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2 Objectives (Maq¯asid) of Shar¯ı´ah By Muhammad Ayub Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc
The study of objectives is significant, as they reflect the spirit of the Shar¯ı´ah and help jurists
in determining the prohibition or permissibility of any matters on the basis of Ijtihad and
Qiy¯as. Catering to the well-being of the people in the worldly life as well as in the Hereafter
or relieving them of hardship is the basic objective of Shar¯ı´ah. Islam takes a positive view
of life considering man as the viceroy of God. Virtue does not mean abandoning the beauties
of life, but enjoying those while remaining within the framework of the values through
which Islam seeks to maximize human welfare. It requires living a morally responsible life,
earning only by fair means and considering wealth as a stewardship for which account is to
be rendered to Allah Almighty

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