You are on page 1of 15



9t h i s month

IC-regulated power
supply 10

10-meter beam 12

curve master transistor

curve tracer 14

mixers 16

special section
homebrew 5-band ssb exciter
complete construction details
february 1968
volume 1, number 1


Homebrew 5-Band SSB Exciter

Fred S. Randall. K l U K X
FET Converters for 50, 144, 220 and 432 MHz
James R. Fisk. Frank C. Jones. W6AJF
WlDTY IC-Regulated Power Supplies
associate editors Henry D. Olson, W6GXN
A. Norman Into. Jr..
WlCCZ/K21EO Remotely-Tuned 10-Meter Beam
Nicholas D. Skeer, George Cousins, VEITG
James A. Harvey. Curve Master Transistor Curve Tracer
WA6IAK J. Tom Lamb, K8ERV
roving editor
Forest H. Bett
Double-Balanced Mixers
James R. Fisk. WlDTY
art director
Jean Frey The 3-5002 in Amateur Service
W ~ l l i a m1. Orr, W6SAI
T. H. Tenney. Jr
Pre-Con-A Precision Capacitor
E. L. Klein, W4BRS

offices A Beginner's Guide to Single Sideband

Forest H. Belt
Greenville. New Hamp-
shire 03048 For That Professional Look, O l d Man
Telehone: 603-878-1441 Micheal J. Goldstein, VE3GFN

ham radio is published Whips and Loops as Apartment Antennas

monthly by Communl- John J. Schultz, W2EEY
cat~ons Technoloqy.
Inc., Greenville. New How to Use Solenoid Rotary Switches
Hampshire 03048. Ap- Davrd P. S m ~ t h
p l ~ c a t i o n for second-
class maillng is pend- The Drake W-4 Wattmeter
ing at Greenville. New James R. Fisk, W l D T Y
Hampshire 03048. Sub-
scrtption rates: U.S.A. The International Crystal EX Crystal
and Canada, one year Donald W. Nelson, WB2EGZ
$5.00; two years, 59.00;
three years, $12.00. The James Research Oscillator/Monitor
Copyright 1968 by Com- James R. Fisk, WlDTY
municat~ons Technol-
ogy, Inc. Title regis-
tered at U.S. Patent departments
Office. Printed in A Second Look 2 New Products
Montpelier, Vermont
05602, U.S.A. Advertisers Index 96 Next Month
Postmaster: Please
send form 3579 to ham Ham Notebook 75 Propagation
radio. Greenv~lle. New
H n m ~ s h i r e03048. Here W e Are 4 Short Circuits

preview 1
ond look

The birth of a magazine i s a complicated for that old vacuum-tube equipment to wear
process. It starts as an idea and develops out before replacing it with solid-state gear,
through the coordinated efforts of authors, but many of the little gizmos around the
artists, typographers and pressmen. The in- shack that you've put together in the past few
gredients are varied: articles, schematics, years should be transistorized. Are they?
long-distance telephone calls, photography, Probably not.
advertising, subscriptions, public relations, When vacuum tubes became practical de-
paper and ink, all lovingly stirred together vices, amateurs were among the first to use
with prodigious amounts of midnight oil. them in home construction. Likewise with
Name: ham radio, born January, 1968. semiconductor diodes. Not so with Transis-
Why ham radio? Very simple. The elec- tors. Why? Because hams didn't have enough
tronics and communications industry is good practical information to go by. Unfor-
moving forward at a tremendous clip, and so tunately, transistors blow out a lot easier than
is amateur radio. Single sideband has largely tubes, and many amateurs who experimented
replaced a-m, transistors are taking the place with them in the early days were disillusioned
of vacuum tubes, and integrated circuits are by a row of "dead soldiers" on their bench.
finding their way into the ham workshop. The What it amounts to i s this. There is an awful
problem today, as it has always been, is to lot of state-of-the-art practice which you've
keep the amateur well informed. This doesn't got to understand before you get into state-
mean that you have to impress your readers of-the-art design. If you're an engineer, fine,
by printing every piece of state-of-the-art but not all hams are engineers. Most hams
news that appears on the horizon. want practical circuits which they can adapt
Quite to the contrary. If you limit yourself to their special jobs.
to the state of the art, you'll get lost in a hurry. As an example of where this state-of-the-art
Advances are being made so rapidly, you just phobia has taken us, consider single sideband
get tuned in and there's something new to for a moment. I would guess that at least
worry about. And, since each new advance is 80°/0 of the hams operating on our lower
built on what has been done in the past, if bands are using single-sideband equipment.
you don't get a clear idea o f present tech- But how many o f them actually understand
niques, you'll be hopelessly lost as time goes what goes on inside that box? Not nearly
on. enough!
Transistors have been with us for fifteen The problem here i s that ssb appears to be
years, but it has just been within the last year a lot more complex than a-m. Certainly the
or so that hams have started really thinking gear required to generate a ssb signal is more
in terms of solid state. True, you usually wait complex than that old a-m rig, but under-

2 preview
standing what makes it tick is not. The two In addition to full-length feature articles,
modes are very closely related. Not particu- we are in the market for shorties for the ham
larly compatible, but related. The problem is notebook. If you have found a new and better
that a simple, concise explanation of sideband way of doing something i n the shack, have a
has been lacking. Several excellent articles new construction wrinkle, or have some small
along this line were written in the early fifties, gem of technical information to convey, send
but many of the hams who have sideband it in to ham notebook. This monthly feature
equipment now have never seen them. will cover everything from Antennas to Zener
Ham radio is designed to fill this gap. It i s diodes, construction and design-technical
designed to inform. It will be geared to the tips that are useful around the shack and
state of the art-the state of the art in shop. You'll get paid for your efforts, and the
practice. It will be a magazine which shows rest of our readers will benefit from your in-
you how to use new devices and old. Al- genuity.
though we will encourage the use of solid If you're interested in contributing some-
state, we will not discriminate against vacuum thing to ham radio, write for our "Author's
tubes for the sake of being modern. There are Guide." This handy little pamphlet shows
a lot of places where vacuum tubes are still how to put your story together, the essentials
very practical and desirable gadgets. of clear writing, the abbreviations we use,
When new techniques and devices become and what we need in terms of schematics and
available, look for a complete description of photographs. It also outlines our rates and
how to use them in ham radio. Our articles payment policy.
will run the gamut from the simple to the Payments for manuscripts are generous and
complex, but they will all be oriented to the immediate. If we like your article, you'll get a
practical approach-the amateur approach. check with our letter of acceptance, usually
Not all of you are interested in the same within a week of when you put it in the mail.
things, nor do you have similar electronic After we accept it, it won't sit in our files for
backgrounds, so the fare served up in ham months or years waiting for publication. It
radio will be varied. will be put into print just as soon as possible.
We will have simple projects for the novice Articles that sit in the file are no good to the
and the one-night-a-week experimenter, in- reader, to the author or to us. Nobody wants
volved projects for the experienced ham who to read about (or build) a VHF converter
likes to work in his shop, practical design and today that was the hottest thing on two
theory articles for the fellow who wants to wheels when it was originally designed three
start from scratch, and the last word for the years ago!
VHF'er, RTTY bug and ATV enthusiast. Ham radio will not stand still. We will
Amateur radio, just by its nature, is a very always be looking for ways to improve be-
diversified hobby. Each ham follows his own cause amateur radio i s a dynamic hobby,
special interests, whether home construction, always on the move. As the equipment, tech-
public service, DX, traffic or a multitude of niques and challenges of amateur radio
others. If you don't see an article that covers change, so will we. We'll constantly try to
your particular plane of interest, it's because make ham radio more useful to you as well
no one has taken the time to write it. If you as more interesting and stimulating. We can
have a little gimcrack that you've just put to- promise you now, we'll never become com-
gether, and think others would be interested placent, we'll always try to make ham radio
in what it can do, draw a schematic, take better.
some pictures and write it up. You don't have
to be a professional writer to get your name Jim Fisk WlDTY
in print; most of ours are not. Editor

preview 3
here we are
a word from the publisher
Here we are! It's been a long trip since early future operating privileges will be.
October when Jim and I decided that there One of our major enemies is considered to
was definitely a place for ham radio. Where be Citizens Band, and yet, it has been a
will the money come from? What will we call failure. Even Chairman Hyde of the FCC has
i t ? What will it look like? How will we get now suggested that major changes, including
subscribers? How will we obtain advertisers? an increase in the license fee and a technical
All of these questions, and many more, had examination, should be considered as a
to be answered one by one as ham radio be- means of improving this service. This could
gan to take the final shape that you see here. well have a very positive effect on amateur
It has not been an easy road. We did not radio. The many youngsters who are intro-
expect it to be. However, there have been duced to radio each year via CB might well
many unexpected rewards along the way as be channelled to our novice bands. Both radio
many folks, both individual amateurs and services would benefit from this change in
those in industry, have given us valuable sup- policy, as would the individuals involved.
port and encouragement. We quickly found A new outlook is necessary. If we con-
that there were many others who felt just as tinue to work with old ideas and concepts,
strongly as we that our magazine would be we can hardly expect to maintain our tra-
quite useful to the amateur community. ditional spot in the electronics world. We are
Can amateur radio really support a new a branch of one of the fastest moving areas
magazine? We think it can, and here are some of technology. If you have any doubts, look
reasons why: Much has been said in recent at the developments of the past few years in
years about what i s wrong with our hobby, solid-state techniques or satellite communi-
but altogether too little about what i s healthy cations. Amateur radio w i l l have to look and
and right about it. We feel that amateur radio act the part if we are to keep up.
is a healthy patient and that it is going to be Ham radio intends to take a very positive
with us for a long time to come. Let's face it, step in the advancement of amateur radio. As
we wouldn't be investing our time and money a start, this magazine looks years ahead of
in this project if this were not the case. others because we have taken advantage of
In spite of what others may say, you need new techniques and ideas in technical
only look at the Call Book to see that the total publishing to bring you something very timely
number of licensees is continuing to grow. in appearance. Equally as much effort is
Admittedly, this growth may not be as fast as going into the preparation of editorial
CB or other parts of the electronics industry, material. A lot of work has been done to make
but st~ll,we are growing. This growth could the articles easier to read. Ideas have been
be, and should be, faster, but it is up to us i n more clearly organized, words and sentences
amateur radio to provide growth. No one else have been carefully put together with pro-
is going to do it for us. fessional techniques designed to make ham
There was, perhaps, a certain period of in- radio easier and more enjoyable to read!
decision during the incentive-licensing con- We still have a lot to do. Our business is
troversy. This issue has been decided, and the communications technology. This goes just as
amateur knows exactly where he stands in the much for the printed word as for the latest
future. Home construction ideas and equip- integrated circuit. There will be many more
ment purchases can now be planned with new ideas in ham radio as the months go by.
the full assurance that you'll be able to use We think you'll like them.
this gear as intended. The potential newcomer Skip Tenney WlNLB
need have no apprehension over what his Publisher

4 preview
the latest in technical ideas and home construction .. .
featuring Jim Fisk, WlDTY, the well known amateur radio editor. ..
and including articles by your favorite authors.

It looks different -
it is different! It's easier to find
information . . . easier to read . .. easier to under-
. .
stand . . easier to build from . . it's a magazine
you'll find it easy to like.

Write for FREE copy . . . or

FREE copy and 4 month trial for $1.00
FREE copy and 11 month trial for $3.00
t o Ham Radio Magazine, Greenville, New Hampshire
03048. Offer expires March 31, 1968. Be sure to
include your address and Zip code.
Many opinions, both pro and con, have I ~ e e n
expressed in regards to homebrew equipment.
It is not my intent either to promote or dis-
courage building equipment. I believe the
only valid reason for a ham to build his sta-

homebrew tion equipment is his own sincere desire.

Many of those who profess a desire to
build their own ssb gear claim it is difficult or
5-band impossible because:
1. It is so complex that it takes an engineer
to build it.

ssb exciter 2. It is difficult to get parts; nobody stocks

them, and they are too expensive.
3. A well equipped machine shop i s neces-
sary for the mechanical work.
4. Homebrew equipment looks shoddy or
makeshift and is, usually, much larger and
Here's more bulky than commercial equipment.
an all-band sideband 5. No time.
The exciter shown o n these pages is my
exciter that's simple, answer to those who use any of the standard
straight-forward, excuses. It was built in its entirety on a ham-
shack workbench, using common hand tools
inexpensive and and readily available, inexpensive parts. I
easy to can appreciate the time problem since I get
home at 1:30 AM-this is when I can steal
build. an hour or so to work o n my little projects.
Building equipment i s no bed of roses, and
the subsequent debugging woulcl try the
patience of a saint. However, when the work
i s done and the bugs are exterminated, the
satisfaction more than compensates for the
barked knuckles, frayed nerves and gallons
of coffee and midnight oil.

6 preview
circuit description balanced mixer. The signal from the VFO, a
A block diagram of the homebrew 5-band Colpitts oscillator using a 6BA6, i s also
ssb exciter is shown in fig. 1. In this circuit a applied to this mixer. The VFO tunes from
6CW4 crystal oscillator generates a signal at 3955 kHz to 4455 kHz-a 500-kHz tuning
either 453.5 or 456.5 kHz, depending upon range. This signal is nulled out i n the balanced
which sideband is desired. This signal is ap- mixer.
plied to a germanium-diode ring modulator. The output of the 12AT7 mixer is applied
One half of a 12AX7A is used as the speech to another i-f amplifier. The input and out-
amplifier. The other half is connected as a put of this amplifier are gang-tuned by ad-
cathode follower to present the proper low- ditional sections of the VFO tuning capaci-
impedance audio signal to the ring modula- tor to the difference frequency (3500 to 4000
tor. The output of the modulator i s a dsb kHz). This tracking amplifier further elimi-
suppressed carrier signal, which is transfor- nates the possibility of any VFO signal
mer-coupled to the mechanical filter. The fil- appearing at the output.
ter passes the chosen sideband and, for all A 6AU8A is used as a converter to hetero-
practical purposes, eliminates the unwanted dyne the 80-meter signal up to other bands.
one. For 80-meter operation, the plate circuit of
A 455-kHz i-f amplifier follows the filter; the 6AU8A pentode section i s provided with
the output of this amplifier is fed to a 12AT7 a load resistor and operates as a low-gain
fig. 1. Block diagram of the homebrew five-band ssb amplifier. For 40- through 10-meter operation
exciter with the bandswitch set to 20 meters. The
a signal from a 6CB6 crystal oscillator is
components shown by the dotted lines may be added
to provide six-meter capability i f so desired, although applied to the triode section, and the plate
the circuitry is not described here. circuit of the pentode section is tuned to the



1/2 12AX7A I/2 12AX7A MOD FILTER 6DK6

4.455 MHz VFO

453.5 kHz 1 4 5 6 . 5 kHz -

T T 7"

- PA
- 14.0-14.5 MHz
6AUB 7
,::E$ - 14.0-14.5 _MHz
14 MHz
-.-.- 61468

ZL .!EMHI.--
i 1
, 6360
L.-.l l---.d ,1 5 0 MHz SSB

0 0 0
18 MHz O + O L.-.J 0
0 0 1

0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1 O 1

preview 7


1 L -

fig. 2. Schematic d ~ a g r a mof the low-cost f~ve-handssb exclter. S w ~ t c hS2 (function) IS In the tune-CW posltlon,

8 preview
switch S1 (band) at 3.5 MHz. Relays K 1 and K2 are deenergized. The front-panel labeling is shown in boxes

preview Q9
desired band. No direct coupling is used be- Because both summing and differencing
tween the tube sections; sufficient mixing heterodyning is used to obtain the various
action is provided by inter-electrode capac- bands, the tuning direction, as well as the
ity and by having the cathodes strapped to- selected sideband, changes with the band in
gether. The 6AU8A mixed is followed by a use. This is a small inconvenience which you
conventional class-A buffer amplifier and a soon become accustomed to, and allows
bandswitched final using class-AB1 6146B's. s~mplerand less expensive construction. The
The rule I use in anything I build is to use chart i n table 1 shows the tuning direction
what I have available, rather than to try and and normal sideband i n use on the 80-
locate and purchase what I don't have on through 10-meter amateur bands.
This general rule was followed in building chassis and cabinet
this exciter. The crystals and mechanical A good starting point is the cabinet. I
filter had to be purchased of course, but they used an LMB* CO-1; price $20.00. One point
were available "off the shelf" at Lafayette.* which bears mentioning at this time is that
The 455-kHz i-f cans are available at any radio when you use a decent appearing foundation
store or they may be removed from an old for construction projects, it goes a long way
broadcast radio. toward encouraging the builder to complete
All of the circuits used in this exciter were them.
obtained from various sources and adapted The dial bezel is cut from '14-inch thick
for use with components I had. It may be stock. I used plex~glass, but wood would be
possible to further optimize the circuits, but
' Availahlefrom Newark Electronics Corporation, 500
the values I used work very well. North Pulaski, Chicago, Illinois 60624. Catalog num-
The carrier crystals and heterodyning ber 91F1192. $.19.95 plus postage.

fig. 3. Con5truct1on o f the thaws and tront panel The chaqsis IS cut down
from a Bud AC419 to 12'1." deep. When the '11" l i p 1s formed around the
front, the overall depth is twelve tnches. A four-tnch slot, '14" w ~ d e ,IS cut out
along the front of the chassis for dial clearance and lead routtng. The completed
chass~sIS mounted to the '/.-thick stiffener plate (cub-panel with countersunk
fig. 4. Method used for making
sh~elded compartments for the
bandswttch using two l'lr" x 2"
x 4" m~nlboxes.The circutts are
bullt into each comparlment,
tested, and then assembled Into
I a complete u n ~ t .


crystals as well as the VFO frequency match a perfectly acceptable substitute. After cutting
the Lafayette HA-350 Receiver in use at and filing i t to shape, I sprayed it with
KIUKX. For this reason, transceive operation machine-gray Krylon. While still tacky, the
i s quite practical, with only slight modi- bezel was given a "dusting" coat of the same
fications to the receiver. paint from about three feet away. This gives
an attractive sandblast matte finish which
* Lafayette Rad~o Electronics, 111 Jcricho Turnpike,
Syoslel. 1. I., New York 11791. Order replacement part blends well with the cabinet. The dial
for HA-350 recetver, $12.95. windows are cut from '18-inch plexiglass and

10 preview
cemented to the rear of the bezel. A hairline table 1. Parts list for exciter
is scribed in the center of the left-hand
window. C1 - ARC-5 receiver tuning capacitor
C2 - ARC-5 recelver antenna-trim capacltor
The chassis consists of a front sub-panel 11, 12, 13-40 turns #26 enameled on ' 1 2 ' ' slug-
cut from rack panel material and a com- tuned form.
mercial chassis, Bud AC419. The chassis i s L L 1 2 turns #22 enameled on '/I,' slug-tuned form.
cut to size with a hacksaw or nibbling tool, 15 - 10 turns #22 enameled on ' / B " slug-tuned form.
L6, L9 - 8 turns #22 enameled on '11" slug-tuned
bent to shape and bolted to the front panel form.
using recessed-head screws. The use of a L7 - 22 turns #22 enameled on '/s" slug-tuned form.
double panel permits a face plate completely La, 113 - I 5 turn5 #22 enameled on '/a'' slug-tuned
free of uns~ghtlyscrew heads. It also provides form.
110 - 6 turns #22 enameled on 'la" slug-tuned form.
the necessaryfor mechanical 111 - 65 turns #30 on 1/*" slug.tuned form,
of the VFO. The VFO compartment side plates 112 - 18 turns #22 enameled on 318" >lug-tuned form.
are also cut from rack-panel material. These 114 - 9 turns #22 enameled on 3/a" slug-tuned form.
platesare bolted to the and front 115 - 4 turns #22 enameled on 'Ii" slug-tuned form.
116, 117 - Pi-Dux 820-0.10 with 4 turns removed from
panel after construction of the VFO. The rear the 10 turns-per-inch end; replaced with 5 turns
panei of the cabinet is cut away to provide BRW 3006 mounted at right angles as shown tn
access to the chassis apron. photograph. Tapped at the junction of the Pi-Dux
unlt and B&W 3006 and at 34, 41, and 44 turns
The front panel lettering is done with
from the coupl~ng-capac~tor end.
WalscO decals.After they are in place! the K1. KZ - 4PDT. 15 kilohms. 110 Vdc. (Allled Control
panel i s given a coat of clear Krylon. A light r163X-251
dusting coat is then applied to return the PCl, PC2 - 6 turns 1-16" thick, l/s" w ~ d ecopper strip
wound around 39-ohm, 2-watt resistors.
panel to a semi-gloss finish. This seals the
S1, SZ- B u ~ l tup from Centralab index sectlon and
decals and completely hides their edges, .. - .- . - .
W ~ ~ P T S

giving the appearance of silk-screen lettering. 11 - 455 kHz I-f transformer (Workman T F l l although
others w i l l work) w ~ t hprlmary w ~ n d ~ nand
g tuning
speech amplifier and balanced capacitor removed and replaced with 50 turns f 3 2
enameled, scramble wound next t o secondary.
modulator 12 - 455 k ~ i-fz transformer (Workman TFI~).
The speech-amplifier and balanced-modu-
lator circuitry i s built as a unit in a small mini- box. The balance potentiometer is located
in front of the minibox with an extension
fig. 5. Front f i n ~ s hpanel for the ftve-band SSB trans
shaft through to the front panel.The audio-
mltter. A full-scale template 1s ava~lablefrom KIUKX
for 25c to cover postage and handling. Lips arc formed gain is locatedOn a bracket attached

at the top and bottom of panel as shown in f ~ g6. to the minibox by the nut that retains the

preview 11
balance pot. W ~ r i n gto the gain control is a small access hole. Proper tracking is estah-
accomplished with small shielded cable; l~shedby juggling capacitor values in series
power and signal leads come out through a with the ARC-5 variable capacitor sections. I
hole i n the bottom. It might be well to trimmed some platcls from my unit, but by
mention here that thi3 nicthod of construc- proper choice of series capacitors, this should
tion not only provides excellent shielding, it be unnecessary.
makes for more pleasant building-you don't
have to horse a big chassis all over the bench variable frequency oscillator
during construction. It also allows individual The VFO is a standard Colpitts oscillator
testing of sub-assemblies, a procedure which using a 6BA6 tube. The tube is located under
I highly recommend because it's much easier the chassis and all circuitry associated with
than aligning the whole exciter at one whack.
Inside the five-
band ssb ex-
carrier generator citer. Power
The 6CW4 carrier generator tube is located amplifier com-
i n the small space between the minibox and partment to the
lower lefl.
the front panel on the left side of the chassis
as shown in fig. 6.

filter-mixer i-f amplifier

These stages are built into another mini-
box. Small sheet-metal protrusions provide
room for the use of full-size ' I ~ i n c htuned
coils on the input and output circuits of the
tracking amplifier. All the leads from the box,
as well as the coil leads to the ARC-5 tuning
capacitor, are shielded. Access to the

balanced-mixer nulling capacitor i s available the V I O i s conta~nc,d In a sh~cldcdconipart-

from the bottom of the main chassis through ment. The 6BA6 i s provided w ~ t ha separate
filament transformer and the heater runs as
Below-chassis view of the five-band ssb exciter. The
long as the exciter is plugged in. A number 47
VFO lube and carrier generator crystals are in the
upper left center; the bandswitch is to the right. bulb, which is used to keep the VFO compart-
ment warm, is also connected. These pro-
visions make warm-up drift negligible and no
temperature-compensation circuitry is re-
Plate and filament voltage to the VFO i s run
through feed-through capacitors from under
the chassis. The VFO plate voltage is zener
regulated at 120 volts. A small 10-pF variable
capacitor is connected i n parallel with the
main tuning capacitor and provides about
5 1 0 kHz variation for tuning-dial calibration.
This capacitor was removed from the same
ARC-5 receiver that yielded the main-tuning
capacitor. It is placed between the tuning
capacitor and the face plate; this i s a tight
squeeze but it fits after careful podioning.
The center section of the ma~n-tuntng
capac~tors ored for the VFO. Thc rema~ning
photos by Ted Woolner WAlABP sections are used to tune the tracking ampli-

12 n l)rcview
fier. Note that a capacitor is placed in series In the tune-CW position of the function
with the main-tuning capacitor-this limits switch, the balanced modulator is bypassed
the tuning range to 500 kHz, and makes the to provide a CW carrier when the key or
dial calibration extremely linear. push-to-talk switch is depressed. Full break-
in CW permits maximum operating con-
final amplifier venience. This is accomplished through the
The final amplifier is a conventional neu- use of high-speed relays.
tralized circuit using a pi-network output. The The meter is switched to read either final
two 6146B tubes are connected in parallel cathode current or output. Antenna change-
and are provided with regulated grid bias and over and receiver muting are built in, as is
screen voltage. The cathode pins on the tube push to talk. Any power supply that will pro-
sockets are bent inward toward the center vide the indicated voltages at the power-
and strapped together with a tinned-copper plug terminals may be used.
strip. Flat copper strips are also used for the No tuning or alignment instructions are
plate parasitic suppressors, and many of the given here since it i s assumed that anyone
connections in the bandswitch assembly with the necessary skills t o build an exciter
make use of the same material. such as this one will be thoroughly familiar
with the proper techniques.
fig. 6. Side view of the chassis It is not expected that anyone will build an
s h o w ~ n gthe posltlon of the me- exact copy of this transmitter. However, some
chan~calfilter compartment on the
of the construction methods and circuits used
left-hand side of the chassis. Note
here should be of interest to other appliance
the lips at the top and bottom o f
the front finish panel. operators who prefer, as I do, to build their
own appliances.

ham radio

fig. 7. Construction of the driving mechanism for the

ARC-5 tuning capacitor. The dial scale is mounted to
the original dial retaining nut with a 4-40 screw.

control functions
Most of the control functions are either
self-explanatory or discussed elsewhere in the
text. A few functions, perhaps, require further
The calibrate position of the function
switch permits the operator to "talk" himself DRILL RULS 8 MOUNT TO
on frequency, or, if desired, the carrier may
be inserted and a conventional zero beat can
be accomplished. In either case, the push-to- References
1. ARRL, Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur,
talk switch (or key) must be depressed to
American Radio Relay League, Newington, Connecti-
energize the transmitter. The calibrate level cut, Third Edition, 1962,
sets the spotting signal to a comfort- 2 . D. Stoner, New Sideband Handbook, Cowan
able listening level. Publish~ng,New York, 1962.

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