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1. Convert 82ADh to decimal.

Ans: 35373d

2. Convert 11101b to decimal.

Ans: 29d

3. Convert 2BD4h to decimal.

Ans: 11220d

4. Convert 95 to binary.
Ans: 1011111b

5. Convert 2B3Ch to binary.

Ans: 0010101100111100b

6. Convert 1110101010b to hex.

Ans: 3Aah

7. Add 3546d and 1872d.

Ans: 3CF61h

8. Add 5B39h and 7AF4h.

Ans: D62Dh

9. Add 100101111b and 110110.

Ans: 101100101b

10. Subtract 7283d from 9145d.

Ans: 1862d

11. Subtract BA94h from D26Fh.

Ans: 17DBh

12. Subtract 0111b from 1001.

Ans: 10b
13. Find one’s compliment of 5.
Ans: 11111010b
14. Find two’s compliment of 5.
Ans: 11111011b
15. Find two’s compliment of the two’s compliment of 5.
Ans: 101b

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