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Benign Uterine
Zaraq Khan
Elizabeth A. Stewart

The traditional concept of the uterus is that the endome- The fact that modern women spend a larger percent-
trium is the dynamic tissue, providing an intricate set of age of their lifespan menstruating compared with women
functions throughout the menstrual cycle that rarely cul- in previous centuries and females of other species may also
minates in implantation and pregnancy. The myometrium contribute to many pathological conditions. Many genes are
has been viewed as an inert tissue, chiefly important during differentially regulated at specific parts of the menstrual
pregnancy and when abnormal, providing the surgical liveli- cycle. Thus, constantly turning the same molecular switches
hood of clinical gynecologists. on and off may have the same effect as constantly turning
However, to understand both the physiology of menstru- a light switch on and off: the system becomes disrupted.2
ation and the pathophysiology of abnormal uterine bleed- This fact, as well as species differences, has made it difficult
ing, both the myometrial and the endometrial layers of to use animal models to study the function of uterine tissue.
the uterus are important. First, both myometrial processes Finally, the economic implications of these diseases are
(adenomyosis and leiomyomas) and endometrial processes significant. The cost of leiomyomas alone in the U.S. has
(polyps) can result in abnormal uterine bleeding. Secondly, been estimated at $5.9 to 34.4 billion annually.3 Lost pro-
on the molecular level, since the mass of the myometrial ductivity due to clinically significant leiomyomas are also
layer is so much greater than that of the endometrial layer, a substantial cost, accounting for over 40% of total costs
the myometrium can act as a reservoir of growth factors or which average in excess of $4800 per woman per year in a
immune cells that then may act on the endometrium in a commercially-insured population.4 Neither of these figures
paracrine or local endocrine fashion. takes into account the cost of sanitary protection, alterna-
The study of uterine molecular mechanisms is in its tive and complementary remedies or the costs of women
infancy. Study of the human uterus is difficult since all of the who are symptomatic but not seeking care.
surgical specimens available for in vitro study are by defini-
tion abnormal. Additionally, many of the disorders that cause
abnormal uterine bleeding (such as leiomyomas) appear to Uterine Leiomyomata
be heterogeneous in their molecular mechanisms. Just as the
clinical phenotype of polycystic ovaries can result from vari-
ous molecular defects, leiomyomas likely have many under- Uterine leiomyomas, frequently termed myomas or fibroids,
lying genetic etiologies and environmental stimuli. are benign clonal smooth muscle-cell tumors ranging in size
Nevertheless, basic investigation is beginning to reveal from several millimeters to many centimeters (Fig. 27.1).
that a number of common molecular mechanisms are shared Clinically, fibroids are appreciated in approximately 25% of
by phenotypically different diseases such as leiomyomas, all women and in African American women they appear to
adenomyosis, and endometrial polyps. We can speculate have a threefold increased incidence and relative risk.5 Care-
that in the future these diseases may be classified on the ful pathological study of surgical specimens suggests more
basis of molecular defects rather than on microscopy. This than 80% of African American and 70% of Caucasian women
would allow us to understand the genotype-phenotype rela- have detectable leiomyomas which parallels the lifetime
tionships that we currently find puzzling: for example, why incidence of the clinical disease.6,7 Thus, in African Ameri-
some women have profound heavy menstrual bleeding with can women, it appears there is little occult disease. This sug-
these diseases and others are asymptomatic. Understanding gests that in this group, growth acceleration of transformed
new elements of the biology of these diseases will lead to myocytes into clinical fibroids may be ubiquitous.7,8 African
innovative therapy.1 American women are not only significantly more likely to
Our lack of understanding of molecular physiology and have leiomyomas than Caucasian women but to be younger
pathophysiology has left us with extirpative surgical treat- at the time of diagnosis and hysterectomy.5,9-11 They also
ment as our therapeutic mainstay. While we have become have more severe diseases,9,11,12 and are two to three times
more elegant in our surgical approach, the high risk of more likely to have hysterectomy for leiomyomas and six-
recurrent disease following conservative surgeries indicates fold more likely to have a myomectomy (Table 27.1).13,14
that understanding the underlying mechanism and moving Known risk factors don’t adequately explain this racial
toward prevention is likely to be more successful. disparity.15,16 Newly discovered genetic polymorphisms
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 587

leading to increased risk for African American women is a

key research agenda for leiomyomas. There is mixed data
regarding fibroid risk in Latina women.5,14,25
Reproductive factors affect the risk of leiomyomas.
Numerous studies have shown that parity is associated
with decreased fibroid risk.16,26,27 One hypothesis is that
the remodeling of the postpartum uterus can clear nascent
fibroids.28 Support for this hypothesis came from recent
studies.29,30 In one of these reports of women beginning
with pregnancy, 36% of them had no identifiable lesion
on ultrasonography postpartum and 79% of the remaining
fibroids had decreased in size.31 Progestin use in the post-
partum period was the only significant risk factor for limited
regression of fibroids postpartum.30 The fact that this study
contrasts with previous reports, that progestin only inject-
able contraceptives are associated with decreased fibroid
risk32,33 and progestin only contraceptives are widely used
in breastfeeding women make it critical to further explore
this area. Although clinical dogma traditionally suggested
that oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) were contraindicated
for women with myomas, OCPs instead appear to protect
FIGURE 27.1  A T2-weighted fast-spin echo (FSE) sagittal image of a
leiomyomatous uterus with multiple type 2 submucosal fibroids. This against clinically evident fibroids with the caveat that timing
sagittal image allows the endometrial cavity to be visualized from the of use may be important.16,26,27 Exposure to OCPs between
fundus to the cervix, indicating that these fibroids are not displacing ages 13 and 16 for women in the Nurses’ Health Study led
the cavity laterally. This series of images is typically best to visualize to an increased relative risk of leiomyomas, while later OCP
clinically important submucous fibroids. Visualization of the sacrum use was protective in direct proportion to duration of use.16
and coccyx, bladder and rectum allows assessment of bulk effects of Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has
the fibroid in the pelvis. been associated with a higher likelihood of having fibroids
on pathology after surgery in one report, although this may
have been due to bias, since HRT may have inhibited normal
Table 27.1  Table Depicting Increased Burden postmenopausal fibroid regression.25 Early menarche is also
of Fibroid Disease in African American Population associated with increased risk of developing fibroids,11 and
African American vs. Reference may explain earlier disease in African American women in
Fibroid Characteristic Caucasian Women Number whom menarche is earlier than Caucasian women.34
Environmental and dietary habits also appear to influence
Incidence of uterine Threefold increase 5
fibroids risk of myoma formation. Decreased vegetable and fruit
Relative risk Threefold increase 5 intake, especially citrus fruits35 and significant consump-
Age at diagnosis 3-5 years younger 11 tion of red meats was associated with an increased relative
Severity of disease Fivefold increase 11 risk of fibroids and consumption of green vegetables with
Fibroid growth at older Sevenfold-eightfold 53
age (≥45 years) increase
a decreased risk of myomas.36 Reduced dairy consump-
Myomectomy risk Sixfold increase 13 tion,37 use of hair relaxer,38 and increased intake of alcohol,
Hysterectomy risk Twofold-threefold 14 especially beer, appears to increase risk in African Ameri-
increase can women.39 Association of fibroid risk with high alcohol
intake has also been reported in Japanese women.40 No one
has however, demonstrated that dietary intervention leads
that include abnormal transcriptional factors, increased aro- to changes in fibroid incidence, symptomatology, or fibroid
matase activity and signal transduction genes may dictate a regression. Major life events and stress,41 as well as a history
more severe phenotype of the disease in African American of abuse in childhood42 have been linked to presence of uter-
women.17,18 Polymorphism of catechol-O-methyltransferase ine fibroids. In utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in
(COMT), an essential enzyme for estrogen metabolism, animals43 and humans44 as well as consumption of soy for-
has been shown to be linked to fibroid formation and is mula in infancy, low childhood socioeconomic status, early
more common in African American women.19 Vitamin D gestational age at birth and maternal pre-pregnancy or ges-
has been shown to inhibit fibroid proliferation via COMT tational diabetes status have all been associated to increase
pathway20 and also reduces fibrosis caused by transforming fibroid development risk.15,44 Caffeine consumption was
growth factor-β3 (TGFβ3).21 Role of vitamin D has been not noted to be a risk factor39 and smoking is considered
reproduced in the Eker mouse model,22 where supplemen- protective through an unknown mechanism.26,45 Dietary
tation with 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 at 0.5 μg/kg per Vitamin A from animal sources appears protective.35
day for 3 weeks, lead to reduced myoma size compared to Increased body mass index (BMI) or weight gain since
controls.22 There have seen studies on African American age 18 also appears to influence myoma risk in some
women that correlate fibroid risk to polycystic ovarian syn- cohorts.10,46-48 High dietary glycemic index and glycemic
drome23 and self-reported experience of racism.24 Under- load49 and decreased physical activity50 are also risk fac-
standing the unique genetic and environmental factors tors. Finally, women with leiomyomas appear to be more
588 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

likely to have hypertensive disease than control women.51

It is unclear whether this commonality is due to a common
underlying mechanism since leiomyomas have been shown
to share pathogenic features with development of metabolical

Leiomyomas have a median of 9% change in volume in a
6-month period.53 Growth appears to be race related. Afri-
can American and Caucasian women had similar growth till
35 years of age, after which growth rates declined for Cau-
casian women.53 It is also shown that growth in fibroids is
not dependent on position of the fibroid in the uterus.54
Size of fibroids may be important as greater than 5 cm
diameter lesions have less short-term change.54
Gonadal Steroids: Estrogen and Progesterone FIGURE 27.2  Histological evaluation of fibroid using hematoxylin
There are substantial in  vitro data supporting major roles and eosin staining highlights both cellular bundles and the acellular
extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix not only contains sig-
for both estrogen and progesterone in the biology of uterine
nificant amounts of collagen type I and III but can also act as a reser-
leiomyomas. The role of progesterone on myoma growth voir for growth factors such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF).
has moved beyond the simplistic concept of increasing
mitosis to include inhibiting the apoptosis pathway via
B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl 2) induction.55-57 The apoptotic Fibrotic Factors
inhibitor Bcl2 is present in leiomyomas but is largely unde- Leiomyomas can also be viewed as fibrotic tumors with a
tectable in myometrium. Recently the role of Kruppel-like dynamic extracellular matrix (ECM) playing an important role
transcription factor 11 (KLF11) in integrating progesterone in pathophysiology (Fig. 27.2).78 This hypothesis dates back to
mediated myoma cell signaling and proliferation has been the 1990s where experiments demonstrated that the ECM
shown.58,59 Likewise, regarding estrogen action, local action characterizing fibroids contains significant amounts of colla-
is likely key via an up-regulation of the enzyme aromatase gen types I and III protein, and up-regulation of mRNA levels
P450 and its gene CYP19.60-62 Other elements of estrogenic occurs during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle
response in myomas can also come into play as myoma cells in leiomyomas but not myometrium.79 Other matrix compo-
have a modest increase in type I isotype of 17β hydroxyster- nents including matrix metalloprotease stromelysin 3 (MMP
oid dehydrogenase.63 11) and dermatopontin (a collagen binding protein, also having
Modulation of steroid receptors is also important. Leio- decreased expression in keloid scars) have also been shown
myomas have increased amounts of both estrogen and pro- to be dysregulated in leiomyomas.80,81 Morphological arrange-
gesterone receptor (ER and PR) messenger ribonucleic acid ment of extracellular proteins is also abnormal in myomas.82
(mRNA) compared with normal myometrial tissue.64-66 The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) system also
Both the A- and the N-terminally truncated B-isoforms of appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of leiomyomas,
the PR appear to be present in both leiomyomas and myo- as in other fibrotic processes. A complete review of this topic
metrium, however, the A-isoform predominates.67 Simi- is beyond the scope of this chapter. Leiomyomas appear to
larly, ER-α rather than ER-β appears to be the predominant have higher levels of TGF-β and particularly TGF-β3 mRNA
form in leiomyomas.68 In addition to the direct action of and protein and this in turn affects cellular proliferation.1,83,84
ovarian steroids on the uterus, it is possible that the repro- Vitamin D supplementation has recently shown reversal of
ductive axis may also influence uterine metabolism through TGF-β3 induced fibrosis in fibroids.85 Additionally, Granu-
the direct action of pituitary gonadotropins on the uterus. locyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), con-
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is clini- nective tissue growth factor (CTGF), TGF-β4 (also known as
cally used to reduce myoma size, abolishes gene expression lefty or ebaf, endometrial bleeding-associated factor), the sma
differences between normal myometrium and myomas.69 and mad related (SMAD) family of transcriptions factors and
The placental glycoprotein chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling path-
has been shown by several laboratories to have direct way appear to be part of the fibrotic pathway dysregulated in
actions on myometrial metabolism.70-72 Additionally, work myomas, or the myometrium or endometrium of the uterus
has shown that follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), lutein- in women with leiomyomas or abnormal uterine bleed-
izing hormone (LH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), ing.86-92 Alterations in ECM can modify mechanical stress on
and their common α-subunit can all have stimulatory effects cells, leading to activation of Rho-dependent signaling. Acti-
on uterine prolactin production.71,73 There appears to be a vation of this solid state signaling and altered state of stress
variant LH/hCG receptor present in human uterine tissue may also contribute to fibroid growth.93,94
that may modulate this action.74,75 LH has also been associ-
ated with myoma formation but not growth independent of Angiogenesis
the patient’s age.76 Finally genome wide microarray studies Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is physi-
have shown a strong role of glucocorticoids in pathogenesis ological in the female reproductive tract as opposed to most
of fibroids.77 other tissues where it is pathological. Abnormalities in uterine
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 589

blood vessels and angiogenic growth factors also appear to proteins, and thus, FH appears to act as a tumor sup-
play a role in the pathobiology of myomas. The myomatous pressor.112,117,118 FH appears to play a role in a small per-
uterus shows increased numbers of arterioles and venules as centage of nonsyndromic leiomyomas and in Caucasian
well as venule ectasia.95 These changes are not confined to women.119,120
the leiomyoma itself but also involve the myometrium and Although work on elucidating the pathogenesis of
the endometrium.96,97 Although such venous abnormalities HLRCC syndrome continues, FH mutations appear to
were originally postulated to be the result of physical com- induce a change toward a hypoxic phenotype.120,121 Thus,
pression of the vascular structures by bulky myomas,1 it is the hypothesized relationship between hypoxia and myoma
likely that molecular alterations are actually responsible for pathogenesis appear linked for this subset of leiomyomas.122
increased vessel number or abnormal function.1,98 Currently identifying women at higher risk of malignancy
The process of angiogenesis involves interactions with due to HLRCC syndrome is an important clinical task, just
specific components of the ECM that are dysregulated in as identifying women whose families carry the breast cancer
fibroids such as collagens type I and III.99 There is also con- gene (BRCA) mutations.123 However, in the future, indi-
flicting data regarding whether the resident immune cells vidualized therapy will likely be possible based on genotype
(especially mast cells) contribute to myoma physiology by and underlying predisposition genes.123
modulating angiogenesis.100
The basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) receptor- Cowden Disease (MIM 158350)
ligand system appears to be a significant factor in leiomyoma This disease is a type of hamartomatous polyposis syndrome
pathophysiology. In addition to promoting angiogenesis, characterized by leiomyomas as well as other benign tumors,
bFGF is a smooth muscle-cell mitogen and acts similarly including lipomas and hamartomas. It is autosomal dominant
to estradiol on leiomyoma smooth-muscle cells.101-103 Leio- in inheritance and has involvement of the candidate gene,
myomas have increased levels of bFGF mRNA compared phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN).124-128 Patients
to matched myometrium, a reservoir of bFGF protein in with Cowden disease have increased risk of endometrial, thy-
the ECM and dysregulation of the endometrial type I bFGF roid, kidney, and colorectal cancers. Around 40% of women
receptor.104,105 with Cowden disease are reported to have fibroids.129
Genetic Influences: Clinical Cytogenetic and Molecular Genetics
There are several lines of evidence that suggest that fibroids There is also cytogenetic and molecular genetic evidence
have a genetic component. First, monozygotic twins have for the role of genetics in leiomyomas. Leiomyomas are
twice the rate of concordance for hysterectomy of dizygotic monoclonal, and each tumor is an independent clonal event.
twins.106,107 There is also familial clustering; with a two- Although this fact was originally investigated using G6PD
fold to sixfold increased risk of a woman having fibroids if polymorphisms, androgen receptor polymorphism studies
a woman has an affected first-degree relative.108,109 Finally, concur.130,131
there are also specific syndromes that have a demonstrated Secondly, certain cytogenetic rearrangements characterize
genetic component and whose phenotype includes uterine leiomyomas. Although 40% of fibroids are 46,XX,132 there
leiomyomas in association with other specific lesions: are specific karyotypic abnormalities that have been consis-
tent in a number of studies: t(12;14)—Translocations between
Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer chromosomes 12 and 14, Trisomy 12, rearrangements of 6p,
(HLRCC, MIM 605839)* 10q, and 13q, and Deletion of 3q and 7q.123,132,133 There is
This syndrome is autosomal dominant, and affected fami- evidence that karyotypic evolution is a late event in the patho-
lies manifest cutaneous leiomyomas and papillary renal cell genesis of leiomyomas.131 There is also some evidence that
carcinoma (RCC).110-112 Affected women can have uterine genotype is related to both fibroid size and location and that
leiomyomas as well as uterine leiomyosarcomas.110 Both specific karyotypic groups have specific gene expression pro-
malignancies (sarcomas and RCC) are atypical in their pre- files.132,134,135 Thus, many of the characteristics we attribute
sentation compared to their sporadic counterparts; uterine to submucous fibroids, as an example, may be related to geno-
sarcomas can appear in young premenopausal women, and type and thus, the clinical heterogeneity we see may be more
the papillary RCC is often metastatic at presentation and intelligible when genotypic information is available.136
more likely to be seen in women.110 Two other syndromes Many candidate genes identified for uterine fibroids
had described only the association of cutaneous and uter- map to the regions involved in these karyotypic groups.
ine leiomyomas, but lessons form molecular genetics sug- High mobility group protein A2 (HMGA2, formerly called
gest these are incomplete forms of the HLRCC syndrome HMGI-C) is an architectural transcription factor located
and should be of historical interest only (Reed Syndrome on chromosome 12 that is involved in the pathogenesis of
or Multiple Cutaneous and Uterine Leiomyomas [MCUL], fibroids with t(12;14).137,138 The HMGA2 gene is very large
Mendelian Inheritance in Man [MIM] 150800).113,114 (13 kb with 5 exons) and most translocations involving leio-
Fumarate hydratase (FH), an enzyme that is part of myomas map to the 5′ region of the gene.137,139 However,
the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle, is the gene mutation at recent evidence suggests that unique transcripts from the
1q 42-43 responsible for hereditary leiomyomatosis and opposite deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand may also
renal cell cancer (HLRCC) syndrome.110,111,115,116 Germ- play a role in pathogenesis.140 Diminished stature, early
line mutations appear to result in absent or nonfunctional age at menarche and higher risk of formation of fibroids
has been linked to HMGA2.141 HMGA1 (HMGI[Y])
*The Web site: the full codes for a related gene on chromosome 6p.142,143 Inter-
online catalog of these genetic disorders. estingly, abnormalities in expression of HMGA2 in a
590 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

murine model produce abnormalities of fat deposition and linkage only seen in Caucasian women and a negative rela-
metabolism.144,145 Abnormal expression of HMGA2 could tion in African American patients.120
therefore potentially explain the correlation of metabolical
syndrome in patients with fibroids.52 Other Influences
A genome wide association study (GWAS) from Japan, Epidermal growth factor (EFG) is a growth factor mitogenic
determined significant associations with uterine fibroids in for smooth-muscle cells and EGF mRNA is up-regulated in
three chromosomes 10q24.33, 22q13.1, and 11p15.5.146 leiomyomas only in the secretory phase of the cycle.156,157
Subgroup analyses revealed strong association of marker Receptor levels appear to be similar in leiomyomas and
­single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with uterine myometrium.158 Latest work concentrates on the role of
fibroids regardless of presence or absence of heavy or pain- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)
ful menstrual bleeding suggesting these SNPs are associated oxidase derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) for signaling
with predisposition genes.146 EGF and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) signaling
Finally the role of mediator complex subunit 12 (MED12) pathway, leading to myoma cell proliferation.159
transcriptional factor, a mediator of both global and specific Heparin-binding growth factors are important biologi-
gene transcription located on chromosome Xq13.1 has also cal regulators in leiomyomas since they can be secreted
been described in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids.147 and bound to the reservoir of heparin sulfate proteoglycans
MED12 was altered in 70% of tumors from 80 patients filling the leiomyomatous ECM. Heparin-binding epider-
studied in this report from Scandinavia and pathway mal growth factor (HBEGF), vascular endothelial growth
analysis suggested that ECM receptor interaction, Wing- factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),
less family (Wnt) signaling and focal adhesion pathways ­hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF), and the previ-
were altered by this change. 147 Whole genome sequencing ously described basic FGF are all found in myomas.104,160
has recently shown MED12 mutations to be present fre- Many have also been documented to be stored in the ECM.
quently in fibroids in racially and ethnically diverse Ameri- Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) can act as smooth
can women confirming its importance as a key molecule in muscle-cell mitogens and were originally shown to have
fibroid pathobiology.148 increased binding to leiomyomas compared to myome-
Rad51L1, (hREC2) encodes an enzyme which repairs trium.158 However, assessment of mRNA levels suggests
double-stranded DNA breaks and is the only gene where that gene expression differed among studies.161-163 Later
a fusion transcript appears to play a role in fibroid biology. studies suggested specific modulation of the IGF-binding
Rad51L1 is on chromosome 14, and there are reports that proteins.164 Recent work has shown the role of activation of
in rare myomas with t(12;14) it forms a fusion transcript tyrosine kinases and especially the IGF-1 signaling pathway
with 5′ HMGA2.149-151 Inactivation of a tumor suppressor in fibroids.165 Regulation of these factors following GnRH-
gene, cut-like homeobox gene (CUTL1), acts in some myo- agonist treatment has also been reported.166 There may
mas to suppress transcription of the C-Myc oncogene.152 also be increased prevalence of leiomyomas in women with
Finally, the Eker Rat model for leiomyomas has a germ- acromegaly.167
line defect in the tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (Tsc-2) tumor Prolactin also appears to play an important role in myoma
suppressor gene.153 In this model, recent work suggests pathogenesis. In vitro studies suggest that it is mitogenic for
that there is a developmental window where the expres- leiomyoma and myometrial smooth-muscle cells and that
sion of disease is modulated by the effect of interaction of the prolactin receptor is present in these tissues, setting
the tumor suppressor and the steroidal milieu.153 This ani- up an autocrine or local endocrine system.168 Additionally,
mal model and especially cell lines that have been created agents that appear to cause clinical regression of uterine
from it have been a major asset for fibroid research. How- leiomyoma also appear to decrease prolactin production
ever, there are some facets of the Eker rat model that sug- in vitro.67,73
gest it may be a better model for syndromic fibroids such The resident immune cells also appear to influence leio-
as those seen in HLRCC syndrome rather than sporadic myoma biology. Mast cells have been implicated in leiomy-
fibroids. New murine models are under development that oma pathobiology given that they are generally uniformly
may also aid researchers and also give insights into fibroid distributed in myometrium but highly variable in leiomyo-
pathogenesis.154 The high incidence of myomas may be mas.73 Recent work has suggested a correlation of mast cell
explained in part by the predominance of tumor suppres- number with vasculature.169 A number of cytokines have
sor mechanisms. also been shown to be differentially regulated in leiomyo-
A significant limitation of genetic studies is that they mas and myometrium. Interleukin 8 (IL8) has decreased
have largely been conducted in areas where Caucasians expression of both the ligand and its receptor in myome-
predominate and may not accurately reflect the karyotypes trium compared to leiomyomas.170 The functional signifi-
seen in African American women. Given the different clini- cance of this is shown by the fact that neutralizing antibody
cal behavior of myomas in African American women, it is to IL8 decreases cellular proliferation in  vitro.170 Mono-
reasonable to believe that unique genes may be contributing cyte chemotactic protein-1 (mcp1) is largely undetectable
to this risk. Association of a polymorphism in the catechol- in normal samples of leiomyoma and myometrium but is
O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene seen more frequently in increased significantly following GnRH-agonist therapy.171
African-American women was linked to leiomyoma risk.19 Wnt 7a, the human homolog of the wingless Drosophila
In  vitro work also suggests there may be differences in genes involved in anteroposterior (AP) axis formation and
growth factor regulation in leiomyomas from African Amer- smooth muscle-cell patterning, appears to be suppressed in
ican women.155 Linkage analysis for FH in non-syndromic leiomyomas compared to normal myometrium and to be
leiomyomas demonstrated a significant effect of race with inversely related to ER-α expression.172 In contrast, secreted
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 591

frizzled related protein 1 (sFRP1), a modulator of Wnt sig- with myomas experience improved quality of life following
naling, is increased in leiomyomas (particularly in the late hysterectomy, and hysterectomy also eliminates concomi-
proliferative phase) and increased by estradiol treatment and tant conditions including adenomyosis, endometrial polyps,
hypoxia.173 HOX gene expression does not appear to differ and abnormal pap smears.2,187,188 Unlike the case in hyster-
between leiomyomas and myometrium.174 The mRNA for ectomy for endometriosis, the ovaries can be retained with-
proto-oncogenes cfos and cjun are also overexpressed in leio- out losing therapeutic efficacy. Generally, women weigh
myomas compared to normal myometrium.175 the risk of menopausal symptoms against the risk of ovar-
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) mRNA is ian tumors in making this decision. The attention paid to
also overexpressed in leiomyomas compared with normal the ovary’s production of androgens postmenopausally and
myometrium.176 Serum overexpression of this protein origi- their possible importance in mood and libido appears to be
nating from a fibroid simulating the hypercalcemia of malig- leading to an increase in number of women who retain their
nancy has been reported in the literature.177-180 ovaries even if they are perimenopausal.189 The fact that
Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs which hysterectomy, even without oophorectomy, decreases the
generally inhibit gene expression and appear to have a key risk of ovarian cancer may also affect decision-making on
role in leiomyoma pathogenesis. While early studies showed this issue.190,191 Laparoscopic, rather than open hysterec-
there was differential expression of specific miRNAs tomy if possible should be a goal if this treatment modality
between leiomyomas and normal myometrium and associa- is chosen. As robot-assistance has shown reduction in likeli-
tion of key miRNAs with leiomyoma size and patient race, hood of conversion to laparotomy at time of hysterectomy,
more recent studies have started to define the key regula- there may be hidden potential in this new modality com-
tory pathways they influence.181-184 In particular, dysregu- pared to traditional aggressive surgery.192 Despite definitive
lated miRNAs appear to be involved in multiple adhesion treatment, hysterectomy alone (without oophorectomy)
pathways and multiple signally pathways including MAPK, has been linked to increased incidence of cardiovascular
calcium, and insulin.183 morbidity,193,194 prolapse,195 and worsening cognitive func-
tion including Alzheimer and Parkinson disease.196 These
long-term adverse outcomes should be kept in mind when
Principles of Treatment
recommending hysterectomy as a surgical therapy.
Uterine leiomyomas do not always necessitate treatment. Finally, the use of supracervical or subtotal hysterectomy
Generally, expectant management is appropriate until the in women with leiomyomas is debated. The fact that 7%
woman develops enough symptoms that she requests treat- of women in an unselected population have cyclic bleeding
ment. The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Qual- following this type of hysterectomy deserves further study
ity on comparative management of fibroids has noted the to see whether these women had bleeding complaints or
lack of published data that examines the effectiveness of fibroids prior to hysterectomy.197 Women may also run the
treatment strategies.185 There are two important caveats theoretical risk of the formation of cervical fibroids follow-
to this generalization. First, although bleeding symptoms ing supracervical hysterectomy. Finally, accumulating data
are usually evident, bulk symptoms can be insidious in suggests that, at least in the short term, sexual functioning is
their onset and often attributed to other processes such not improved with supracervical hysterectomy.198,199
as aging. An initial assessment of whether bleeding, bulk- Nonetheless, as women seek less invasive and the health-
related symptoms, or both are prompting therapy helps to care system seeks less costly options, alternatives to hys-
guide appropriate therapeutic options.2 Women not elect- terectomy will become more widely used. All surgical
ing therapy cannot reflexively be termed asymptomatic; alternatives to hysterectomy, however, share the risk of new
they may have substantial symptoms but view the therapies myoma formation what is commonly but incorrectly termed
they are offered as worse than the disease.2 As a second fibroid “recurrence.” Unlike the similar phenomenon after
step, assessing the patient’s desire regarding reproduction surgery in malignant disease, this is unlikely to be persis-
helps refine the available options. In general, women with tence of the same tumor but instead growth of additional
complaints of heavy menstrual bleeding alone tend to have tumors that may have been missed, not treated, resistant to
more options for therapy (e.g., endometrial ablation, hys- treatment, or not yet present at the time of initial therapy.
teroscopic myomectomy and hormonal therapy including Thus, following a variety of techniques, including abdominal
progestin containing intrauterine device (IUD) than women myomectomy and uterine artery embolization, the risk of
with concurrent bulk-related symptomatology. subsequent procedures is significant.200,201
Finally, menopause can be a cure for women with myo- Since the 1930s, abdominal myomectomy has been the
mas. Clearly, heavy menstrual bleeding ceases with the traditional alternative to hysterectomy, because it preserves
onset of menopause. However, not all women have enough the uterus and allows childbearing.202 However, open myo-
volume reduction to alleviate their symptoms. In addition, mectomy does have morbidity similar to that of hysterec-
bleeding symptoms may continue for women who elect tomy and has significant risk of subsequent surgery.203-205
postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and Myomectomies are now increasingly being performed
studies have suggested growth of myomas in women who laparoscopically, with or without robot-assistance. Rates of
take HRT.25,186 conversion to laparotomy have been reported as low as 2%
after laparoscopic myomectomy206 and it has shown fewer
Surgical Therapies complications when compared to open myomectomy.207,208
Hysterectomy provides the only cure for fibroids and will Patients undergoing traditional myomectomy via laparot-
remain a viable treatment option for the near term. Addi- omy, when compared to robot-assisted myomectomy, had
tionally, short-term outcome studies suggest that women more estimated blood loss and a longer length of stay in
592 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

the hospital.209,210 When outcomes from robot-assisted For women who have completed childbearing and for
laparoscopic myomectomy, standard laparoscopic myo- whom bleeding is the primary problem, endometrial abla-
mectomy and open myomectomy were compared, patients tion, either alone or in combination with hysteroscopic
with laparoscopic and robot-assisted procedures had similar myomectomy, may give relief with minimal invasiveness.239
blood loss and length of stay, both of which were reduced Increasingly, a levonorgestrel IUD can be used for a “revers-
compared to the open procedure.211 Short-term surgical ible endometrial ablation.”240,241 In addition to providing
outcomes are similar after robot-assisted myomectomy effective control of bleeding, it provides contraception for
and standard laparoscopic myomectomy.212 Reports have women in this premenopausal age group, in contrast to sur-
shown increased operating time with robotic procedures, gical endometrial ablation which leaves women at risk for
however rate of complications are low compared to open tubal and cervical and cervical ectopic pregnancies.
surgery.211,213,214 Using single port laparoscopy or laparoen-
doscopic single-site surgery (LESS) has led to success for Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE)
myomas; however, since this is the newest form of laparo- Transcatheter arterial embolization has long been an effec-
scopic innovation, data is limited.215-217 tive percutaneous technique for controlling bleeding in a
Abdominal myomectomy permits healthy pregnancies wide variety of disorders. Its use for the treatment of leio-
after surgery and pregnancy rates have been reported to myomas was first reported in 1995.242 Although initially
be in the 50% to 60% range.218 Uterine rupture following used as an alternative for patients who were felt to be poor
myomectomy is very rare at 0.5% to 1% and is suggested surgical candidates, the resolution of symptoms in the initial
that it may be related to surgical technique.219 The com- cohort encouraged the use of this technique as a primary
mon clinical practice of counseling women who have had a therapy.
myomectomy with a transmural uterine incision to undergo UAE is increasingly the first line alternative to hysterec-
an elective cesarean section is based on this risk of uter- tomy for women with bulk-related symptoms and no desire
ine rupture following classical cesarean delivery. However, for future pregnancy,243,244 and has been recommended
there is no evidence they are analogous situations.220 There by the American Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology
is enough evidence to question the rationale for the con- (ACOG) as a safe and effective form of uterine preserving
ventional practice and recommendation of cesarean delivery treatment for fibroids.220 It provides a decrease in heavy
after myomectomy, even if the endometrial cavity has been menstrual bleeding and bulk-related symptoms in 75% to
breached.221-225 85% of women and a volume reduction of 30% to 46% over
Though laparoscopic myomectomy involves much up to 5 years of follow-up.244 Need for a second form of
smaller incisions and a quicker recovery time, it does intervention after UAE is noted to be somewhere between
require a surgeon skilled in laparoscopic suturing and not all 9% and 32%.245-248 Previously thought of as a contraindica-
women have the size and number of fibroids amenable to tion, fibroids greater than 10 cm diameter in size, have been
this technique. While updated series suggest that the risk of shown to be treated successfully with UAE.249,250
uterine rupture is low following laparoscopic myomectomy, A series of randomized clinical trials (RCT), mostly con-
rare cases continue to be reported.226-230 Because these ducted in Europe, have compared outcomes of up to 5 years
uterine ruptures typically occur remote from term, appro- for women undergoing UAE and surgery (which included
priate counseling for patients contemplating pregnancy hysterectomy and/or myomectomy). These studies show
is important, especially if devascularization with cautery women undergoing UAE have less pain, shorter hospital stay,
occurs intraoperatively. Data is very limited on obstetrical a quicker return to work, equal post treatment symptom
outcomes following robot-assisted myomectomy, but the scores (based on standardized and validated questionnaires),
few reports have been reassuring.231,232 no difference in health-related quality of life years and less
Myolysis is a variation on the technique of laparoscopic healthcare costs when compared to surgery.245,246,248,251-253
myomectomy in which the leiomyoma tissue is coagulated It is relatively common for submucous myomas to be
rather than removed.233 While this technique is easier to expelled vaginally after treatment244 and thus, most hys-
master than laparoscopic morcellation or suturing, localized teroscopically-resectable fibroids are still approached sur-
destruction without repair may also increase the chance of gically. Similarly, the presence of pedunculated subserosal
uterine rupture and adhesion formation.234 fibroids has historically been considered a relative contra-
For women with submucous myomas, the use of hys- indication to UAE therapy although no cases have been
teroscopic myomectomy has distinct advantages. With reported of intraperitoneal expulsion. There is some data
their accessible location, type 0 and I (European Society that suggests that UAE can still be performed in these cases
of Hysteroscopy Classification) myomas can be resected of pedunculated fibroids.254,255 A laparoscopic approach
with an intrauterine operative endoscope with good long- can also be considered in such patients. Studies also sug-
term results.235 Although this procedure requires highly gest that high T2 signals predict greater volume reduc-
skilled practitioners, it can be done as outpatient surgery, tion and complete devascularization predicts outcome at
often with a regional or local anesthetic and sedation 5 years.256-258
that eases recuperation. Symptomatic relief is good with Most patients develop significant pain and some vagi-
fewer than 16% of women in one large series who were nal discharge following the procedure and usually require
treated for menorrhagia reporting second surgeries after intravenous narcotics for pain control. “Postembolization
9 years.235-237 Fertility rates appear excellent after hystero- syndrome,” defined as the combination of diffuse abdomi-
scopic myomectomy, and there have been no case reports nal pain, mild fever, and mild leukocytosis is common and
of uterine rupture after uncomplicated hysteroscopic can occur in 30% to 40% of patients and gradually improves
myomectomy.238 over a week.
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 593

It is important to assess the effects of UAE on the abil- Seventy one percent of women reached a target symptom
ity of women to become pregnant subsequently or to reduction score on the uterine fibroid symptom and quality
carry a pregnancy to term. Thus far, there are a number of of life (UFS-QOL) questionnaire281 at 6 months and 51%
reported patients who became pregnant following UAE.259-265 maintained this at 12 months in one of the pivotal trials.276
Although no difference in intrapartum adverse outcomes In newer studies as higher NPV rates were achieved, quality
was noted when patients after UAE were compared to of life improved.282 Volume reduction is again proportional
patients after myomectomy, cesarean delivery rate was to NPV achieved after treatment. Up to 40% reduction in
increased in both groups.260,263 Pregnancy clearly can and volume has been noted in fibroids after MRgFUS treat-
does occur following UAE with success rates reported from ment.280 When low NPV (of around 26%) was achieved,
20% to 60%,263,265 however, the risk of spontaneous miscar- 28% of patients ended up with an alternative form of treat-
riage in these women has been noted to be higher compared ment at 12 months after MRgFUS.282 Newer reports with
to women with fibroids that have not undergone UAE treat- higher NPV achieved (around 60%) led to failure of treat-
ment.266 There are two major areas of caution for women ment in only 8% of women.283
wishing to optimize their fertility potential: effects on ovar- Complications from MRgFUS are very rare. The most
ian function and myometrial wall integrity. common complication is skin burns. These can occur
Due to increased placental implantation issues after because of poor coupling or abdominal scars on the patient
UAE, close monitoring of the placental status has been rec- that are encountered within the FUS bean pathway. An early
ommended.264 Around 13% of women in one series, who trial reported around 5% risk of burns.276 Only one case of
were nulliparous and had no other risk factors, had some extensive skin burns has been reported.284 Use of acoustic
form of placenta previa or accreta in one series.264 The early reflectors (like cork or foam) and an energy-blocking patch
data on ovarian damage used amenorrhea as the indicator on scars has shown success in prevention of burns.285,286
of perturbed ovarian function.267,268 It is clear that amen- A parallel enrollment trial compared MRgFUS to
orrhea risk is age related with women under 40 having a abdominal hysterectomy, and recorded significant clinical
3% risk and women over 50, a 41% risk.267 Newer stud- complications and short form health survey (SF-36) at 1,
ies evaluate follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and anti- 3, and 6 months. Clinically significant complications were
müllerian hormone (AMH) levels to detect more subtle lower in MRgFUS group, with SF-36 scores improved in
damage.269-272 While studies with short-term outcome may both arms at 6 months, however, they were significantly
not show impact,270 most have shown an age dependent better in the hysterectomy group.287 There is currently an
risk, with risk increasing more so after 45 years of age.269,271 NIH funded randomized clinical trial comparing MRgFUS
Compared to hysterectomy, UAE causes more of a decre- to UAE (NCT00995878, which should
ment in AMH levels after a 2-year follow-up following UAE provide important information. Studies have also shown
treatment.272 However, it is often overlooked that surgery MRgFUS to be in the range of currently accepted criteria
also has an adverse impact on ovarian reserve. A putative for cost effectiveness.288,289
mechanism is suggested in another report that indicated sig- Subsequent pregnancy related complications after MRg-
nificantly increased FSH levels following UAE in patients FUS treatment are minimal. Forty five pregnancies in 51
with utero-ovarian vascular anastomoses.271 women were reported in the only published series.290 Live
birth rate of 41%, mean birth weight of 3.3 Kg, spontaneous
Focused Ultrasound: Non-Invasive Treatment abortion rate of 28%, and term delivery rate of 93% was
MRI guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) pro- noted.290 At least one patient with a fibroid impinging on
vides a noninvasive ablation method that is FDA-approved the cavity and unexplained infertility, conceived spontane-
for the treatment of uterine fibroids since 2004. While pio- ously after MRgFUS treatment.291
neered for the treatment of uterine fibroids, this modality Ultrasound-guided focused ultrasound (typically referred
can be used to treat multiple diseases and may prove to be to as high intensity focused ultrasound, HIFU) has been used
the next step in surgical innovation from open to minimally to treat several solid tumors outside the United States.292
invasive to noninvasive approaches. Since feasibility studies showed promising results for use
Just as a laser amplifies and collates light into a thera­ of ultrasound guided-HIFU for uterine fibroids293,294 larger
peutic modality, FUS can deliver a large amount of energy studies have been reported. These reports have not only
to target tissues in a noninvasive way. Treatment is accom- demonstrated safety and efficacy of ultrasound guided-
plished by placing a transducer against the abdomen, target- HIFU for treatment of uterine fibroids,295-297 but also
ing an intraabdominal myoma without breaching the skin. shown safety of pregnancy within 1 year of treatment in
The intensity of FUS used for treatment is significantly one report.298
higher than that used in diagnostic ultrasound and can rapidly
increase temperature at the focal point in excess of 70° C. Medical Therapies
At this temperature, coagulative necrosis will occur.273 The There is a lack of randomized trials to demonstrate effec-
procedure is performed under conscious sedation. After tiveness of medical management of fibroids.299 Oral con-
T2-weighted images are obtained (to develop a treatment traceptive pills, progestins, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
plan), FUS sonications are targeted at the fibroid while MRI drugs, antifibrinolytic agents, androgenic compounds, and
provides continuous thermal feedback. progestin loaded intrauterine devices, all of which are use-
The strongest predictor of MRgFUS success is the ful in the treatment of idiopathic heavy menstrual bleeding,
nonperfused volume (NPV) or the area devascularized by have not been studied with leiomyoma–related bleeding.
treatment that is nonperfusing in post treatment gadolin- Nonetheless, they are widely used and are likely effective
ium imaging in the fibroid achieved after treatment.274-280 in at least a subset of women with fibroids. A systematic
594 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

review suggested that in trials when women were assigned is beneficial preoperatively, they also state that for each
to medical therapy at least 60% of them had undergone sur- individual the benefit must be weighed against the cost and
gery by 2 years.240 the side effects.220
GnRH-Agonists GnRH-Agonist Therapy with Estrogen and Progestin
Since the action of native GnRH depends on its pulsa- Add-Back Regimens
tile release, the effects of GnRH-agonists depend upon For many women, 3 to 6 months of symptomatic relief
their continuous presence. They first cause a time-limited from leiomyomas does not allow them to avoid surgery
increase in gonadotropin release, termed the flare. This sub- but does afford them the opportunity to prepare them-
sequently leads to receptor downregulation, followed 1 to selves optimally for an operation. Therefore, the concept
3 weeks later by a hypogonadotropic hypogonadal state. It of adding additional therapy to minimize the side effects
is this down-regulated phase that is useful clinically in the of prolonged therapy was developed, the so-called add-
treatment of myomas. Alterations of the GnRH molecule, back regimens.304-306 The goal of add-back regimens was to
typically at the two glycine (G) residue positions 6 and 10, achieve a window of therapeutic efficacy during which side
produce a longer half-life and are more useful for clinical effects would be lessened or eliminated, yet no regrowth of
purposes. the myomas would occur.
Many studies have focused on the efficacy and benefits Studies have utilized one of two treatment strategies:
of GnRH-agonist treatment for women with fibroids. Most simultaneous and sequential administration. With simulta-
women experience a substantial reduction in mean uterine neous treatment regimens, both the GnRH-agonist and the
volume of 30% to 60% over 3 to 6 months of therapy.300,301 add-back regimens are started at the same time. In sequen-
However, there is a wide range of responsiveness with rare tial treatment regimens, the GnRH-agonist is given alone
individuals achieving no volume reduction. Both the estra- for up to 6 months before steroid hormone treatment is
diol levels at week 12 and the weight of the woman are cor- added reducing a period of hypoestrogenism before steroid
related with the degree of uterine shrinkage.301 add-back therapy is started. Studies have suggested that
The other primary benefit of GnRH-agonist treatment sequential treatment is superior for therapeutic efficacy in
is the induction of amenorrhea. Menses typically return 4 the treatment of fibroids.305
to 10 weeks following the end of GnRH-agonist treatment.
Fibroid and uterine volume usually returns to pretreatment Innovative GnRH-Agonist Add-Back Therapies
size within 3 to 4 months. The rapid return of ovarian ste- The estrogen receptor antagonists, tamoxifen and raloxi-
roidogenesis, coupled with an increase in the concentra- fene, have been used in randomized prospective 6-month
tion of estrogen receptors in fibroids recently treated with studies in a simultaneous add-back study design with the
GnRH-agonists, may contribute to the rapid regrowth of GnRH agonist.307,308 Results were conflicting. No change in
these tumors.302 myoma size was noted when 20 mg of tamoxifen was used;308
GnRH-agonists can have significant adverse effects, whereas, when 60 mg of tamoxifen was used a reduction in
the most important of which is bone loss. Six months of myoma size, but not symptoms, was noted.307 Studies using
GnRH-agonist treatment can cause a 6% loss in trabecu- raloxifene (60 mg/day) therapy in postmenopausal women
lar bone, not all of which is reversible on discontinuation with leiomyomas were able to cause a reduction in size.309
of therapy.300 Symptomatic side effects of GnRH-agonist Tibolone, a synthetic steroid, has been used as a single agent
therapy are common. Hot flashes are universal in women for menopausal HRT for its combination of estrogenic and
undergoing treatment. Other less common side effects progestational actions in the same molecule.310 This medi-
include sleep disturbance, irregular vaginal bleeding, vaginal cation has been studied in premenopausal women receiving
dryness, headache, depression, hair loss, and musculoskel- GnRH-agonists for the treatment of myomas.311 There was
etal symptoms.300 no inhibition of uterine shrinkage with tibolone, and patients
Because of the concerns regarding bone loss with GnRH- showed preservation of bone density as well as symptomatic
agonists, clinical use of these drugs is typically confined to improvement. Thus, tibolone may be used as a single-agent
use as preoperative therapy or in women for whom a short add-back in the future.312 Ipriflavone, an isoflavone that is
period of treatment will be effective. The GnRH-agonist, a weak estrogen modulator, has been studied in add-back
Lupron® is FDA-approved for the presurgical treatment of regimens.313 Although originally studied to determine its
uterine fibroids to correct anemia in conjunction with iron effect on bone, it appears effective in slowing bone loss and
administration.303 This is the only medical treatment FDA decreasing symptoms without impeding the volume reduc-
approved for treatment of this disease. tion of GnRH-agonist therapy.
Administration prior to either hysterectomy or myo-
mectomy is the most common current use of these agents. GnRH-Antagonists
Length of therapy varies from 1 to 6 months depending GnRH-antagonists have also been studied in the treatment
on the surgical and hematological goals and the planned of uterine leiomyomas.314-317 The lack of flare effect and
procedure. The amenorrhea induced by GnRH therapy rapid onset of action give them an advantage over GnRH-
leads to improved hemoglobin concentrations, which per- agonists. Although they are not Food and Drug Administra-
mits women who are anemic to correct this problem and tion (FDA)-approved for this indication, they have several
potentially to donate their own blood for transfusion. Pre- significant advantages over GnRH-agonists. However, in the
operative GnRH therapy also has been shown to reduce United States, these agents are marketed for use of ovula-
intraoperative blood loss significantly.303 Although current tion induction and long-term preparations are not available.
guidelines from ACOG suggest that use of GnRH-agonists This could make treatment of fibroids cumbersome.
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 595

Progesterone Modulators Aromatase Inhibitors

Clinical data regarding the efficacy of progesterone mod- Aromatase inhibitors have shown to decrease symptoms
ulators has conformed the importance of progesterone in from fibroids and shrinkage in size when given to women
myoma biology. A concern of paramount importance while that were pre- or peri-menopausal.331-334 A randomized trial
using progesterone receptor modulators (PRMs) is the poten- compared letrozole at 2.5 mg/day to triptorelin (3.75 mg/
tial of increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia or cancer. month) for 12 weeks in 70 women with a single fibroid
Pathologists have however shown a unique histological pat- ≥5 cm size. A statistically significant volume reduction in
tern in patients on these medications.318 These PRM-asso- myoma size was noted in the letrozole group vs. the trip-
ciated endometrial changes do not have typical molecular torelin arm (45% versus 33%).334 Serum hormone levels
signatures of malignant progression,319 however, long-term were also significantly reduced in the triptorelin arm vs. the
data is still lacking. letrozole group.334 Extensive data regarding the safety, effi-
Mifepristone (RU486) is a steroidal derivative of nor- cacy, and cost-effectiveness of this class of medications as
ethindrone, which acts primarily as an antiprogestin. It medical therapy for uterine fibroids is still lacking.
has, in high doses (50 mg/day), shown reduction in myoma
size comparable to GnRH-agonists.319 Thus, the clinical Serum Estrogen Receptor Modulators
benefit was equivalent to that seen with GnRH-agonists, Selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs), which
yet follicular levels of estradiol were maintained to sup- exhibit tissue-specific agonist or antagonist activity, appear
port bone mass and provide symptomatic relief. Identical to work better in animal models of myomas than in clinical
results were found with a reduction in dose to 25 mg/day; trials. Studies have examined both tamoxifen and raloxifene.
however, with a 5 mg/day dose, although acyclicity was Clomiphene has not been studied and has been reported to
maintained, volume reduction was reduced to 30%.319-325 cause growth of a myoma in a single case report.335 Despite
More recent studies suggest that doses of 5 and 10 mg promising results in animal models,336,337 clinical studies
produce volume reduction equivalent to those elicited by have had less impressive results.309 However, in premeno-
the higher doses, but produced amenorrhea in only 60% to pausal women, raloxifene alone or when combined with
65% of women but did result in decreased menstrual blood GnRH agonists demonstrated little efficacy despite use at
loss.320,324 Nonetheless, this provides significant symptom- three times the conventional dose.307,338
atic improvement. Mifepristone has mild side effects com-
pared with GnRH-agonists. Adverse effects included mild Androgens
and infrequent hot flashes in approximately 20% of patients Danazol, an androgenic steroid most commonly used for the
during the first month of treatment only with higher doses; medical treatment of endometriosis, can be used to induce
however, more persistent symptoms appeared in another amenorrhea in order to control anemia due to fibroid-related
study. Mifepristone is not approved for use by the United heavy menstrual bleeding. A second androgenic steroid,
States FDA. A major impediment to off-label use is that the gestrinone, has been shown to cause volume reduction and
current available dose of RU486 is not appropriate (200 mg amenorrhea in women with myomas.339 A great advantage
once for pregnancy termination versus 5 to 10 mg/day for of this drug is that, after it is discontinued, there is a carry-
fibroid treatment for 6 months).326 over effect like those of PRMs; in one study, 89% of the
Ulipristal acetate, another PRM, was recently compared women maintained a decreased uterine volume 18 months
with placebo at 5 or 10 mg once daily for 13 weeks in a ran- after cessation of therapy.339 Unfortunately, gestrinone is
domized control trial.327 The medication resulted in resolu- not available in the United States. However, androgenic side
tion of heavy menstrual bleeding and significant reduction in effects including acne, hirsutism, and irreversible deepening
fibroid volume, in women with uteri of less than 16 weeks of the voice have limited its clinical use.
gestational size.327 There were also no findings of endome-
trial hyperplasia with its use. In another noninferiority trial, Growth Factor-Directed Treatments
ulipristal was compared to GnRH-agonists, at 5 or 10 mg Particular factors which appear to be relevant to leiomyoma
a day for 13 weeks.328 Both arms had comparable rates of biology include the angiogenic factor basic fibroblast growth
resolution of heavy menstrual bleeding, however, ulipristal factor (bFGF), the fibrotic growth factor transforming
resulted in less myoma size reduction compared to GnRH- growth factor-beta (TGF-β), and insulin-like growth fac-
agonist but a more rapid induction of amenorrhea.328 Data tors I and II (IGF I and II), which mediate the effects of
from the supplementary appendix of these studies suggests growth hormone (GH).1,122 These molecules, as well as
that PRMs provide more prolonged volume reduction after other growth factors, are likely to be targets for leiomyoma
treatment is discontinued compared to GnRH agonists.328 treatment in the future.
Endometrial biopsies from women on ulipristal revealed
a carryover effect of this medication after 3 months of GH-Directed and IGF-Directed Therapy
therapy that lasted up to 6 months.327 Women with symp- Both growth hormone (GH) and the IGFs appear to have
tomatic fibroids thus may have the option of a unique inter- metabolical effects on uterine leiomyomas and the sur-
mittent therapy with this medication.329 Like Mifepristone rounding myometrium.164 Because women with acromeg-
however, the available FDA approved formulation (30 mg aly (an excess of growth hormone) have a high incidence
tablet) makes off-label use for fibroids problematic. of leiomyomas, researchers decided to test the hypoth-
Other PRMs are being studied for the treatment of uter- esis that interfering with the growth hormone axis might
ine leiomyomas.330 These drugs appear to have efficacy sim- work as a treatment for leiomyomas.167 Lanreotide (a
ilar to mifepristone but decreased side effects and increased long-acting somatostatin analogue) has been used in seven
specificity when interacting with the progesterone receptor. premenopausal women with uterine myomas in a pilot
596 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

study in Italy.340 Over the 3 months of treatment, both

uterine volume and the volume of the largest leiomyoma
were significantly reduced by 24% and 42%, respectively.
Three months following the discontinuation of therapy
there was some regrowth, but a significant reduction in
uterine volume persisted at 17% and 29%, respectively.
Levels of estradiol were not affected by this treatment,
though both plasma GH and IGF-I levels were signifi-
cantly reduced and additional pathological modulators
may be effective.341
Anti-Angiogenic Therapies
There is significant evidence that the angiogenic factor
bFGF and its type I receptor are important in the patho-
genesis of leiomyoma-related bleeding.104,105 In a variety
of systems, interferons (INF) IFN-α or INF-β antagonize
the effects of bFGF and have proven clinically useful in the
treatment of a variety of vascular tumors. In vitro studies of
leiomyomas demonstrate that IFN-α is an effective inhibitor
of serum-stimulated and bFGF-stimulated DNA synthesis
in both leiomyoma and normal myometrial cells, as well as
in endometrial cells.103 A case report also raises the possibil-
ity that IFNs may provide effective treatment for fibroids.
FIGURE 27.3  A T2-weighted fast-spin echo (FSE) image of the ade-
A premenopausal woman who was treated with IFN-α for nomyotic uterus. Adenomyosis is characterized by proliferation of
hepatitis C was noted to have significant shrinkage of a leio- glandular elements of the uterus so that bright (white) areas similar
myoma after 7 months of interferon therapy.342 Tranilast in intensity to the endometrial cavity are seen deep into the uterine
[N-(3′4′-dimethoxycinnamonyl) anthranilic acid (N-5′)], a wall. The uterine walls can be asymmetric in this disease, and in this
drug currently used in the treatment of a variety of allergic image the posterior wall is markedly thicker than the anterior wall.
conditions, has been shown in vitro to decrease leiomyoma Thickening of the junctional zone, another characteristic of adeno-
cellular proliferation by arresting cells at the transition from myosis is not seen in this image.
G0 to G1 phase.343 While it acts as an angiogenesis inhibitor,
it also works as a mast-cell stabilizer and a fibrosis inhibitor, since diagnosis can only be made with certainty by micro-
which may have relevance for leiomyomas.343 scopic examination of the uterus typically after a hyster-
Current research also involves work on the role of reti- ectomy. In another series of hysterectomies, adenomyosis
noic acid,344,345 Vitamin D,346,347 and green tea compo- appears in about one quarter of all uterine specimens but
nents348 in preventing fibroid formation. is no more likely to coexist with symptomatic leiomyomas
(23.3%) than with endometrial cancer (28.2%) or ovarian
cancer (28.1%).351
Adenomyosis Unlike leiomyomas, adenomyosis is associated with
Adenomyosis, formerly termed endometriosis interna, is increasing parity.351-356 It is estimated that at least 80% of
another benign uterine disease characterized by the pres- women with this disorder are parous. However, this may be
ence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma within the a confounding variable since women with a history of multi-
myometrium (Fig. 27.3). Furthermore, the surrounding ple pregnancies may simply have had more indications and/
myometrium is usually altered to produce hypertrophy. or inclination to proceed to hysterectomy during which the
Disease ranges from grossly visible nodules termed ade- diagnosis could be made. Studies that suggest the presence
nomyomas, which can clinically resemble leiomyomas, to of adenomyosis with imaging modalities rather than histopa-
disease that is only detectable by microscopy. Definitions thology have suggested the presence of this disease process
vary for the abnormal presence of gland within the stroma, in adolescents as well.357,358 The California Teachers Study
with most settling on a definition of glands found one to noted clinical differences in women with endometriosis
three low-power fields from the endomyometrial junction. and adenomyosis.354 Women with adenomyosis were older,
Clearly, differences in definition will lead to differences in had higher parity, early menarche, shorter menstrual cycles
perceived rates. and were more obese compared to women with endome-
Classically, an adenomyotic uterus is termed boggy, triosis.354 Another study compared women with presence
globular, and symmetrically enlarged. However, this disease of fibroids and adenomyosis to women with fibroids only.359
coexists with many other uterine conditions. One study Women with both fibroids and adenomyosis had more pelvic
has argued that adenomyosis is not indeed a true disease pain and dysmenorrhea, higher parity, a history of previous
but a variant of the norm as women had similar symptoms uterine surgery and had more clinical depression compared
for hysterectomy with and without adenomyosis.349 Most to women with fibroids only.359 Women with histopathol-
women in this study were perimenopausal which could have ogy proven adenomyosis were more likely to have a his-
been a major selection bias. tory of previous uterine surgery in several reports.355,359,360
Adenomyosis can affect around 20% to 65% of women,350 Data regarding smoking as a risk factor for adenomyosis is
though the accuracy of these numbers can be questioned controversial.353,356
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 597

Clinically, adenomyosis has similarities to leiomyomas antidepressant use to be increased in women with adeno-
in that its peak incidence is in women ages 40 to 50 years myosis.359 A second model using the FORKO (follitropin
old with approximately 60% of women reporting abnormal receptor knockout mouse) suggests that the rising levels of
uterine bleeding, chiefly heavy menstrual bleeding. Abnor- FSH seen with aging may also play an important pathogenic
mal distribution of thick and dilated vessels in the endome- role in this disease.386
trium, particularly in the secretory phase of the menstrual Although definitive diagnosis of adenomyosis requires
cycle, is one explanation for heavy menstrual flow in such histology, imaging techniques are increasingly able to sug-
women.361,362 Dysmenorrhea is the other frequent symp- gest the appropriate diagnosis. Both transvaginal ultrasonog-
tom of adenomyosis, occurring in approximately one quarter raphy (TVS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are
of all cases.350 Dysmenorrhea has been correlated with deep used for this purpose. MRI is a better imaging modality for
penetration and/or a high density of endometrial glands adenomyosis but is expensive. It can also differentiate very
within the myometrium.363 Abnormal uterine bleeding in well, between an adenomyoma and a fibroid.387 TVS is a
the presence of adenomyosis is now classified as FIGO class less expensive imaging technique but is known to be opera-
AUB-A type of bleeding (see the section on abnormal bleed- tor dependent. A review of 23 articles comparing sensitivity
ing later in this chapter).364 and specificity MRI and TVS revealed both techniques to
The most widely quoted hypothesis regarding the patho- have similar sensitivity (0.72 for TVS and 0.77 for MRI)
genesis of adenomyosis is that invasion of the myometrium and specificity (0.81 for TVS and 0.89 for MRI).388 Com-
by the endometrium induces hypertrophy and hyperplasia puted tomography has no role in diagnosis of adenomyo-
of the myometrium. Proponents of this theory often quote sis389 and needle biopsy should be reserved for cases where
the association of parity with adenomyosis to suggest that malignancy needs to be ruled out.390
disruption of the layers of the uterus at the time of preg- The only definitive treatment for adenomyosis is total
nancy and cesarean delivery may predispose to this condi- hysterectomy. GnRH-agonist treatment has been shown to
tion. However, experimental evidence indicates instead produce amenorrhea, a transient decrease in uterine size
that adenomyosis can be metaplastic process or a devel- and even in the ability to conceive.391-393 Other medical
opmental defect. First, adenomyosis has been diagnosed therapies include use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauter-
in a woman with Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome, ine device,394-397 and a single case report of danazol con-
who lacked eutopic endometrium.365 Additionally, stud- taining intrauterine device.398 Unfortunately, resumption
ies comparing the molecular expression of growth factors of pretreatment uterine size and recurrence of symptoms
show distinct differences between ectopic and eutopic are usually documented within 6 months of cessation of
endometrium.89,366-369 Factors that appear common to the therapy.396
pathogenesis of leiomyomas and adenomyosis include angio- Data regarding conservative surgery (if adenomyoma
genic factors such as bFGF, fibrotic factors including GM- present) are scarce. Adenomyomectomy has been reported
CSF, the gonadotropin receptor LH, and resident immune to improve symptoms of adenomyosis,399,400 and one study
cells.89,368,370-374 The efficacy of some conventional and reports conservative surgery and GnRH medical therapy
investigational therapies may be mediated through these following treatment to be superior to surgery alone.401
systems.375,376 Other reported techniques include endomyometrial abla-
Gonadal steroid hormones also play a role in patho- tion and laparoscopic myometrial electrocoagulation which
physiology of adenomyosis. Adenomyotic implants express appear to decrease symptoms in more than half of patients
higher aromatase and estrone sulfatase activity,377,378 and with 3 years of follow-up data.402,403
also have polymorphisms in estrogen receptors (ER).379 Both UAE and MRgFUS have been reported for the
In  vitro studies have shown normalization of aroma- treatment of adenomyosis. UAE can achieve success rates
tase activity by gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists of approximately 50% over a 36-month follow-up.404 In a
(GnRH) and danazol, but there is lack of data to show recent report after a median follow-up of 58 months around
these effects in vivo.375,377 The role of estrogen and ER in 18% women ended with a hysterectomy, however, 73%
adenomyotic implants is further supported by the fact that of women were completely asymptomatic.405 For MRg-
endometrial hyperplasia was more prevalent in women with FUS, the largest study to date included 20 patients with a
adenomyosis in one report.380 A murine model of adeno- 6-month follow-up and indicated safe and effective MRg-
myosis also supports this, as early tamoxifen exposure in FUS therapy in all subjects enrolled.406 Another MRgFUS
these mice lead to development of adenomyosis and abnor- case reports a spontaneous pregnancy with full term deliv-
mal myometrium.381 ery after treatment.407 Ultrasound-guided high-intensity
Interestingly, another murine model of adenomyosis has focused ultrasound ablation has also been studied in one
been developed by placing a graft of pituitary tissue in a report.297 Seventy eight patients with adenomyosis were
uterine horn.382,383 Prolactin appears to be the key patho- enrolled and after a mean follow-up of 24 months around
genic agent in this model: the mice have elevated levels of 90% of the patients had complete relief of symptoms.297
plasma prolactin, and administration of bromocriptine pre- As imaging techniques get better, adenomyosis is being
vents the development of adenomyosis.382,384 In this model, diagnosed with increasing frequency in women of reproduc-
there does appear to be endometrial cell invasion due to tive age. Data on these women is limited to small case series.
degeneration of myometrial cells.383 Indirect exposure of Indirect evidence shows a link between adenomyosis and
the uterus due to hyperprolactinemia secondary to selective infertility,408 however, there is no direct link.409 Increased
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications can also risk of preterm birth and preterm premature rupture of
induce adenomyosis.385 This theory is further strengthened membranes in women with adenomyosis (diagnosed with
by recent work that showed both clinical depression and TVS or MRI) was noted in one epidemiological study.410
598 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

The most frequent symptom in women with endometrial

Endometrial Polyps polyps is abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB-P) in the updated
Endometrial polyps, as their name suggests, arise from the Federation Internationale de Gynecologie et d’Obstetrique
endometrial layer of the uterus. They are characterized by (FIGO) classification441 and is reported in 50% of symp-
glandular proliferation surrounding a central core of promi- tomatic cases.442 Conversely of women who have abnormal
nent blood vessels in the stroma. Polyps are associated with bleeding, approximately 30% have evidence of endometrial
abnormal uterine bleeding, particularly spotting and irregu- polyps.443 Although abnormal bleeding is the most common
lar bleeding, but the underlying mechanism has not been clinical representation most polyps may remain symptom
articulated. Several mechanisms are thought to play a role in free and are an incidental finding on imaging.444 The size,
development of endometrial polyps. These include overex- number, and location of polyps do not correlate with clinical
pression of endometrial aromatase activity,411,412 monoclo- symptomatology.445
nal endometrial hyperplasia,413 genetic factors, particularly Most polyps are benign and malignant transformation
cytogenetic rearrangements of chromosome 6p,12q and can occur in 0% to 12.9% of polyps.446-448 Microsatellite
7q,414,415 and alterations in endometrial levels of matrix instability has been noted in patients with multiple pol-
metalloproteinases and cytokines.416 Recent work has also yps or polyps with hyperplasia.449 A recent meta-analysis
shown the role of increased TGF-β, VEGF,417 and bcl-2418 in revealed that the prevalence of malignant polyps was higher
the pathogenesis of endometrial polyps. Historically polyps in postmenopausal women compared to women in their
have been known to have estrogen receptors, though cur- reproductive years (5.42% versus 1.7%) and that malig-
rent literature suggests the presence of both estrogen and nant polyps were more likely to bleed than non-malignant
progesterone receptors (ER and PR).419,420 It is suggested ones.450 Risk factors associated with malignant endome-
that both estrogen and progesterone contribute to the elon- trial polyps include an age greater than 60 years, polyp size
gation of endometrial glands, stroma, and blood vessels to greater than 1.5 cm in length, menopausal status, and abnor-
give them a characteristic appearance.421 Progestins also mal bleeding.432,451,452
have an antiproliferative function on polyps422 as do andro- Endometrial polyps are still diagnosed following dila-
gens, however, data suggest that testosterone does not sub- tion and curettage (D&C) or hysterectomy, though new
stitute for progestational activity for endometrial polyps.423 methods of diagnosis and treatment are being utilized
The estimated prevalence of polyps varies widely from more frequently.453 Increasingly, the use of saline-infusion
7.8% to 34.9% depending on the definition and diagnostic sonography (SIS), also termed sonohysterograms, or less
modality used.424-427 The reported prevalence of polyps is as commonly, office hysteroscopy diagnose polyps (Fig. 27.4).
low as 0.9% in women less than 30 years old,425 and increases Polyps can also be diagnosed by hysterosalpingogram if the
with age. Risk factors for development of endometrial polyps uterine cavity is also visualized. Newer 3-D ultrasound
include obesity,428,429 hypertension,428 diabetes,428,430 and probes provide more accurate visualization between the
advancing age, especially postmenopausal status.428 At least endometrium and myometrium at the fundus and the cor-
one paper has challenged these classical risk factors and has nual angles, hence improving the diagnostic accuracy com-
shown only age to be statistically significant risk factor.431 pared to standard ultrasound.454 A recent review reported
Tamoxifen use in postmenopausal women can lead to a similar performance of transvaginal ultrasound (TVS),
development of polyps in around 2% to 36% of women.432 saline infusion sonography and hysteroscopy for detection
Tamoxifen induced polyps may be large in number and of endometrial polyps.455 Both hysteroscopy and SIS give a
size and also show unique molecular alterations.432-435 The better sense of the endometrial cavity than TVS, however,
levonorgestrel loaded IUD has shown to reduce tamoxifen SIS has an added advantage of providing the examiner with
induced polyp development in patients being treated for information regarding the adnexa and myometrium as well.
breast cancer when followed for a year.436 Data regarding Medical management of polyps has limited role. There
a relationship between endometrial polyps and postmeno- is some data regarding prevention of polyp formation in
pausal hormone therapy are contradictory.425,437-440 women being treated for breast cancer with tamoxifen,

FIGURE 27.4  Comparison of imaging modalities for diagnosis of endometrial polyps. A, A sagittal view of a retroverted uterus obtained by a
transvaginal ultrasound. A thickened endometrial stripe is appreciated, though the thickness is not well defined. B, A saline-infusion sonogram
of the same patient. After infusion of saline into the endometrial cavity, the endometrial polyp is visualized protruding into the endometrial
cavity and a thin endometrium is seen. C, A photograph taken during hysteroscopy reveals a well-defined polyp in the endometrial cavity.
Polyps tend to blood vessels that are not as coarse as seen in submucosal fibroids and they have softer edges. (Images courtesy of Dr. Mary
Frates, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston.)
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 599

its use is limited to research protocols only.436 Observing and dysfunctional uterine bleeding should be abolished.474 To
asymptomatic polyps can be an option in low risk individu- standardize communication, FIGO created a universal clas-
als. When left untreated, asymptomatic polyps can regress sification of causes of abnormal uterine bleeding for women
spontaneously. In one trial, 27% of lesions resolved within in their reproductive years.364,475-477 The “PALM-COEIN”
1 year of follow-up in premenopausal patients.456 Pol- nomenclature has four categories that are defined by struc-
yps with mean length of 1.5 cm or more were less likely tural criteria. These are: PALM; bleeding due to Polyps,
to resolve.456 Other studies have shown complete resolu- Adenomyosis, Leiomyomas, and Malignancy or hyperplasia.
tion of polyps less than 1 cm.426,457 The majority of cases of The other four are unrelated to structural abnormalities and
endometrial polyps are however, treated with hysteroscopic include: COEIN; bleeding due to Coagulopathy, Ovulatory
resection or hysteroscopically-guided D&C rather than the disorders, Endometrial causes, Iatrogenic and pathologies
traditional D&C. Visualization and direct removal with Not classified. It is hoped that this classification system
this technique is reported to be more effective in reducing should facilitate collaborations to study AUB, however, the
recurrence rates.458 It has been reported that the volume of ease of use has to be demonstrated. The four structural
menstrual loss in women that underwent polypectomy did causes of AUB, excluding bleeding due to malignancy have
not differ from women who did not undergo polypectomy, been discussed in the chapter. Previously classified true dys-
but intermenstrual bleeding was significantly improved by functional uterine bleeding equates to the four nonstruc-
polypectomy.459 tural causes of bleeding in the FIGO classification.
There are little data on the effects of polyps on infer- Around 13% of women with HMB have some form of
tility. There are many theories of how polyps can effect coagulopathic disorder.478 Systemic disease as a cause of
implantation. These include mechanical obstruction hinder- HMB should be suspected in adolescents where coagulopa-
ing ostium function and affecting sperm migration460 and thies including thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand disease,
decreased endometrial receptivity due to cytokines and or other coagulopathies may be the underlying cause.479
cellular adhesion molecules.461-464 The only randomized Ovulatory disorders include both ovulatory and anovula-
trial showed an improvement of pregnancy rates after pol- tory dysfunction leading to AUB. Anovulatory dysfunctional
ypectomy in women undergoing intrauterine insemination uterine bleeding is characterized by irregular and prolonged
(IUI).465 Other retrospective data have shown no differ- bleeding secondary to disturbances in the hypothalamic-
ence in pregnancy rates, especially if the polyp was less than pituitary-ovarian axis. It is most common in the extremes
1.5 cm in length.466,467 In light of conflicting data, expert of reproductive life480 and in association with polycystic
opinion recommends removal of polyps when diagnosed ovary syndrome. The unopposed action of estrogen on the
prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. When lesions uterus, resulting in dilated veins and the lack of suppression
are seen during stimulation the treatment decision is made of spiral arteriole development, may represent the under-
best on an individual basis.468 lying pathophysiology.470,471,481 Large, thin walled tortuous
vessels can be demonstrated on the surface of the hyper-
plastic endometrium. Unopposed estrogen reduces vascular
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding tone either through direct effects of estrogen on vascular
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) affects up to one third smooth muscle cells or increased production of nitric oxide,
of reproductive age women and can occur in conjunction leading to vasodilatation. The endometrium often breaks
with the pathological processes we have discussed or in down unevenly in these circumstances. Scattered patches of
their absence. AUB also accounts for around one third of thrombotic foci and necrotic degeneration are found adja-
all outpatient gynecological visits.469 In the United States, cent to abnormally proliferated endometrium.
AUB (previously called dysfunctional uterine bleeding) is Ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding is character-
commonly equated with anovulatory bleeding, whereas in ized by regular episodes of heavy menstrual flow, usually
Europe it is a diagnosis of exclusion of excessive bleeding with the heaviest loss during the first 3 days of menstrua-
not due to demonstrable pelvic disease, complications of tion. Though many ovulatory disorders can be traced back
pregnancy, or systemic disease. Heavy menstrual bleeding to endocrinopathies, the underlying abnormality appears to
(HMB) may occur in 10% to 30% of women and in up to be defects in processes that regulate loss of blood during
50% of women in the perimenopause.470,471 However, the menstruation, primarily angiogenesis, vasoconstriction, and
self-reporting of menstrual regularity and flow is highly hemostasis. In contrast to anovulatory dysfunctional uterine
variable. Change in pattern of flow is probably the most bleeding, the surface vessels of the endometrium appear to
important sign of pathology. HMB is the type of abnormal be grossly normal and only minor abnormalities have been
bleeding frequently associated with benign uterine pathol- described in endometrial and myometrial veins like venule
ogy, including leiomyomata and adenomyosis. Fragile, large ectasia.1
thin-walled vessels and an aglandular endometrium appear Endometrial causes of AUB are similar in pathogenesis to
to underlie the menorrhagia associated with some submu- ovulatory disorders. In HMB the local endometrial hemo-
cous myomas.472 These vessels may arise from abnormali- stasis process is disrupted. This can be due to deficient
ties in angiogenesis associated with growth factors released production of vasoconstrictors like endothelin-1 and pros-
by myomata (e.g., basic fibroblast growth factor, vascular taglandin F2α, increased production of vasodilators such
endothelial growth factor).1 as prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin, and excessive break-
There has been a recent push towards changing and stan- down of clot in the endometrium by abnormal production
dardizing terminology for AUB as confused terminology has of plasminogen activator.482-484 In addition, vascular smooth
made research collaborations and interpretation of clinical muscle cell proliferation is reduced in the spiral arterioles
trials difficult.473,474 Terms like menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, in the midsecretory and late secretory stages in women
600 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

with menorrhagia, possibly contributing to vessel instability. acid has shown a 66% response rate for HMB487 and has
Endometrial bleeding associated factor (EBAF) (a.k.a. TGF- shown to be extremely helpful in patients with AUB.488,489
β4) a member of the TGF-β family of growth factors sup- While tranexamic acid has been widely used internationally
presses production of collagen and promotes expression of for many years, its recent FDA approval is leading to increas-
collagenolytic and elastinolytic enzymes by antagonizing the ing use in the United States. Other options would include
normal signaling pathway activated by TGF-β growth fac- the use of antiprogestins or selective progesterone receptor
tors. Abnormal expression of EBAF, which in a normal cycle modulators to suppress endometrial growth and stabilize
occurs only in the late secretory and menstrual phases, has the endometrial vasculature; MMP inhibitors to prevent
been reported in the endometrium of women with HMB.86 extracellular matrix catabolism, including the matrix of
Angiopoietin 1 & 2 (Ang-1 and Ang-2) may also be involved the vessel walls; and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
in the pathogenesis of HMB. Ang-1 promotes vascular mat- (NSAIDs) or selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibi-
uration, while Ang-2 destabilizes vessels and initiates neo- tors to suppress prostanoid synthesis. Even though their use
vascularization.485 An altered ratio of Ang-1 to Ang-2 in the is not novel, combined estrogen and progestin formulation
endometrium due to down-regulation of Ang-1 expression in form of patch, ring or pill, cyclical oral progestins, pro-
is also associated with HMB.485,486 gestin-releasing intrauterine devices, are still unfortunately
AUB due to iatrogenic causes (AUB-I) usually include being used as the primary therapy for such patients.490-493
the use of exogenous steroid therapy in form of combined Surgical destruction or removal of endometrium via endo-
estrogen and progestin pill, patch or ring, and levonorgestrel- metrial ablation with newer nonresectoscopic, operator
releasing intrauterine device. The not classified category friendly devices has shown impressive success rates239,494,495
(AUB-N) includes a number of entities that do not fall into and are also shown to be safe.496 Hysterectomy is a defini-
any group, for example AUB due to uterine arteriovenous tive but less desirable option for AUB patients that are not
malformation. Furthermore, this category has been left for concerned about fertility preservation.
new entities that may cause AUB that have not yet been
discovered. It is important to note that a woman can have
AUB due to more than one cause, for example a woman
Intrauterine Adhesions
with HMB due to submucosal fibroid (AUB-L) can also The formation of intracavitary synechiae in an organ that
have concomitant anovulation if she has PCOS and would routinely undergoes sloughing and regrowth without scar-
have AUB-O type of bleeding as well. ring is not well understood.497 The clinical literature con-
These pathophysiological mechanisms proposed to sistently reports that pregnancy frequently precedes the
underlie dysfunctional uterine bleeding are targets for novel formation of intrauterine adhesions. The relationship
therapeutic interventions (Fig. 27.5). The use of nonhor- between intrauterine adhesions and pregnancy is thought
monal oral anti-fibrinolytic medication called tranexamic to be the result of defects in the regeneration of the

Ovary Endometrium

Intermittent ovulation Vessels Stroma Epithelial


Fluctuation in
estrogen and Abnormal Altered
progesterone angiogenesis hemostasis


Reduced Dilated Increased Deficient microvascular

spiral surface microvascular basement membrane
FIGURE 27.5  Ovarian and uterine mech- arteries vessels density
anisms underlying breakthrough bleed-
ing. A schematic drawing detailing the Microvascular fragility
interaction between ovarian steroids
and local endometrial factors leading
to abnormal uterine bleeding. MMPs,
Breakthrough bleeding
matrix metalloproteinases.
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 601

endometrium after delivery, especially the area underly- a thorough evaluation of the endometrial cavity to note the
ing the placenta. The placental site takes up to 6 weeks to consistency, extent, and location of the adhesions. There
repair with the thrombosed vessels and superficial necrotic is paucity of data from comparison of these classification
tissue exfoliated as growing endometrium undermines the systems.516
area. Trauma to the regenerating endometrium involved in Hysterosalpingography is performed to view the cavity,
restoring stroma and epithelium at this site, for example as and hysteroscopy reveals the intrauterine lesions. Ultraso-
a consequence of curettage performed 1 to 4 weeks after nography, sonohysterography, and magnetic resonance517,518
delivery and may result in a permanent scar with adhesions. imaging can also be valuable in certain cases (Fig. 27.6). One
This is considered the primary reason for intrauterine adhe- group compared hysterosalpingography, sonohysterography,
sions in the industrialized world. A review of 1856 women and transvaginal ultrasonography in patients with infertility
with intrauterine adhesions revealed 67% had undergone and found both hysterosalpingography and sonohysterog-
D&C for spontaneous or induced abortion and 22% had a raphy imaging to have similar sensitivities of around 75%
postpartum D&C.498 In another study, women were either in detecting intrauterine adhesions. There was very limited
randomized to nonsurgical treatment or D&C after incom- use of transvaginal sonography in detection of synechiae in
plete abortion. Of the women that underwent D&C, 7.7% this study.519 The gold standard for diagnosis of intrauterine
had some form of intrauterine adhesions compared to no adhesions is by diagnostic hysteroscopy.520
adhesions in the nonsurgical group.499 Curettage in the first There is no consensus regarding the optimal methods to
48 hours postpartum seems to cause fewer adhesions than treat and prevent intrauterine adhesions. Since asymptom-
when they are done later than that.500 Not only D&C, but atic adhesions do not interfere with a woman’s general well
any sort of intrauterine instrumentation can lead to devel- being, expectant management in such women has lead to
opment of intrauterine synechiae. The average incidence resumption of regular menses in 1 to 7 years in up to 78% of
of adhesion formation after hysteroscopic myomectomy women in one report.498 There is no role of medical therapy
for example has been reported around 10% at second look for treatment of intrauterine adhesions. Before wide spread
hysteroscopy after surgery.501 In another study the rate of use of hysteroscope, blind D&C was used. Schenker and
adhesion formation was noted at 6.7% after uterine sep- Margalioth reported an 84% rate of resumption of normal
tum take down, 31.3% after myoma resection, and as high menses in women after D&C. Fifty one percent of these
as 45.5% after multiple myoma resection.502 Even though women conceived and 55% had term deliveries.498 Surgical
there is need for larger randomized trials there is some removal of adhesions hysteroscopically with blunt dissec-
evidence that highlights the use of adhesion barriers after tion, scissors, electrocautery, or laser ablation is now rec-
hysteroscopic procedures.503,504 The role of infection after ommended. Return of normal menses after hysteroscopic
abortion or delivery in formation of uterine synanche is con- resection varies between 92% to 96%.521 The primary goal
troversial.505,506 A comparison of uterine cavities of women of surgery is to restore normal volume and shape of the
that delivered via cesarean with and without endometritis uterine cavity.521 In the nonindustrialized part of the world
at the time, did not show any differences when it came to where hysteroscopic resection may not be feasible, there
intrauterine adhesions.507 have been reports to show D&C to be equivalent to hys-
In the developing world, infection of the endometrium teroscopic resection, which is reassuring.510 Post operative
particularly with mycobacterium tuberculi is an important management is focused upon reducing the risk of reforma-
cause of uterine synanche. With the human immunodefi- tion of adhesions, the rate of which can be as high as one
ciency virus-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV- in three women with mild to moderate and two in three
AIDS) epidemic and ease of air travel, genital tuberculosis women with severe adhesions.516,522-525 Insertion of an
should not be considered a threat to the developing world intrauterine device or balloon catheter after lysis of adhe-
only. It is also important to note that most African stud- sions is commonly employed to prevent recurrence.526
ies have still attributed the major cause for intrauterine
adhesions to be previous cavitary instrumentation.508-510
Estimated prevalence of genital tuberculosis varies widely
between 2% to 25% in infertile women, depending on diag-
nostic criteria used and the geographical location.511,512
Tuberculous adhesions can be in as high as 35% of women
with the infection513 and have a poor prognosis for future
fertility.498,514 A characteristic pipe stem or beaded appear-
ance on hysterosalpingogram and culture with acid fast
stains on endometrial biopsy is helpful but, both tests have
poor sensitivity. Newer tests like interferon-gamma release
assays are more useful currently.515
Women with intrauterine adhesions may have no symp-
toms or a variety of menstrual disorders including hypomen-
orrhea, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and
very rarely heavy menstrual bleeding.498 Infertility, amenor-
rhea, and hypomenorrhea are the most common presenting FIGURE 27.6  A sagittal view of an anteverted uterus obtained dur-
complaints with infertility rates reported as high as 43%.498 ing saline-infusion sonography. An adhesion can be appreciated in
A number of classification systems have been proposed for this patient with a history of dilation and curettage (D&C) to treat a
women with intrauterine adhesions.516 All systems require first trimester pregnancy loss.
602 PART 2  Pathophysiology and Therapy

Stimulation of endometrial proliferation with exogenous dysmenorrhea.546 A Cochrane database review included 73
estrogens alone or in combination with a progestin has been randomized trials to compare NSAID therapy to placebo
advocated although there is debate as to the efficacy of this and paracetamol. NSAIDs were significantly more effective
treatment as well as the administration of antibiotics and in reducing pain symptoms compared to placebo or acet-
anti-inflammatory steroids. aminophen.547 A combination of NSAID and paracetamol
Successful pregnancy rates after hysteroscopic resection may also be helpful in relieving pain of primary dysmen-
of adhesion can be up to 63%,521 with issues of placentation orrhea.548 Choosing an appropriate NSAID for treatment
being most serious complication of pregnancy. Of 696 births may be difficult. It is not clear whether some NSAIDs work
reported in a recent review,52117 pregnancies had placenta better than others.547 Some studies suggest that fenamates
accreta. Preterm delivery rate was 40% to 50% in this group (class that includes mefenamic acid, flufenamic acid, tolfen-
of patients.521 amic acid, etc.) may have better pain relieving propensities
than phenylpropionic acid derivatives (class that includes
ibuprofen and naproxen).549,550 Though there may not be
Dysmenorrhea sufficient data to prove the superiority of medications from
Primary dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain not associated with the fenamates class, a reasonable option would be to start
recognizable pelvic disease, is due to intrinsic uterine dys- with NSAIDs from phenylpropionic acid derivative group
function. Occurring only in ovulatory cycles, the symptoms and move onto fenamate class of medications if insufficient
of dysmenorrhea usually commence a few hours before relief is noted.
the onset of the menstrual flow. Pain is greatest when the Combined oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) are second
endometrium is shedding rapidly, approximately 12 hours line medications after NSAIDs for relief of pain from pri-
after flow begins. The diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea mary dysmenorrhea. No randomized trials have compared
is established when secondary causes of dysmenorrhea are the efficacy of NSAIDs with OCPs. A systematic review
ruled out and based on medical history and normal findings compared OCPs to placebo and evaluated 10 randomized
on pelvic and rectovaginal examination and imaging. trials. A treatment benefit with OCPs was noted (pooled
The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in women varies OR 2.99, 95% CI 1.76-5.07).551 Continuous rather than
between 50% to 90% in most studies.527-536 Under 30 years cyclical administration of OCPs has shown more success in
old, smoking, irregular or heavy menstrual flow, body mass treating patients with primary dysmenorrhea.552,553 Con-
index (BMI) less than 20 kg/m2, menarche before age 12, traceptive ring users have similar results to OCP users for
history of sexual assault, and a strong family history of dys- dysmenorrhea,554 where as contraceptive patches have not
menorrhea are a few of the many risk factors known for shown comparable results to OCPs.555 The use of levonor­
primary dysmenorrhea.537,538 gestrel releasing intrauterine device for primary dysmen-
The painful cramps of dysmenorrhea are associated with orrhea has been limited to case reports.556 Commonly if
uterine contractions; in women with dysmenorrhea, uter- treatment with NSAIDs is not successful after 3 months,
ine contractile activity is heightened during menses, and OCPs are tried for another 3 months. If no relief is noted,
basal myometrial tone and amplitude of contractions are reasons for secondary dysmenorrhea should be explored.
increased.539 During intense contractions, there is a reduc- A long list of complementary and alternative medicines
tion in blood flow to the endometrium suggesting that isch- has been used for treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. Most
emia, in part, causes the pain of dysmenorrhea. There is also of them have shown similar efficacy to the conventional
evidence from Doppler studies to show higher resistance nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Heat applied
in uterine vessels in women with primary dysmenorrhea, to the lower abdomen,557,558 aerobic exercise,559 yoga,560,561
which can reduce blood flow to the endometrium.540,541 acupuncture,562 aromatic essential oil massage,563 and the
The uterine contractions are prompted by prostaglandins, use of far infrared emitting belts564 are one of the few non-
which are potent uterotonic agents both in vitro and in vivo pharmacological agents tested for dysmenorrhea in random-
acting through cell surface prostaglandin receptors.542 Pros- ized clinical trials and have shown promising results. Data
tanoids may also directly sensitize uterine pain fibers. The on diet supplements are limited to a few small studies. A
notion that prostanoids are central to the pathogenesis of low fat vegetarian diet,565 diet rich in dairy,566 omega-3 fatty
dysmenorrhea is supported by the observations that eico- acids,567 and vitamin E supplementation568,569 have been
sanoids, most prominently prostaglandin F2-alpha (PGF2α), effective in pain management from primary dysmenorrhea.
are found in high concentrations in menstrual fluid and that Newer medications that include calcium antagonists like
PGF2α levels are higher in the endometrium and menstrual nifedipine are also effective because they prevent uterine
fluid of women complaining of dysmenorrhea than in women contraction.570-572 Magnesium573 and glyceryl trinitrate574
with pain-free menses.543 This high concentration of pros- have also been used for primary dysmenorrhea. In addi-
taglandins has been shown not only in the endometrium but tion to prostanoids, other uterotonic substances including
also in saliva of women during attacks of menstrual migraine lipoxygenase products, vasopressin, and oxytocin may have
associated with dysmenorrhea.544 More recently patients a role in dysmenorrhea. Thus, antagonists of the V1 receptor
with primary dysmenorrhea have also been hypothesized to and oxytocin receptor have a therapeutic effect in dysmen-
have endothelial dysfunction.545 orrheic subjects. Reductions in nitric oxide (NO), which
Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea is individualized relaxes uterine smooth muscle, may also contribute to the
to each patient’s severity of symptoms. All drugs effective intensified contractions associated with dysmenorrhea.575
in inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis, including the potent
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ibupro- The complete reference list can be found on the companion
fen, naproxen, and mefenamic acid alleviate symptoms of Expert Consult Web site at
CHAPTER 27  Benign Uterine Diseases 603

Suggested Readings Munro MG, Critchley HO, Broder MS, Fraser IS: FIGO classification sys-
Cha PC, Takahashi A, Hosono N, Low SK, Kamatani N, Kubo M, et  al: tem (PALM-COEIN) for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in non-
A  genome-wide association study identifies three loci associated with gravid women of reproductive age, Int J Gynaecol Obstet 113(1):3–13,
susceptibility to uterine fibroids, Nat Genet 43(5):447–450, 2011. 2011.
Chegini N, Verala J, Luo X, Xu J, Williams RS: Gene expression profile of Peddada SD, Laughlin SK, Miner K, Guyon JP, Haneke K, Vahdat HL, et al:
leiomyoma and myometrium and the effect of gonadotropin releasing Growth of uterine leiomyomata among premenopausal black and white
hormone analogue therapy, J Soc Gynecol Investig 10(3):161–171, 2003. women, Proc Nat Acad of Sci S A 105(50):19887–19892, 2008.
Gupta JK, Sinha AS, Lumsden MA, Hickey M: Uterine artery emboliza- Stewart EA: Uterine Fibroids: The Complete Guide, Baltimore, 2007, Johns
tion for symptomatic uterine fibroids, Cochrane Database Syst Rev Hopkins University Press.
(1)CD005073, 2006. Stewart EA: Uterine fibroids and evidence-based medicine–not an oxymo-
Laughlin SK, Hartmann KE, Baird DD: Postpartum factors and natural ron, N Engl J Med 366(5):471–473, 2012.
fibroid regression, Am J Obstet Gynecol 204(6):496 e1–e6, 2011. Stewart EA, Gostout B, Rabinovici J, Kim HS, Regan L, Tempany CM:
Lee SC, Kaunitz AM, Sanchez-Ramos L, Rhatigan RM: The oncogenic Sustained relief of leiomyoma symptoms by using focused ultrasound
potential of endometrial polyps: a systematic review and meta-analysis, surgery, Obstet Gynecol 110(2 Pt 1):279–287, 2007.
Obstet Gynecol 116(5):1197–1205, 2010. Stewart EA, Morton CC: The genetics of uterine leiomyomata: what clini-
Makinen N, Mehine M, Tolvanen J, Kaasinen E, Li Y, Lehtonen HJ, et al: cians need to know, Obstet Gynecol 107(4):917–921, 2006.
MED12, the mediator complex subunit 12 gene, is mutated at high fre- Walker CL, Stewart EA: Uterine fibroids: the elephant in the room, Science
quency in uterine leiomyomas, Science 334(6053):252–255, 2011. [Research Support, N.I.H.] 308(5728):1589–1592, 2005.
Marshall LM, Spiegelman D, Barbieri RL, Goldman MB, Manson JE, Wong CL, Farquhar C, Roberts H, Proctor M: Oral contraceptive
Colditz GA, et al: Variation in the incidence of uterine leiomyoma among pill for primary dysmenorrhoea, Cochrane Database Syst Rev(4):
premenopausal women by age and race, Obstet Gynecol 90(6):967–973, CD002120, 2009.
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