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Gold B2 First Wordlist Unit 9 & 10, words to study

Part of
Word speech Definition Example U
to succeed in doing something, especially after trying
accomplish v very hard We have accomplished all we wanted to achieve. 9
to think about a difficult decision very carefully and with All the way home she agonized about what she should
agonize v a lot of effort do. 9
if you assemble a large number of people or things, or
if they assemble, they are gathered together in one A large crowd had assembled outside the American
assemble v place, often for a particular purpose embassy. 9
to make a vehicle or bicycle go more slowly or stop by
brake v using its brake(s) He braked sharply to avoid the dog. 9
to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, If someone starts bullying you, please let your teacher
bully v especially someone smaller or weaker know immediately. 9
the natural ability, skill, or power that makes a
machine, person, or organization able to do something, The company’s manufacturing capability needs to be
capability n especially something difficult reassessed. 9
cloud (sb's) to make someone less able to think clearly or make
judgement phrase sensible decisions Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement. 9
someone who travels a long distance to work every Janice was a commuter for many years until she moved
commuter n day to the city. 9
something that happens as a result of a particular Research has shown that crime can be a consequence of
consequence n action or set of conditions poverty. 9
to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or
cope v situation Sometimes I find it hard to cope with my responsibilities. 9
to change something you have said so it is true or A good teacher allows you to correct yourself before
correct yourself phrase correct giving you the correct answer. 9
The research involves collecting data from two random
data n information or facts samples. 9
a large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass,
deer n and has horns A large herd of deer was seen nearby. 9

someone who studies the way in which money and
goods are produced and used and the systems of
economist n business and trade Tim worked as lead economist for Oxfam. 9
emerge v to appear or come out from somewhere These flowers emerge in the spring. 9
made to happen, especially by things you cannot After bad behaviour, the prisoner spent a period of time in
enforced adj control enforced isolation. 9
failure n a lack of success in achieving or doing something Successful people are often bad at dealing with failure. 9
the state of being known about by a lot of people
fame n because of your achievements He claims he is not really interested in fame. 9
to move something with a quick sudden movement so He flipped the top off the bottle and poured himself a
flip v that it is in a different position drink. 9
if you fulfil a hope, wish, or aim, you achieve the thing
fulfil v that you hoped for, wished for, etc. Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream. 9
to stop hoping that someone or something will change At that point, I hadn't completely given up on the
give up on (sb/st) phrv or improve promotion. 9
said when deciding something, by asking someone
which side of a coin they guess will be showing when
heads and tails phrase you throw it in the air and it lands "Heads or tails?" she asked. 9
to deliberately pay no attention to something that you
ignore v have been told or that you know about You can’t ignore the fact that not all criminals go to prison. 9
the use of words or pictures to describe ideas or
imagery n actions in poems, books, films, etc. The painting was said to show the imagery of love. 9
to show that a particular situation exists, or that Research indicates that less youngsters are deciding to
indicate v something is likely to be true obtain a university education. 9
the act of becoming involved in an argument, fight, or
other difficult situation in order to change what A government intervention to regulate prices was
intervention n happens expected. 9
I don’t know how you can be so laid-back about your
laid-back adj relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything exams. 9
The organization has launched a campaign to raise
launch v to start something, usually something big or important $150,000. 9
if you leap or spring into action, you suddenly start Ambulance crews are ready to leap into action if anything
leap into action phrase doing something goes wrong during the race. 9
limitation n the act or process of controlling or reducing something Any limitation to the king’s power could be permanent. 9

to do the necessary actions on a computer system that
log on phrv will allow you to begin using it You need to log on to your home page. 9
a very small object worn on a chain or bracelet and Mel wore the same lucky charm whenever she had an
lucky charm n believed to bring good luck audition. 9
The majority of workers find it quite hard to live on the
majority n most of the people or things in a group amount of money they now earn. 9
a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to
do based on your moral principles, because all the She was faced with a moral dilemma of choosing between
moral dilemma n choices seem equally good or equally bad work and family commitments. 9
to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what The boy refused to obey the rule because he felt it was
obey v a law or rule says you must do ridiculous. 9
someone who you try to defeat in a competition, game, Adam’s opponent in the final will be Ourahmoune of
opponent n fight, or argument France. 9
These days many people experience information
overload n too much of something overload. 9
perfect v to make something as good as you are able to Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills. 9
someone who is not satisfied with anything unless it is
perfectionist n completely perfect Many top athletes are perfectionists. 9
a powerful person, organization, group, etc., is able to
powerful adj control and influence events and other people’s actions He was one of the most powerful men in Bohemia. 9
The general principle is that education should be available
principle n the basic idea that a plan or system is based on to all children up to the age of 16. 9
a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a There are hopes on both sides that the peace process will
process n particular result last. 9
prompt v to make someone decide to do something What prompted you to buy that suit? 9
The changes currently proposed by the local planning
propose v to suggest something as a plan or course of action authorities make no sense. 9
happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or The company has introduced random drug testing of its
random adj pattern employees. 9
someone with raw talent is naturally good at
raw talent n something, but has not developed their ability yet He has the raw talent to become a star. 9
to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from
recall v the past You don’t happen to recall his name, do you? 9
to officially announce that you have decided to leave
resign v your job or an organization She resigned from the government last week. 9

someone who is single-minded has one clear aim and
single-minded adj works very hard to achieve it My aunt is a tough, single-minded lady. 9
Last night's performance was a multimedia dance and
spectacle n a very impressive show or scene opera spectacle. 9
Will the West use its influence to maintain the status quo
status quo n the state of a situation as it is and not disrupt the flow of oil? 9
to continue doing something the way you did or
stick with/to phrv planned to do before Let's stick with the original plan. 9
The government’s long-term economic strategy has yet to
strategy n a planned series of actions for achieving something be make public. 9
a part of someone's character that is different from the
streak n rest of their character It was often said that Kevin had a mean streak. 9
a period of time when a group of workers deliberately
stop working because of a disagreement about pay,
strike n working conditions, etc. There was a national strike against mine closures. 9
superb adj extremely good The food was superb. 9
My grandmother was a superstitious woman and never
superstitious adj influenced by superstitions walked under ladders. 9
something that you are trying to achieve, such as a
target n total, an amount, or a time The financial targets were considered to be unrealistic. 9
to throw a coin in the air, so that a decision will be
made depending on which side faces upwards when it
toss a coin phrase lands They tossed a coin to decide who would got first. 9
a tragic event or situation makes you feel very sad,
tragic adj especially because it involves death or suffering The parents were not to blame for the tragic accident. 9
affair n public or political events and activities Are you interested in world affairs? 10
He decided to take a more creative approach to the
approach n a method of doing something or dealing with a problem problem. 10
bear any relation The things she says bear little relation to what she
to phrase to be similar to someone or something else actually does. 10
a special quality someone or something has that
makes people like them, feel attracted to them, or be
charm n easily influenced by them – used to show approval Joe’s boyish charm often got him out of trouble. 10
to continue to believe or do something, even though it He clung to the hope that she would recover from the
cling to v may not be true or useful any longer illness. 10

to meet, find, or discover someone or something by
come across phrv chance I came across an old diary in the attic. 10
if someone comes across in a particular way, they
come across phrv seem to have particular qualities He came across as a very intelligent sensitive man. 10
to receive money, land, or property from someone after
come into phrv they have died She'll come into quite a lot of money when her father dies. 10
if information comes out, people learn about it,
come out phrv especially after it has been kept secret No doubt the truth will come out one day. 10
to change your opinion so that you now agree with
come round to phrv someone or are no longer angry with them It took him a while to come round to the idea. 10
to continue to live, be strong, or succeed after a difficult He came through the operation OK and is expected to be
come through phrv or dangerous time back at work in a few months. 10
come up with phrv to think of an idea, answer, etc. We've been asked to come up with some new ideas. 10
With end of term coming up, the children are very
be coming up phrv to be going to happen soon excited. 10
when you are with someone you enjoy being with, and
companionship n are not alone After Stan died, I really missed his companionship. 10
completion n the state of being finished The house is nearing completion (= almost finished). 10
date back to phrv to have existed since a particular time in the past The castle dates back to the 13th century. 10
destined adj seeming certain to happen at some time in the future She seemed destined for a successful life in the movies. 10
dishonesty n behaviour in which you deceive or cheat people Dishonesty is not a positive characteristic. 10
doing or saying things that do not support your friends,
disloyalty n your country, or the group you belong to He felt he had been disloyal to his friends. 10
to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be
doom v destroyed, etc. The plan was doomed from the start. 10
the things that happen to someone or something,
especially unpleasant things that end their existence or
fate n end a particular period I wouldn’t wish such a fate on my worst enemy. 10
someone who begins something such as a new way of
founding father n thinking, or a new organization Freud is one of the founding fathers of psychology. 10
get it v to understand something I don't get it – it doesn't make sense. 10
practical and able to make difficult decisions without
hard-headed adj letting your emotions affect your judgment He was a hard-headed business tycoon. 10
helping hand n to give physical assistance to someone She lent a helping hand when I moved house. 10

to imagine or represent something or someone as
idealise v being perfect or better than they really are Society continues to idealise the two-parent family. 10
implicitly adv suggesting or understood without being stated directly I trusted her implicitly. 10
Alison was very level-headed and could always be relied
level-headed adj calm and sensible in making judgements or decisions upon in a crisis. 10
the quality of remaining faithful to your friends,
loyalty n principles, country, etc. Elizabeth understood her husband’s loyalty to his sister. 10
a large amount of a substance which does not have a
mass n definite or regular shape The food had congealed into a sticky mass. 10
an organized sports event between two teams or
match n people It’s our last match of the season. 10
match made in a marriage of two people who are exactly right for each
heaven phrase other Claire and Jack were a match made in heaven. 10
messily adv making someone or something dirty or untidy The children ate messily and had food all over their faces. 10
mild-mannered adj gentle and polite Mike has always been very mild-mannered and kind. 10
someone who is modest does not want to talk about He was always modest about his role in the Everest
modest adj their abilities or achievements expedition. 10
an idea or story that many people believe, but which is
myth n not true In our first year, we studied Greek and Roman myths. 10
opinionated adj expressing very strong opinions about things I found him very arrogant and opinionated. 10
perfection n the state of being perfect My father expected perfection from all of us. 10
dealing with problems in a sensible practical way Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management
pragmatic adj instead of strictly following a set of ideas problems. 10
when someone thinks or worries about something a lot,
with the result that they do not pay attention to other The paper's current preoccupation appears to be with
preoccupation n things scandal. 10
conjunct used to say that something will only be possible if He can come with us, provided that he pays for own
provided that ion something else happens or is done meals. 10
the study of the mind and how it influences people’s Jung learned a lot of what he understood about
psychology n behaviour psychology from Freud. 10
The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of
regardless of adv without being affected or influenced by something race, religion or sex. 10
reliant on adj dependent on someone or something Most companies are now reliant on computer technology. 10

to stop yourself from having something that you like
resist v very much or doing something that you want to do I just can’t resist chocolate. 10
completely new and different, especially in a way that
revolutionary adj leads to great improvements The new cancer drug is a revolutionary breakthrough. 10
to see something or meet someone, especially for the
set eyes on (sb/st) phrase first time I loved that house from the moment I set eyes on it. 10
He's been "relocated", which is shorthand for "given a
shorthand n a shorter but less clear way of saying something worse job a long way away". 10
short-lived adj existing or happening for only a short time Our happiness was short-lived. 10
incredibly nervous or anxious, enough to make you feel He didn't feel he could walk on stage to perform as he
sick with nerves phrase physically sick or nauseous was sick with nerves. 10
relating to your position in society, according to your
social class n job, family, wealth, etc. Our students come from a variety of social classes. 10
someone you have a very close relationship with
because you share or understand the same emotions
soulmate n and interests Ashley and Richard are soulmates. 10
knowing exactly what you want to do and being
determined to achieve it, even if other people advise
strong-willed adj you against it Jackie has always been very strong-willed. 10
clothes, colours, etc., that suit you; make you look
suit v attractive Red really suits you. 10
to hurt your wrist etc by pulling or turning it too
twist v suddenly while you are moving Harriet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle. 10
very different from the way people usually behave,
unconventional adj think, dress, etc. She had unconventional views. 10
when a group of people or countries agree or are
unity n joined together Economic unity was under threat. 10
widely adv in a lot of different places or by a lot of people Organic food is now widely available. 10

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