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What are some advantages of a more intricatemuscle interlacing in the lips

and mouth of humans?
a. It fluently makes language models and communicative opportunities
b. It can be used to shape a wide variety of sounds inside the oral cavity
c. It’s capable of a wider range of shapes and a more rapid and powerful delivery
of sounds produced through these different shapes
d. It helps in making sound p or b

2. What is created if the voice box is dropped to a lower position in humans?

a. Larynx
b. Language
c. Vocal folds
d. Pharynx
3.With Which source would you associate this quotation
“Chewing, licking, and sucking are extremely widespread mammalian activities,
which, in terms of casual observation, have obvious similarities with speech”.

(MacNeilage, 1998)
a. The Social Interaction Source
b. The Physical Adaptation Source
c. The Genetic Source
d. The Divine Source

4. With Which source would you associate this view

The belief that language originated from hand gestures especially the capability to
make tools. The brain functions that control motor movements involved in complex
vocalization and object manipulation are very close to each other in the left hemisphere
and they were involved in the development of the speaking brain.
a. The Tool Making Source
b. The Divine Source
c. The Natural Sound Source
d. The Social Interaction Source

The Genetic Source

The belief that language is a special capacity all human offsprings are born with. It is
innate, no other creature seems to have it, and it isn't tied to a specific variety of
5. What does innateness /i’neitnis/ hypothesis mean ?
a. Every normal human being has the ability to talk and acquire any natural
language with special training or carefully selected and sequenced linguistic
b. It is an abstract part of the human mind which houses the ability for humans to
acquire and produce language.
c. Humans have an innate capacity for language
d. Inborn knowledge helps children to acquire grammar effortlessly and
systematically, despite the complexity of the process

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