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· If the prince is assaduous he will always maintain his rule ,unless some extra
forces deprives him of it and if so deprived whenever usurper suffers a set back he
will reconquer.

· The natural prince has less reasons and less need to give offence.

· For a ruler taking advantage is less scrupulous in securing himself by punishing

the offenders ,probing suspects , strengthening himself where he is weakest.

· If the ruler wants to keep hold of his new possession he must bear two things in
mind,first the family of the old prince must be destroyed , next he must change
neither their laws nor their taxes.

· Cope not only with the present troubles but also with ones likely to arise in future
and assiduously forestall them.

· A prince must never allow disorder to continue so as to escape a war. Anyhow one
doesnot escape ,the war is merely postponed to one,s disadvantage.

· When he seizes a state the new ruler must detrmine all the injuries that he will
need to inflict.he must inflict them once for all and not have to renew them every

· Any injury a prince does to a man should be of such a kind that there is no fear of

· A prince must live with his subjects in such way that no development , either
favourable or advers, makes him vary his conduct.

· It is necessary for a prince to have the people friendly, otherwise he has no

security in adversity.

· A wise prince ought to adopt such a course that his citizens will always in every
sort and kind of circumstance have need of the state and of him, and then he will
always find them faithful.

· Prince should not get frightened in diversity.

· Prince should avoid ruling via magistrates, if one wishes to be able to "ascend" to
absolute rule quickly and safely.

· Prince should make sure that the people need the prince, especially if a time of
need should come.

· Prince should has his town well fortified, and should not hated by his people.

· Prince should always has the means of giving work to the community in those
labours that are the life and strength of the city, and on the pursuit of which the
people would supporte him.

· If any how evils or difficulties prevail in society prince will overcome all such
difficulties by giving at one time hope to his subjects that the evil time and fear of
the cruelty of the enemy, will not be for long. By that way he can satisfy his

· All princes must build on strong foundations.

· Prince should command his own native troops. Depending on outside armies is
essentially the same as depending on good fortune.

· The prince needs to study the art of war.

· A prince who does not understand warfare attempting to lead an army is like the
unarmed man trying to lead the armed.

· A prince must prepare rigorously during peace time in rder to be well prepared for

· A prince should no concern himself with living virtuously, but rather with acting s
as to achieve the most practical benefit.

· The prince's first job is to safe guard the state.

· A prince must have posses all the qualities deemed "Good" by other men.

· A prince must not be influnced by condemnation from ther men.

· A prince should not develop a reputation for generosity. By attempting reputation

for generosity he will ruin his state. Then in the end, the prince will be forced to
burden his people with excessive taxes in order to raise the money to maintain his
· An ungenerous prince may be preceived as miserly in the biginning, but he will
eventually earn " reputation" for generosity without having to tax the people

· A prince should be care ful in his exercise of cruelty, tempering it with humanity
and prudence.

· A prince must learn hw to fight with laws and force, He must become half man
and half beast.

· A prince should be a master f Deception.

· A prince must break his promises when they put him at a disadvantage and when
the reasons for which he made the promises no longer exist.

· A prince must avoid being hated and despised at all costs.

· Defending against foreign enemies requires a strong army and good allies. A

strong army always leads to good allies.

· If it is not possible for the prince to avoid being hated, he must make it his first

priority to escape the hatred of the most powerful parties.

· New princes have never prevented their subjects from having weapons. Arming

subjects fosters loyalty among the people and defends the prince. Disarming

subjects will breed distrust, which leads to civil animosity.

· But if a prince annexes a state, he must disarm his new subjects. He can allow his

supporters in the new state to keep their arms, but eventually they must also be

made weaker.

· Prince become great by defeating opposition.

· Prince should win a reputation for being men of outstanding ability.

· If the prince allies with someone stronger than himself, and this ally wins, then

the prince protects himself through the alliance .

· A prince can escape short-term danger through neutrality, but at the cost of long-

term grief. Instead, a prince should boldly declare support for one side.

· If possible, a prince should avoid siding with an ally whose power is greater than

his own. Victory in this situation will only put the prince at mercy of that ally.

However, sometimes such an alliance is unavoidable

· A prince should never discourage or excessively tax private acquisition or

prosperous commerce.

· If a minister thinks more of himself than of the prince and does everything for

personal profit, then he is a bad minister. prince should not give rank to such


· It is crucial for a prince to have a confident relationship with his ministers.

· if everyone can speak to the prince, the prince will lose respect. A prince should

allow only wise advisers to speak with him, and only when he specifically

requests their advice

· A prince should not listen to anyone else and should be firm in his decisions.

· In states governed by a prince and his servents the prince has a greater
authority.and any other is obeyed as a minister and an official for whome no
special love is felt.

· Good laws and good armies are two essential components of a strong state.

· There are three types of armies :A prince's own troops,Mercenary troops and
Auxiliary troops. Mercenary and Auxiliary trooops are useless and dangerous.

· Auxilary troops- armies borrowed from a more powerful state. They fight well but
their first loyalty is to another ruler, thus they pose on even more dangerous threat
t the prince than mercenaries.

· Citizen becomes the prince of his country, not by wickedness or any intolerable
violence, but by the favour of his fellow citizens — this may be called a civil

· Who obtains sovereignty by the assistance of the nobles maintains himself with
more difficulty than he who comes to it by the aid of the people.

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