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Stroke upper extremity rehabilitation:
Effect of bilateral arm training
Damayanti Sethy, Surjeet Sahoo1, Eva S. Kujur, Pankaj Bajpai

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of bilateral arm training
on upper extremity motor and functional recovery in stroke hemiparesis.
10.4103/ijhas.IJHAS_125_17 METHODOLOGY: Twenty‑eight patients with chronic stroke, attending the Department of
Occupational Therapy, National Institute for the locomotor disabilities, Kolkata, West Bengal, India,
participated in a single‑blinded randomized pretest and posttest control group experimental study.
Patients were randomized over two intervention groups; experimental group received bilateral
arm training (n = 14) and the control group received an equally intensive conventional treatment
program (n = 14). Each group received intensive training for 1 h/day, 5 days/week, and for 6 weeks.
Pretreatment and posttreatment measurements were taken for upper extremity motor ability,
functional ability, and functional use of the upper extremity using Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Physical
performance  (FMA‑upper extremity section), Action Research Arm Test, and Motor Activity Log,
RESULTS: Bilateral arm training (P = 0.01) group showed statistically significant improvement in
upper extremity functioning on Action Research Arm Test score in comparison to the conventional
therapy group (P = 0.33). The bilateral arm training group also had greater improvements in FMA
and Motor Activity Log score compared to conventional therapy group.
CONCLUSION: Bilateral arm training can be used as a better treatment choice for improving upper
extremity function in comparison to conventional therapy.
Bilateral arm training, conventional therapy, rehabilitation, stroke, upper extremity

Introduction alternative strategies are needed to reduce

the long‑term disabilities and functional

S troke is the third leading cause of

death and the leading cause of adult
disability.[1] Upper limb hemiparesis is a
impairment resulting from upper extremity

Department of common impairment underlying disability Various conventional treatment techniques

Occupational Therapy, are used for upper extremity management
after cerebrovascular accident. Dysfunction
National Institute for
Locomotor Disabilities, from upper extremity hemiparesis impairs in patients with stroke using the principles
Kolkata, West Bengal, performance of many daily activities such of Bobath neurodevelopmental Therapy,
Department of Psychiatry, as dressing, bathing, self‑care, and writing, Brunnstrom movement therapy,
IMS and SUM Hospital, Rood’s techniques, and Proprioceptive
thus reducing functional independence.
Siksha O Anusandhan
University, Bhubaneswar, In fact, only 5% of adults regain full arm Neuromuscular Facilitation developed
Odisha, India function after stroke and 20% regain no by Knott and Voss. [3] The efficacy of
functional use.[2] Restoration of full function these approaches with regard to transfer
Address for to the stroke‑affected upper extremity is of treatment effect in life situation is
Ms. Damayanti Sethy, a major problem in rehabilitation. Hence, questionable.[4]  Only one‑third of all stroke
Department of patients regain some dexterity within
Occupational Therapy, This is an open access journal, and articles are
6 months using conventional treatment
National Institute for distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons programs.[5]
Locomotor Disabilities, Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which
BT Road, Bonhoogly, allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work How to cite this article: Sethy D, Sahoo S, Kujur ES,
Kolkata ‑ 700 090, non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and Bajpai P. Stroke upper extremity rehabilitation: Effect
West Bengal, India. the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. of bilateral arm training. Int J Health Allied Sci
E‑mail: damayanti.sethy@ 2018;7:217-21. For reprints contact:

© 2018 International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 217
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Sethy, et al.: BAT for stroke upper extremity recovery

In light of the above fact, some recent studies based on Outcome measures
the principle of neuroplasticity have produced promising • F u g l ‑ M e y e r m e a s u r e m e n t o f p h y s i c a l
results in improving upper extremity functioning in performance‑Upper Extremity Section  (FMA):
patients with chronic stroke. Bilateral arm training has FMA is a 66‑point, upper extremity section of FMA,
been shown to have beneficial effects on upper extremity which assesses several impairment dimensions
function in patients with chronic stroke.[1] In bilateral arm using a 3‑point ordinal scale  (0, cannot perform;
training, the principle of forced use and task specificity 1, can perform partially; 2, can perform fully).
was retained, without constraining the nonparetic The FMA has impressive test–retest reliability
arm and both the arms are trained. Although neural (total range: 0.98–0.99; subtests range: 0.87–1.),
mechanisms remain unclear, it has been speculated interrater reliability, and construct validity[7]
that bilateral practice may facilitate coactivation and • Action Research Arm test  (ARAT): ARAT is an
interhemispheric activation and thus a possible change observational scale used to measure upper extremity
in the contralesional cortical network.[6] function. The ARA test is a 19 item test divided into 4
categories (grasp, grip, pinch, and gross movement),
The above facts suggest that training may also induce with each item graded on a 4‑point ordinal scale (0, can
beneficial changes in the contralesional brain area, perform no part of the test; 1, perform test partially; 2,
rather than only in the ipsilesional brain area.[6] This completes test but takes abnormally long time or has
raises a question whether bilateral training is better for great difficulty; and 3, performs test normally) for a
improving upper extremity function in patients with total possible score of 57. The test is hierarchical in
chronic stroke in comparison to conventional treatment that, if the patient can perform each category, he or
program. she will be able to perform the other items within the
category and thus, they need not be tested. The ARA
In this study, an attempt has been made to investigate has high interrater reliability (r = 0.99) and test–retest
the effectiveness of bilateral arm training on motor and reliability (r = 0.98), and it has high validity[8]
functional recovery in patients with chronic stroke and • Motor Activity Log  (MAL): The MAL is a
to compare it with conventional therapy that is based on semi‑structured interview, where the patient and
Bobath’s techniques. their caregivers independently rate how much and
how well the patient has used the affected arm for 30
Methodology activities of daily living in the past week. Patients and
caregivers use a 6‑point amount of use (AOU) scale
Design to rate how much they are using their affected arm
This study was a single‑blind, pre test and post test and 6‑point scale to rate quality of use to rate how
control group design. Twenty‑eight patients consisting well the arm is being used. A higher score indicates
of 19 men and 9 women with chronic hemiparesis due better performance. The MAL has established good
to middle cerebral artery stroke were recruited from test–retest reliability, internal consistency, stability
outpatient Occupational Therapy Department and and responsiveness, and convergent validity.[9]
Indoor Rehabilitation Ward of National Institute for
the Locomotor Disabilities, Kolkata. Informed consent Procedure
was obtained from all the patients before inclusion in The stroke patients who fit the inclusion criteria were
the study. Inclusion to the study were confirmed if the allotted to BAT and conventional therapy groups
participants fulfilled the following study criteria of at after getting the informed consent. The study was
least 6 months since a unilateral stroke, ability to follow approved by the local Ethics committee of the Institute.
simple instructions and two-step commands (Mini- A general history including score on Mini‑Mental State
mental state score >22), ability to actively extend at least Examination (MMSE), MAS was taken from the patient,
10* at metacarpophalangeal joint and interphalangeal after which FMA and ARA, and MAL were administered
joints and 20* at the wrist joint, and aged between 18 by an occupational therapist independent of the group
and 75 years.   Exclusion criteria were uncontrolled assignment. MMSE was used only for the screening
hypertension (190/110 mmHg), significant orthopedic purpose. Patients in both the groups received therapy
and pain conditions, and excessive spasticity, defined as for 1 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 weeks.
a score of 3 or more on Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS).
The patients were randomly allocated to BAT group and Bilateral arm training
conventional therapy group by writing the group names Patients were seated comfortably in a chair in front of
with a number on paper slips. All the patients were asked a table. Bilateral arm trainer was fixated on a table and
to draw one paper slip and according to the numbers was designed using wooden material. The trainer has
assigned to each group, patients were allocated to the got an overhead rack for placement of blocks and pegs.
respective groups. The rack was fitted to two parallel wooden bar. Both the
218 International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences - Volume 7, Issue 4, October‑December 2018
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Sethy, et al.: BAT for stroke upper extremity recovery

bars were fixed to both sides of the table and the rack was and shoulder extension/retraction and elbow flexion.
fitted horizontally over the parallel bars. Velcro hooks This action mimics the behavior of reaching for an object
were attached to both the upper and under surface of and bringing it to oneself.
the overhead rack where the patient can place the blocks
and pegs. The height of the overhead rack was adjustable. Conventional occupational therapy
Nuts and screws were fitted in the side parallel bar in Conventional occupational therapy included techniques
order to change the height of the rack. Blocks and pegs based on Bobath approach. Weight bearing for upper
were also attached with Velcro loops. limb, reflex inhibiting patterns, trunk rotation, and
scapular protraction were used to reduce spasticity.
Each session involves repetitive practice of bilateral tasks All the participants were then engaged in performing
for 1 h. The tasks are‑ functional activities.
• Block placement‑10 min – The patient has to pick up
one block from the container and transport it to the Intervention in both the groups, post treatment
overhead rack and place it above it. The same will be evaluation was done by using all the outcome measures.
done bilaterally for 15 repetitions
• Peg targeting‑10 min – The patient has to grasp the Statistical analysis
pegs using both the hands and transport it to the SPSS version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL)was used for
targets on the rack where Velcro is attached all the statistical analysis. One‑way ANOVA was used
• Peg inversion‑10 min – two pegs have to be picked to compare the pretest and posttest measures on the
up using both the hands, rotated using supination
dependent variables.
and then placed over the under surface of the rack
• Transferring object from one container to
another‑10 min.
Homogeneity of the subsets was tested for all the
Rest periods of 5 min each at four intervals between
the tasks were given to each patient to reduce the effect outcome measures used in the study. The characteristics
of conditioning. Same tasks were maintained for each of the patients are presented in Table 1. Baseline
patient over the duration of the study. Practice was patient characteristics were comparable across the
done using bilateral upper extremity simultaneously. groups (P = 0.988).
The common movements in the bilateral task training
are shoulder flexion/protraction and elbow extension The ARA test scores showed significant improvement
on posttest (P  =  0.01). Posthoc analysis revealed that
the posttest score was significantly higher than the
Table 1: Characteristics of the patient population
pretest score in BAT group. The conventional group
Characteristics Mean (SD) Significance
had nominal improvement on ARA scores  (P  =  0.33).
BAT group CT
Number of patients 14 14
The Fugl–Meyer upper extremity motor performance
Age range (years) 57.34 (11.92) 57.59 (11.03) 0.686 section Test scores showed significant improvements in
Sex (male/female) 10/04 9/5 0.892 the bilateral arm training group (P = 0.001). Patients in
Side of lesion, number 9/5 10/4 0.660 BAT group had greater gains than conventional therapy
of left/right patients (P = 0.693).
Months since stroke 13.09 (2.86) 13.82 (3.01) 0.812
mMMSE score 86.39 (10.86) 84.21 (12.01) 0.777 The MAL test scores showed significant improvement
MAS score 0.59 (0.32) 0.60 (0.30) 0.514 on posttest  (P  =  0.00). Post hoc analysis revealed that
Extension at MCP joint 11.19 (2.33) 10.66 (2.11) 0.892 the posttest score of AOU  (P  =  0.001) and quality
Extension at wrist joint 22.38 (3.11) 21.92 (3.00) 0.415 of movement  (QOM)  (P  =  0.000) are significantly
BAT = Bilateral arm training, CT = Conventional therapy, mMMSE =
Modified Mini‑Mental State Examination, MAS = Modified Ashworth Scale,
higher than the pretest score both in BAT and
MCP = Metacarpophalangeal, SD = Standard deviation conventional therapy group. Although there was

Table 2: Descriptive and inferential statistics for the outcome measures

Outcome measure, Pretest Postrest f P
ARA 33.14 (5.60) 33.60 (2.34) 44.4 (8.29) 33.78 (3.28) 8.219 0.001
FMA 37.28 (5.01) 38.28 (2.33) 44.78 (6.26) 36.92 (3.22) 8.444 0.001
MAL AOU 1.71 (0.41) 1.73 (0.44) 2.4 (.64) 1.7 (0.65) 11.777 0.000
QOM 2.57 (0.42) 2.14 (0.66) 3.64 (0.49) 2.71 (0.62) 45.190 0.000
MAL = Motor Activity Log, AOU = Amount of use, SD = Standard deviation, ARA = Action research arm, FMA = Fugl‑Meyer Assessment, QOM = Quality of
movement, BAT = Bilateral arm training, CT = Conventional therapy

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Sethy, et al.: BAT for stroke upper extremity recovery

no significant improvement in the amount of use in is repetition which is a well‑known motor learning
conventional occupational therapy group, there was principle and recent animal studies have demonstrated
a significant improvement in the quality of movement that forced use involving a motor task rather than forced
in this group (P = 0.001). This shows that conventional use alone may best promote the central nervous system
occupational therapy is effective in improving the plasticity.[11]
movement quality of upper extremity in chronic stroke
patients. The descriptive and inferential statistics are In this study, patients in BAT group showed better
given in Table 2. improvement on FMA, ARA test, and MAL scores than
conventional therapy. This result is consistent with that
Discussion of previous studies.[12]

The result of the study provides experimental data Summary and Conclusion
addressing the changes that occurred in both motor
and functional performance and quality of movement The result of the study demonstrated that bilateral arm
in patients with stroke following participation in a training is an effective therapy for upper extremity
6‑week bilateral arm raining and conventional therapy hemiparesis in chronic stroke patients in comparison
program. The motor activity log scores showed greater to conventional therapy. Bilateral arm training is
improvements in quality of movement and amount of more effective in improving proximal upper extremity
use in BAT as well as in conventional therapy group. functions in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients. There
were certain limitations in conducting the study. The
In this study, we found 6 weeks of BAT showed study had a small sample size and no follow‑up was done
improvement in measures of motor impairment to see the maintenance effect of bilateral arm training.
and functional use in patients with chronic upper The equipment used for bilateral arm training in the
extremity hemiparesis. This suggests that forced study was locally made without any electrical connection
use in a repetitive manner bilaterally can improve giving auditory or visual feedback for movement. The
motor ability and functional use of upper extremity entire patient in the BAT group used their own speed
in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients. This result for the movements. Further studies are necessary to
is consistent with the findings of Whittal et  al., 2000 assess the long‑term effects of bilateral arm training.
and Luft et  al., 2004.[1,6] In our study, the BAT group Since training were given only to chronic patients; future
showed better performance in the proximal part studies on acute and subacute stroke population can
score of FMA than conventional therapy group. The be conducted. New designs of bilateral arm training
repetitive reaching type movements comprising involving the wrist and hand can be incorporated and
shoulder flexion, protraction, elbow extension, and studied on different stroke population.
shoulder extension/retraction; elbow flexion might
have resulted in the improvement of proximal part Financial support and sponsorship
motor ability, thereby improving the proximal part Nil.
score of FMA in bilateral arm training group relative
to conventional therapy group. The effectiveness of Conflicts of interest
the bilateral arm training can be found in the behavior There are no conflicts of interest.
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