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The Definition

A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of
the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. Gases and rock shoot up through the
opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments. Eruptions can cause lateral blasts,
lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floods. Volcano eruptions
have been known to knock down entire forests. An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash
floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls.

How volcanoes occur

Firstly the chamber fills with magma which therefore occurs it to press against the solid rock
around it. Eventually magma gases and ash pushes through the vent leading it towards the
crater, finally it will explode out on the surface. Once it hits the surface the lava starts flowing
out onto the surface melting everything, when it gets cold it turns into rock.

A volcano is a vent which transfers magma from the depths of the earth to the surface. When
magma erupts from the volcanoes vent it’s called “lava”. The pressure and heat in the mantle
begins an eruption. Magma in the earth is lighter than the crust so it tries to push above it.
They can trigger Tsunamis, Earthquakes, floods, rock falls and mudflows.

What volcano can Damage

When lava erupts it can destroy nearly everything surrounding or nearby islands. During and
after an eruption it can destroy road, houses and buildings.Eventually animals die, plants die
and humans die. However, when a lava flow occurs it will kill and melting anything and
everything. When ash lands on a roof of a house or building, the roof is most likely going to
collapse and therefore the house will fall down with it

Famous disaster
During May 1883 in Indonesian, Krakatoa erupted. It produced one of the largest explosions
ever recorded on earth. The blast was heard almost 5000 km away, it could be heard in New
Batavia. All nearby islands were covered in 60m of thick ash on this day. Krakatoa later
exploded around the 16th of June the same year. This blast covered islands with really thick
black clouds for 5 days after the eruption. The first eruption killed over 36,000 people.The
largest volcano in the world is Mauna Loa which is located in Hawaii. Mauna Lao has an area
of 5,125 square km above sea level.

Different Stage of volcanoes

Scientists have categorized volcanoes into three main categories: active, dormant, and extinct.
An active volcano is one which has recently erupted and there is a possibility that it may erupt
soon. A dormant volcano is one which has not erupted in a long time but there is a possibility it
can erupt in the future. An extinct volcano is one which has erupted thousands of years ago and
there’s no possibility of eruption.

Safety Tips

• As much as possible, stay away from active volcanoes.

• If you live near an active volcano, keep goggles and a mask in an emergency kit, along with a
flashlight and a working, battery-operated radio.

• Know your evacuation route. Keep gas in your car.

If a Volcano Erupts in Your Area

• Evacuate only as recommended by authorities to stay clear of lava, mud flows, and flying
rocks and debris.

• Avoid river areas and low-lying regions.

• Before you leave the house, change into long-sleeved shirts and long pants and use goggles or
eyeglasses, not contacts. Wear an emergency mask or hold a damp cloth over your face.
• If you are not evacuating, close windows and doors and block chimneys and other vents, to
prevent ash from coming into the house.

• Be aware that ash may put excess weight on your roof and need to be swept away. Wear
protection during cleanups.

• Ash can damage engines and metal parts, so avoid driving. If you must drive, stay below 35
miles (56 kilometers) an hour

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