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Unit 7A, 7B, 7C, 8B, 9A, 12C (handout) + Vocabulary and Grammar banks


I. Spot the mistake. If a sentence is correct, write the letter “C” next to it. If it is wrong,
write the letter “W” and provide the correction.

1) ………. I don’t mind to admit I was worried about him. He’s my best friend.
2) ………. Most drivers still resent strongly the notion of having to pay for a place to park.
3) ………. He’s coming to our offices tomorrow. If I saw him, I’ll give him the message.
4) ………. She said she enjoyed watching good movies whenever she is free.
5) ………. If I were a millionaire, I’d still work.
6) ………. When the teacher looked at her, she turned the pages and pretended reading.
7) ………. That river is dangerous. You don’t have to swim in it.
8) ………. If she didn’t study so much, will she go to the gym more often?

II. Complete the sentences using an appropriate verb in the correct tense. Use the chart
below for your answers.

to talk - to travel - to feel - to look like - to keep - to decide - to buy - to have - to carry

1) E- books have a number of advantages. They are very easy __________, so they are ideal for
people who are frequent travellers.
2) If you __________ to take the exam, you would have to register by the 31st of March.
3) (a)__________ a routine helps people make the most of their days. You are able to be
productive without (b)__________ stressed.
4) The children locked the door ___________ everyone out their room.
5) We can get a baby sitter if we __________ to the south of Chile next summer.
6) Before __________ the tickets for the concert, you need to see if the band is coming to Movistar.


III. Complete the dialogue using questions with or without auxiliaries.

Yesterday, Sam went to a radio show to talk about his new album. This is an extract of his
conversation with Annabel, the radio host.

Annabel: So, you tell us that your album has songs based on your experiences in the Amazon
Sam: Yes! I was a very lucky to live there with some tribes before the catastrophe of 2019 and
working with them inspired me to make this work.
Annabel: The album cover is amazing! (1) ____________________________________________________?
Sam: The people painted it. They drew the album cover and used vegetable oil in different
Annabel: (2) ____________________________________________________?
Sam: They tried to represent the power of nature and music together. Music for them is how
nature tries to speak to the people.
Annabel: (3) _______________________________________?
Sam: Because I needed to see what it is to live surrounded by people whose music is a
reflection of the sounds of nature. I wanted to learn from them.
Annabel: (4) ______________________________________?
Sam: I wrote most of the lyrics. Except for one song that is based on one of the tribe’s chants.
Annabel: Can’t wait to listen to this album. Thanks for being with us Sam and good luck!


I. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word on the right.

1) I remember I was holding some cash in my hands ____________________ when the robber appeared.
2) It is very ____________________ to look directly into the sun.
3) We left ____________________, one by one, without telling anyone that the party had been a disaster.
4) Many stores will accept ____________________ by check or postal order.
5) The story finished in a few seconds as the lion ____________________ jumped towards the impala to
eat it.

II. Read the sentences and write the missing word. The first letter has been provided. Be
careful with your tenses and plural forms. Use the chart below for your answers.

1) Everyone at the gym seemed to have different v _______________ and perspectives on how to train
your body to burn fat.
2) Many universities will increase their tuition f_______________ next year to $15,000 annually.
3) Was your train d_______________ between 60 to 90 minutes? Then you can ask for 25 percent of
the price you paid for your ticket.
4) After the war, the United Nations have tried to i_______________ the relations between the
countries that were in conflict.
5) It is thought a Chilean recluse spider b_______________ the child last night.


III. Write a synonym or similar expression to replace the underlined words and phrases.
If it is a verb, make sure you use the right conjugation. Use the chart below.

Example: Karen asked me to go to her house to have a wonderful dinner.

Answer: invited

1) After swimming for many hours, she relaxed, resting without sinking in the water.
2) In meditation, you should try to sit not moving or making a sound and close your eyes.
3) I put the cut to my mouth, and drew the blood into my mouth by suction until it stopped
4) We were in class when quickly and unexpectedly the quake started.
5) It requires a lot of patience to learn, but it is sufficiently good to repay any effort or trouble.


Answer key Sample Quiz 1

I. Spot the mistake.

1. W. admitting
2. C
3. W. If I see him…
4. C
5. C
6. W. pretended to read
7. W. can’t/mustn’t swim
8. W. would she go

II. Complete the sentences.

1. to carry
2. decided
3. a Having
3. b feeling
4. to keep
5. travel
6. buying

III. Complete the dialogue.

(1) Who painted the album cover?

(2) What did they try to represent?
(3) Why did you go there?
(4) Who wrote the lyrics?


I. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word.

1. tightly
2. dangerous
3. quietly
4. payment
5. aggressively

II. Complete the sentences.

2. fees
3. delayed
4. improve
5. bit

III. Write a synonym o similar expression.

1. floating
2. still
3. sucked
4. suddenly
5. worth it

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