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Jihad in its range of meanings, physical, mental and spiritual


Arabic root word J-H-D, which means “strive”. Other Derived words from this root include “effort”, “labour”,
and “fatigue” [for good and elimination of evil].
The Qur’an describes JIHAD as a system of checks and balances, as a way that Allah set up to “Check one
people by means of another.” When one person or group transgresses their limits and violates the rights of
others, Muslims have the right and duty to “Check” them and bring them back into line. There are several
verses of the Holy Qur’an that describe JIHAD in this manner. Holy Qur’an says in 2:251;
“And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief;
but Allah is full of Bounty to all the worlds.”
Jihad has a great significance in the lives of Muslims. It involves noticeable effort for righteousness. This
means that the effort concentrated in the Jihad is a step in the true and ultimate path of Islam; the effort
imposed on one’s self. Thus, this effort is only the doing of good for salvation and pardon of God. Therefore,
it should be interpreted as to struggling for doing sincere acts of good deeds to help poor and needy, the
orphans, to stand for people’s right for freedom, be equitable, and to bear witness true testimony; on the
other hand, for restraining of doing of sins such as: to commit adultery, to steel, to lie, to cheat, to insult
people, to gossip fraudulently etc. The above said statement is not only desirous in Islam but is found in
nature and is equally important for the human community; but in Islam, it is emphasized to observe
righteous deeds, so Holy Qur’an says:
“As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise; without the
slightest injustice.” [4:124]
Jihad emphasizes on the individual; “Say! ‘ O my People, do your best, and so will I. You will surely find out
who the ultimate victors are.’ Certainly, the wicked will never succeed.” [6:135].

1. While living in Makkah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS) and his followers did not retaliate or fight. The
Qur’an teaches in this regard in 73:10-11 to be patient and bear with those who deny the truth. The
Prophet (SAWS) bear a hard time with patience and in praying Allah for getting freedom of religious deeds.
2. Migration was allowed to the believers in order to save their lives as the cruelties had crossed the
limits by pagans as stated in Holy Qur’an in 8:63 & 72; “
3. Several months after arrival in Madinah, the pagans started using the trade of Muslims and violating
the territorial rules and when Muslims began to stop them, they started threatening them in order to get
financial benefits. At that time permission was granted to defend themselves by fighting and killing those
who impose fighting on Believers as said in Holy Qur’an in Surah 22 verses 39-41, 2:190, & 2:193.
4. Finances were ordered to sacrifice in defending the cause of Islam before, during and after the battles
fought against pagans/unbelievers.
5. Jihad was also conducted through Pen / documentation while writing treaties with Jews, Christians and
Makkans and later by writing letters to the several Emperors by Holy Prophet (SAWS).
Therefore, JIHAD is categorized as:
5. JIHAD-FIS-SABILLAH (may be included in all above said categories).

The concept of Jihad is one of the highly misunderstood Islamic concepts. Unfortunately, the West sees it as
mere fighting against disbelief and the West; while it is meant as struggle for good and elimination of evil.
So, Jihad and terrorism have no relation wit each other nor is there anything common between them. Holy
Qur’an enjoins upon believers to wage Jihad, so that mischief-mongering is halted and peace comes to our
planet, earth. The spiritual struggle for self-purification of the soul is the greatest Jihad as it is declared by
Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) as Jihad-e-Akbar.
4.9(a) Describe the concept of Jihad in Islam? Support your answer by stating the ways in
which Jihad can be carried out by all common believers in their daily life. [10]
(b) Why is Jihad mis-concepted by the non-believers [4]
 The Qur’an describes JIHAD as a system of checks and balances, as a way that Allah set up to “Check
one people by means of another.” When one person or group transgresses their limits and violates the
rights of others, Muslims have the right and duty to “Check” them and bring them back into line.
 There are several verses of the Holy Qur’an that describe JIHAD in this manner. Holy Qur’an says in
2:251;“And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full
of mischief; but Allah is full of Bounty to all the worlds.”
 Jihad has a great significance in the lives of Muslims. It involves noticeable effort for righteousness.
This means that the effort concentrated in the Jihad is a step in the true and ultimate path of Islam; the
effort imposed on one’s self.
 Jihad emphasizes on the individual; “Say! ‘ O my People, do your best, and so will I. You will surely find
out who the ultimate victors are.’ Certainly, the wicked will never succeed.” [6:135].
 The above said statement is not only desirous in Islam but is found in nature and is equally important
for the human community; but in Islam, it is emphasized to observe righteous deeds, so Holy Qur’an
 “As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise; without
the slightest injustice.” [4:124].
 Thus, this effort is only the doing of good for salvation and pardon of God. It should be interpreted as to
struggling for doing sincere acts of good deeds to help poor and needy, the orphans, to stand for
people’s right for freedom, be equitable, and to bear witness true testimony; on the other hand, for
restraining of doing of sins such as: to commit adultery, to steel, to lie, to cheat, to insult people, to
gossip fraudulently etc.
¤ The concept of Jihad is one of the highly misunderstood Islamic concepts. Unfortunately, the West sees
it as mere fighting against disbelief and the West; while it is meant as struggle for good and elimination
of evil.
¤ So, Jihad and terrorism have no relation with each other nor is there anything common between them.
¤ Holy Qur’an enjoins upon believers to wage Jihad, so that mischief-mongering is halted and peace
comes to our planet, earth.
¤ The spiritual struggle for self-purification of the soul is the greatest Jihad as it is declared by Prophet
Muhammad (SAWS) as Jihad-e-Akbar.

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