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1. How could Dorian´s passages be connected to people´s lives?

we can say that every

human being in most of the cases hides strong desires that take some of us to live and create
unimaginable situations due to the fear to become older. our society through means such as
mass media imposes ways of being and beauty stereotypes that somehow awake narcissism
in people´s deepest inner being, ending up associating for example beauty with success. I
personally believe that Dorian is the representation of this kind of society that pretends
being friendly and generous.
2. What might the influence of literature be in our Colombian culture? Literature and
culture have always been closely related since the human being has the need, through
something, to identify, enrich, contribute, learn and record many topics that need to be
treated. It could be related to communities that follow certain trends and dare to do
incredible things to be accepted in any group, ideological movement, organization, political
party, among others.
3. What is a passage of the story that catches your attention? Why? “He’s a good friend,
and he’s young, Don’t change him, Don’t try to influence him.” I find this last sentence
interesting, because Basil is realizing that something is wrong and what influence
something can take that could hurt another.

The most important tips to make a book review

I am convinced that the most important tips to make a book review are, first of all, take the information
presented in the reading sheet already made and used to write a text. It must be composed of the context,
in which the text is placed in its corresponding circumstances in order to contextualize the reader; the
description, where the components of the text are discussed and the arguments and methodology of it are
exposed and, finally, a closure that presents what consequences the publication of this text had and how it
was taken in subsequent discussions. It’s essential to maintain seriousness, coherence and intellectual
honesty regarding the text, especially when formulating personal opinions about the content

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