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Learner Autobiography and Philosophy of Education

Katerina Davila
National University

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Education is beautiful because of the diverse views, experience, ideas, etc that walk into

classrooms on the daily. As society changes our educators do as well. It is a profession of infinite

change. Everyday students with different stories, family layouts, and disadvantages walk through

our doors, so it is our job as educators to create as closely as we can an even playing field

between all students. Teaching is a profession where our ethics drive us to be a great teacher. A

teacher that takes the extra step to ensure a quality education for all. A great teacher is also a

great student who is constantly learning from their students, peers, and situations that may

happen in the classroom. It is important to have a teaching philosophy that reflects who you are

while upholding the ethics expected from us.

Keywords: ethics, philosophy

When choosing education as your profession there are many expectations that come

along with it. As time progresses, our personal teaching philosophies will change, but what does

not change is what is expected of us and that is to abide by the code of ethics for educators. The

Association of American Educators state that, “The professional educator endeavors to maintain
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the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying the law, and by demonstrating personal

integrity.” It is our duty to abide by what is expected from us. We are to spread positivity to our

students in a way that is accepted by the law.

While every educator must live up to these expectations of ethics, we are individualized

by the goals we create for ourselves and our classrooms. One common goal that educators like

myself strive to reach is to make lessons as equitable as possible. Every student that comes into

the classroom has different backgrounds. It is almost impossible to assume that they will get the

work done or even understand it. A big example of this is homework. Some students have

parents who stay at home who can help them with homework, others can afford tutors that will

help them, but there are also those students whose parents work and can rarely be there to help

their child with homework. This results in some students getting the homework done correctly

and others failing to complete it. It is one of my goals to find a way that works when looking for

understanding from my students that does not require the work to go home.

With the goals that we set and want to accomplish comes the philosophy we each create

that is unique as the one making it. My educational philosophy is to be a lifelong learner inside

and outside the classroom. I strive to show my students that I am learning everyday just like

them. I agree with Eric T. Moore when he said it is our responsibility to take on multiple roles in

the classroom some of these roles include teacher, counselor, coach, etc. I strive to be as

authentic as I can be in each role I have to take on. It is important that I am seen as who I am and

not a robot playing a predesigned role.

The teachers that have left the biggest impact on my life are the reasons I chose to

become a teacher. The teacher that went the extra mile in history to make it so interesting that I

still remember that lesson to this day inspired me to be creative in my lesson. The teacher that
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took time out of the day to let us perform drama skits because he was having a hard day and just

needed some cheering up showed me it is okay to let loose sometimes and have fun. The teacher

who believed in every student even if they did not have the best grades challenges me to be the

same. Those extraordinary humans inspire me to be the teacher I strive everyday to be.

As I started my teaching journey in a fourth grade classroom I have had many moments

where I felt very discouraged when my students don't understand a concept but with those

moments came many moments of encouragement. My students are the ones that remind me why

I chose this job. I feel joy when I see the excitement they have when trying something new or

when they understand a lesson. These moments outshine the discouragement I have face

because I know I am bettering myself everyday and the lives of my students.

Work Cited:

Association of American Educators. (2018). Code of Ethics for Educators. Retrieved from

More, E.T. (2015, August 7). My Educational Philosophy. Retrieved from

Sadker, M.P. & Sadker, D. S. (1997). Teachers, schools and society (4th ed., pp. 403-405.) NY:

McGraw Hill.
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