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Roll No Name of the Student ________________________________________


5th Semester, CSE, 2018-19
Computer Graphics
Full Mark:10 ASSIGNMENT TEST-II Time:20 min

Answer the following. [2*5]

1. Explain 3D translation with example?

2. Define visible detection methods and explain the purpose?

3. Explain boundary fill algorithm?

4. Explain Back face removal algorithm?

5. Explain Bezier curves and represent it?

6.Determine the orthographic projection of a unit cube on the x=0,y=0 and z=0 plane?

7.Given a rectangular parallelepiped which is unit distance on z axis,2 distance on x-axis and 3 distance

on y-axis. What is the effect of scaling when scaling factor Sx=1/2,Sy=1/3 and Sz=1?

8. Explain different illumination models?

9. Explain animation and its different types?

10. Explain painter’s algorithm?

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