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An authentic dialogue entails a person to person, mutual sharing of selves, acceptance and

sincerity.This relationship is the I-Thou relation. I-you og Wojtyla refers to the interpersonal
which fulfills and actuallizes oneself. The human person attains fulfilment in realm of the
interpersonal, in meeting the other, thus there is a genuine dialogue l, For Wojtyla in
participation we share in the humanness of the other. We cannot escape a world that is also
inhabited by others.

Society - is a group of people living in a definite territory having the government of their own,
sharing the same culture interdependent and interrelated to one another.

IMMANUEL KANT- the state is committed to the protection of his dignity, by comprisingly
ensuring his basic freedom no matter what.

JOHN RAWIS- each person posseses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of
society as a whole cannot override.

PLATO- society should have a Virtue of wisdom (ruler) courage (soldier) and temperance
(merchants) to attain justice.

JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU- society is established base on the idea that man by nature is
good and thus man basically surrenders his individual will to the will of the people.

THOMAS HOBBES- individuals must surrender a part of their freedom to the state or
Sovereign. He calls the sovereign leviathan. It stands in the assumption that human nature
basically selfish.

JOHN LOCKED - he stands on the assumption that human nature is not on a state of war
between good and evil and the aim of government is the preservation of liberty, property life and
well being in general.


agriculture - it focuses in the production of crops and raising of animals

industrial - it introduce fuel driven machinery in good production

virtual- technology is used in every aspect of life and works.

lower class
-experience poverty, homeless, and employment

working class
-constitute blue collar workers
middle class
-constitute of white collar workers

upper class
- consist of individual born into aristocratic families

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