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Discover as much as you can about Jan Švankmajer in 10 minutes.

Write your findings

in the text box below

- Jan Švankmajer is a Czech filmmaker

- born September 4,1934, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now in Czech
- Some of his films are:
1. Alice (1988)
2. Faust (1994)
3. Conspirators of Pleasure (1996)
4. Little Otik (2000)
5. Lunacy (2005)
6. Surviving Life (2010)
- Švankmajer moved from the mannerism of his early work to
classic surrealism, first manifested in his film The Garden (1968)
and joined the Czechoslovak Surrealist Group.
In your own words describe the technique of animation Jan Švankmajer used…

- Claymation and live action

How did Švankmajer's visuals make you feel?

Did you enjoy them?
Did you not enjoy them?
What did you think the film was about?

- The graphics that Jan Švankmajer used made me feel weird as it seems as there is no point/
storyline to the visuals.
- Human society and evolution

As Jan Švankmajer was experimental in his animation do you think we can see any
influence of his work in animation today.

- Tim burton
- Nightmare before christmas
- Beetle juice
- 9
- James and the giant peach


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