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The research was "The Impact of Early Relationship on the Academic

Performance of the Technological Institute of the Philippines - Quezon City

Senior High School Grade 11 STEM student". This research was conducted at
Technological Institute of the Philippines QC. The respondents were some of
the Grade 11 STEM students morning or afternoon. This study try to get the
perception and reflections of the results of interview about the romantic
relationship of youth and impact in their Academic performances. This will be
a huge help to the students in able to realize and analyze the real essence of
having early romantic relationship at the young age. To know more about it
there is some seminars , books and articles they can read about early love
affairs. The main state of the problem is to determine the effect of the early
relationship in the academic year 2018-2019 . The main objective of the study
was to determine the effects of having an early relationship the academic
performances . To determine the profile of respondents, to know thier status
of time management and their motivations of playing their role as a student.
The study wants to develop the awareness of students and people around
them of what could be the possible negative and positive outcomes of being in
early relationship at young age. A relationship at such a tender age, basically
exposes them to the kind of anxiety and trauma that married people go
through. This study aims to help the students in their studies. The research
can apply learning in our life. The researchers will help you learn to balance
your time to your study and being into a relationship. The researchers aim to
call out teenagers to tell what will be the outcome of having relationship while
they are studying.

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