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The Picture Description and Demonstration Technique in Improving English

Speaking Skills
Dyah Ratnaningsih, Agus Dwi Santoso, Monika R. Gunarti
Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: English is the language of the sea to improve the safety and effective
communication at sea since the seafarers are from different countries in the world.
Miscommunication at sea can lead into accidents or worse incidents, this condition leads to
the main purpose in maritime education and training which is to improve the cadets
English speaking skills. This study aims to compare between the picture description and
demonstration technique would give greater influence to improve the cadets’ English
speaking ability.
This study uses a quantitative approach and descriptive-quantitative analysis that reveals
the different effectiveness during the English speaking activities. Analysis of data used is
statistical analysis by reviewing the English speaking learning process as in learning
activities using picture description technoque and demonstration technique. The sample of
this study is cadets in class A and B in engine department which consist of 50 cadets.
The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant difference of use of picture
description technique and demonstration technique on English speaking skill.

Key Words: picture description technique, demonstration technique, speaking skills

In the maritime education and training, Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya (the Surabaya
Merchant Marine Polytechnic) is one of the vocational higher education which improve its
graduates' abilities significantly to meet the demands of the maritime industries. The skill
in English communication is the greater aspect in order to achieve the standard based on
the International Maritime Organization. The statement from Sallis (2002) explained that
all educational institutions should implement and standardize the management quality for
example in educational institutions which promote sustainable quality programs and the
ability that is expected is able to communicate in English to support the demand from the
international maritime industry . Purpose of this study is to compare between the picture
description and demonstration technique would give greater influence to improve the
cadets’ English speaking ability.

Literature Review

There are many ways in conducting language teaching and learning, two of them are The
seafarers from different countries bring diversity in spoken English. Various accents,
incorrect pronunciation, intonation and other speaking skills sometimes brings
misunderstanding which can lead into accidents or worse incidents. This condition
requires more attention from maritime education and training institutions. That’s why they
must give more English speaking practice to their cadets. Several techniques must be used
to improve the cadets’ speaking skill, two of them are the picture description and
demonstration techniques.
Related to picture description, first a picture is defined as a visual representation or image
that is painted, drawn, or photographed, and rendered on a flat surface. The main
advantage of a picture is its obvious visibility to learners. Using pictures can bring benefits
to teaching, as they promote learners’ interest in acquiring a foreign language (Sinclair,
1987). Furthermore, Wright (1989) also says that pictures can motivate students to take
part in speaking activities.

Meanwhile, the demonstration technique using real objects is considered better than the
other techniques. This is because demonstration is assumed to be good enough to use as a
teaching method during the teaching-learning process. Through imitating and modeling of
the subject can support the students speaking ability because they are talking about the
real objects and feeling the real atmosphere and situations around them.

The Communicative Approach is used in this research. This CLT is also used by many
teachers to encourage students in improving their speaking ability. CLT is an approach to
language teaching which is carried out by means of two main components, which are
meaning and interaction (Littlewood, 1981; Nunan, 1989).

In this study speaking skills are studied only in three categories: grammar, fluency and
comprehension. The scoring rubric from Brown (2004) is used.
Table 1. Speaking Rubric (Brown, 2004: 172-173)

This study is quantitative research using an experimental design. This research involves
two variables; which are independent variable or X variable (independent variable) and
dependent variable or Y variable (dependent variable). The independent variable is English
speaking test using picture and demonstration techniques. This X variable can be
manipulated and controlled by the researcher. While the dependent variable is the English
speaking skills of the cadets. The instruments are the English Speaking Test which the
validity and reliability already tested. While the main data is the speaking skill test scores.

The data analysis tried to find the percentage of cadets’ speaking test using picture
technique compared with the speaking test using demonstartion technique to compare
which speaking test technique gives higher significant improvement in speaking ability.

To determine the speaking test score of each cadet, the researcher calculates from
grammar component (G), fluency (F) and comprehension (C). The maximum score for G is
20, for C is 30 and the maximum score for F is 50 (Brown, 2004: 172-173). Then this
pattern below is used.

Then the descriptive analysis of mean scores using this formula:

M = average level of speaking skills in English

ΣX = total sum of values
N = number of research subjects

The mean scores will show improvement by cadets. If the average value is 75 then cadets
are considered successful in reaching the Good category.


Participants in the present study were 25 cadets of Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya. They
were studying ESP Maritime English in the academic year 2017-2018 in the Engine

The technique of data analysis in this research was comparing the score from the two types
of speaking test, they are the test using picture technique and demonstration technique.
Based on the result using t-test, it can be seen that there are significant differences between
the use of picture description and demonstration techniques. The t –test revealed that the
value of t-count is greater than t-table at 5% significance level. It can be concluded that the
demonstration technique give higher result than the test using picture technique. This
appears on the difference in value held in the speaking test using demonstration technique
compared with the picture technique was 28.48 ˃ 21.


The conclusion that can be drawn from research result and discussion of research data is
there is significant difference of the two techniques in speaking test. So, it is concluded that
the speaking test using demonstration technique gives higher score than the test using
picture description technique.


Brown, H. (2004). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. White Plains,
Pearson Education.
Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom (Vol. 5). Sydney,
Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Littlewood, W. (1981). Communicative language teaching. London, England: Oxford
University Press.
Sallis, E. (2002). Total Quality Management in Education. Kogan Page Ltd. UK.
Sinclair, J. (1987). Collins COBUILD, Collins Birgmingham University International Language
Database: English language dictionary. London, England: Collins.
Wright, A. (1989). Pictures for language learning. New York, NY: Cambridge University

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