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Ecommerce Training

The purpose of this training is to gain an understanding of Ecommerce and how LeadGenius is a
good fit for Ecommerce companies. Ecommerce is such a huge industry that we will ultimately
see more need for ecommerce leads. It is important to have an understanding of this to be able to
work well on ecommerce projects.
Once you have passed this training you will gain an ecommerce skill tag that will allow you to
work on our ecommerce specific projects.
Ecommerce Data Set
We will have an ecommerce data set which will contain data specific to ecommerce.
The intention with the ecommerce data set is that we will maintain this over time.
We will have a set of data that researchers will likely only have to update over time and not find
data from scratch. In this case, researchers will likely only have to update pieces of the data set,
and not keep finding this data from scratch.
Clients who select an ecommerce segment will receive our current ecommerce data set. This data
set will have some QA involvement to ensure we are giving them good data.
What is ecommerce?
Ecommerce = Electronic Commerce


Eseller - Marketplace sellers, selling via sites like ebay, Amazon etc. Specifically an Eseller is
selling physical goods through the internet
Ecommerce - The buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.
What's the definition of an eCommerce company?

An eCommerce company is defined as a company that sells products (physical or virtual) online
and delivers them to a customer. They must collect payment on their website or on a marketplace
(like Amazon, eBay, etc.) for the products they are selling. They can sell goods to businesses or
consumers. For the purposes of this data product, a retail company CAN be considered an
"eCommerce" company (e.g., REI sells in stores and also online), but an eCommerce company
cannot be considered a "Retail" company. If a store does not sell online, they are not an
"eCommerce" company.

Examples of an eCommerce company:

A company that sells physical goods on their website (and/or on a marketplace): , Amazon store
A restaurant or food company that sells goods online (and/or on a marketplace): , Amazon store
A company that sells a virtual good on their website (and/or on a marketplace):
Companies that do not fit into the definition of eCommerce companies for this data product:

TaskRabbit - a service marketplace that takes payment online (not selling a product or service)
Salesforce - selling an ongoing subscription SaaS software
Sears maid service - a service business
Fudruckers burgers - sells gift cards online, and allows orders online, but isn't selling goods for
What is Ecommerce?
Electrical Commerce
Electronic Commerce
Elective Commerce
What do ecommerce platforms provide?
Website, payment, and portal services
Email services
A picture gallery
How can we help ecommerce companies?
While the ecommerce space has been around for some time, selling to it has always been a
struggle. Every vendor to ecommerce companies faces many of the same struggles:

Contact data is almost impossible to find and takes a lot of time to find
Unclear how much or where vendors are selling
Unclear who vendors are selling to
Unclear what vendors are selling
Difficuties we have found when sourcing leads for ecommerce

It can be harder to find leads if they only work online

Many leads aren't on Linkedin
Phone numbers and addresses can be hard to find
Sellers often don't have websites making leads more difficult to find
Clients should be flexible on titles due to some being one person companies
LeadGenius is uniquely positioned to be a leading tool for the ecommerce space due to industry
wide difficulties in finding contact data as well as the custom requirements needed for
segmenting the market. We can help Ecommerce vendors better identify their target market as
well as target accounts and contacts.
Data points and coverage details for ecommerce
We want to build up a good database of these types of companies and would follow a standard
criteria for ecommerce as follows:
Ecommerce technology platform (e.g. shoppify, bigcommerce, etc.)
Payment processor technology (e.g. Paypal, Amazon checkout, Stripe, etc.)
Marketplace link (Specifically: Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, Alibaba-US) – completness
includes a "null" value if an eCommerce provider does not have a presence on a marketplace.
# of physical locations (whether they have retail presence or not)
Sell to US? Y/N
Sell to Canada? Y/N
Sell to International? Y/N (note: international is defined as anyone outside the US/Canada that
has at least 1 selling presence – e.g. the vendor is on AND has a presence selling in
the US on
# Products available on merchant site
Total number of Reviews on a specific marketplace (lifetime)
Star or average review rating (avg. number of stars) on marketplaces
Product category of seller (based on Amazon's taxonomy, as detailed in
LeadGenius company standard data points (included in the eCommerce "package")
Company name
Company URL
Industry (eCommerce or Retail)
Number of employees
Revenue range – calculated based on eBay methodology
Physical address (if physical location)
City (if physical location)
State (if physical location)
Country (if physical location)
Zip (if physical location)
LeadGenius standard contact data points included are (same as current LG standard contacts):

Last name
Linkedin Profile URL (if available)
Although there are difficulties in sourcing leads for the ecommerce market we have an advantage
over some other lead gen companies and that is our researchers. Because of the way we source
leads we can have a real person look at the criteria more specifically and look out for important
criteria for our ecommerce clients that software or a paid list couldn't do.
Current Project Examples

We have worked with a number of ecommerce companies at LeadGenius and they have found
our services valuable to them. Below is an example of two current projects and the issues we
have faced and overcame.


eBay are looking for companies and Amazon sellers that use either BigCommerce, Shopify or
Amazon with revenue of less than $20m. Their aim is to have companies open eBay stores or
start to sell on eBay.
Why we are a good fit for eBay
We can source contacts from smaller companies and some solo sellers by using our researchers
to source information that is not readily available. With the help of sites like helping
us to find the owners of some smaller companies we can provide a service that wouldn't be
available without using our LeadGeniuses.
eBay in the Ecommerce field
eBay is a multinational e-commerce corporation, facilitating online consumer-to-consumer and
business-to-consumer sales via their online marketplace.
Square are looking for ecommerce companies who use one of the following platforms:
BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, Drupal, Wix, Weebly, 17hats, Square Space (via
Ecwid) with bigger than 1M Gross Payment Volume. Their aim is to have companies use them
as a payment processor on their websites.

Why we are a good fit for Square

Generally the companies they wish to source are smaller companies. Using our researchers we
can hone in on these smaller companies and ensure they are a good match. Without the human
check on these sites to make sure they are using the correct platforms and that they are a good fit
for Square they would be wasting a lot of time using purchased lists or reaching out to a lot of
companies that aren't suitable.
Square in the Ecommerce field
Square is a financial services, merchant services aggregator and mobile payment company who
enable companies to accept payments online from their own websites.
As you can see from the examples the criteria is slightly different to some standard lead gen
projects and there are some difficulties when it comes to sourcing leads but by having a good
understanding of the ecommerce market we can better understand the types of companies that
will fit with our clients needs.

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