorant about. Maybe that explains why the main focus of the story

are women. It inform us the great contribution of women during the Spanish Colonial

Era. Their hard work, perseverance and commitment to serve our country and to fight

for our rights. One of the rights that they battle for is the education of every Filipino

women that friars disregard maybe because they are afraid that this might be the way to

catch the wrong things they have done. The obstruction of their right and the slavery of

the Filipinos brought the social ethics which is the utilitarianism. Since most of the

Filipinos suffered in the hands of the abusive Spanish colonizer, they pursue a goal that

will benefit almost all the Filipinos and their future generation. They focus on aiming the
greater good for the greatest number. This create the mindset of the revolt against the

Spanish regime. Yes it was a bloody part of the history that many people shed their

blood to acquire the freedom that they are fighting for. Despite of this circumstances

women helped the Filipino revolutionary the way they can. They help in the production

of food and its preparation so that Filipinos who fight the colonizers won’t starve

themselves and accumulate strength. Also, during this time they also help in terms of

medical assistance to those who are injured by war. Having utilitarianism as social

ethics also implies that they need to sacrifice few for the sake of many.

Today, there is the existence of women empowerment that involves the

protection of women. It is the by-product of our women ancestor who fought for the

rights of women during the colonial period. The goal of this is to fight for the rights of the

oppressed women and abused who cannot protect themselves. Additionally, at present

education that our ancestors tried to establish are now accessible unlike the earlier time

that they even need to put their life on the line just to be literate and acquire education.

Our government continuously improving our education and even private and non-private

organization are helping those who are financially disable. So, there is no reason for us

to make an excuses for not attaining education. This movie inspire as to appreciate our

education today because unlike our ancestors who made a way for them to study even

in small places hidden to the colonizers, we are now studying comfortably with schools

with rooms and even recreational facilities. We should be very thankful for that. This

movie should impart to us who we are as a Filipino. That should not stop us from

achieving the goals we set before us and continue to serve our nation and create a

better change for all Filipinos and for our beloved country Philippines.

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