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In the words of a dictionary,

it means a group of people living together.
Sharing the same space and territory,
living, helping, connecting with each other.

Society first began thousands of years ago

when our ancestors started living in communities
Obtaining food by hunting together using crossbows
Opportunies increasing just like their commodities

What is the importance of society?

What is the role it plays on someone's life?
In a society, we have different people with different personalities, undeniably.
There might be people who would encourage you,
but there would be also people who would discourage you.

Society is important because it provides us with a system, a platform,

for us to work together for the betterment of the world.
Society is culture, it is civilization
It is what sets us apart form animals, one of the reasons it was formed.

Society also shapes the path of science,

as scientists are influenced by its needs and demands
Often directing their researches as compliance,
in hopes of satisfying its wants

Society shapes scientists' beliefs and goals,

all of which factor into the questions they pursue.
This way, society gives its people their respective roles,
which if played properly, no matter what problem we'll breakthrough.

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