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Est. by Mohammad Ali Baydoun 1971 Beirut - Lebanon
, ttablie par Mohamad Ali Baydoun 1971 Beyrouth - liban
Title : Al-durus a1-·Arabiyyah �_,.al I V"_j)-il t : '-:'tiS.t I
lil-madaris al-·ibtida•iyyah .,;.1'"""'1' .,..) 1 ""'4,ll

( The courses in Arabic language

for primary schools }

Classification: Arabic language

Author : Al-say� Mu!;ltafii al-Galiiyini
Publisher : Dar Al-Kotob Al-llmiyah wJ.>:, - �I �I).> : �\,;JI
Pages : 648 (�•l?.i4)648: ..:,�\.,.....,
Size : 15*22 15*22 ,.:.i......-i1'-"'4!
Year : 2011 2011: 441,caJI;.....
Printed in : Lebanon .:,L.i.,J : 441,caJI �
Edition :4 d..&;lyl: �I

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