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Smart Stick For Blind Person

Abstract:- There are total 2 main circuits in Arduino based Smart Blind Stick
Project.One is the main circuit which will be mounted on the blind man's stick.
As we know an Arduino Nano is Used to control all the sensors.The complete board is powered
by a 9V battery which is regulated by+5V.This Smart Stick will useful for blind people, these
will be the one of gadget for them So yes, technology can indeed neutralize human disability.
This smart stick contain An ultrasonic sensor which is useful to calculate the distance if any
obstacle may come in the way, also LDR is used to sensed the lighting conditions. All types Of
feedback will be given to person via Buzzer , or we can also use vibration machine instead of

Keywords :- Arduino nano , Buzzer, LDR, RF Transmitter circuit, Ultrasonic sensor.

Project Guide- Project Members-

Mr.Ashok Kanthe. 1)Suyash Bhalinge.

2)Shubham Sawle.
3)Shivam Lahane.
4)Shubham Mardhekar.
Plagiarism :-

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