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GS Weekend Course 2017-18

Ancient India NCERT VI old & Medieval India NCERT VII old
Test No. 5

1. C Mahavira and the Buddha did not favour Vedic
2. C sacrifices.
Fire was discovered in Palaeolithic Age 20. A
3. C Rajagriha was the capital of Magadha.
The period when man began to use metal together 21. A
with stone is a Bronze or copper Age(or the 22. C
chalcolithic age Chalcolithic meaning Copper and 23. C
Stone). 24. A
4. A 25. D
The women who made pottery did not use the 26. A
potter’s wheel. 27. D
5. A Brahmadeya :Tax-free land given to a brahmin as a
Harappan grew and developed in india at the same gift.
time pharaohs built pyramids near the Nile Valley. Shikhara : The spire-like structure over the central
6. B shrine of a temple.
The people living in the cities did not cultivate the Gopuram : The gateway of a temple,
fields.They were mainly craftsmen and traders. 28. B
7. A The Rashtrakutas fought repeatedly against the two
Priest and ruling class were lived and carried on their powerful dynasties, the Pratiharas and the Palas.
professional work in Citadel. 29. D
8. C 30. B
There were few window but plenty of doors 31. D
The best known of the buildings in the Mohenjo- Manuscripts are written on leaves and inscriptions
daro citadel is the Great Bath. This resembles a large are written on hard surface
swimming pool but its purpose is not known to us. 32. B
9. B This caves are the Rock shelters of Palaeolithic
The clothes were of cotton, though some wool was Period.
also used. 33. C
10. B 34. C
The Citadel was built on a raised ground. 35. B
11. C 36. B
The Aryans first settled in Punjab. Sher Shah issued the coin called the rupia
12. D 37. B
The samiti gave him their opinion about important 38. D
matters. 39. D
13. A 40. B
Aryans lived in villages. The Dasyus spoke different 41. D
language from vedic sanskrit. The records shows that 42. A
Aryans ate Beef so they are not vegetarians. 43. B
14. B He was not critical of other religions.
15. A 44. A
Champa port were situated in Kingdom of Anga 45. C
16. D 46. B
17. A It lies to the south of Vindhyas.
He permitted village headmen to speak him directly 47. C
because he wish to know what his people wanted. Messiah means messenger of God and is used in
He wanted to maintain friendly relations with other Christianity.
kingdoms except Anga. 48. A
18. A 49. D
The religion was preached in a language spoken by Were born before Buddha.
the common people and not in sanskrit, because by 50. D
now only the educated upper castes used Sanskrit. Both statements are characteristics of mahayana
19. C buddhism.

G S W e e k e n d C o u r s e 2 0 1 7 - 1 8 8
GS Weekend Course 2017-18
Ancient India NCERT VI old & Medieval India NCERT VII old
Test No. 5

Monks of the Hinayana sect. 64. C

51. B 65. A
In the 4th century AD, it covered a greater part of He was the first ruler in the Timurid dynasty.
North India. 66. B
First important king of the dynasty was Pirs- Religious teachers of the sufis.
Chandragupta I Khutba- A sermon read in the name of ruling king
52. C 67. B
53. D 68. B
Temples were not in caves. They were constructed They didnt encourage conversion to islam, rather
of material like brick and stone. Also, temples were advised Hindus to love one true God.
very simple, consisting of just one room where image 69. A
of the god was kept. It was started by alvars and Nayannars of the Tamil
54. B devotional cult.
1. Mahabharata- Vyasa 70. D
2. Ramayana-Valmiki A, b and c had contributed.
3. Bhagawat Gita(part of Mahabharata)-Vyasa 71. A
55. D 72. B
Panchatantra was written by vishnu sharma. King at 13 years of age
56. A 73. C
57. A 74. D
They settled in towns along the west coast of the Christians were also called.
Deccan. 75. B
58. A 76. C
Much of the sculpture found at Ellora was due to 77. A
the patronage of the Chalukya and Rashtrakuta kings. Language of the court of Mughals was Persian.
59. A 78. D
60. C The North Indian/ Hindustani style of music was very
61. A popular.
Wazir- Chief minister and adviser to the sultan Auragzeb disliked music.
Patwari- The official who kept the local records 79. B
62. C 80. B
63. B Under Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb empire
expanded substantially.

G S W e e k e n d C o u r s e 2 0 1 7 - 1 8 9

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