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A. Turn the following sentences into passive voice

1. Somebody built this house in 1930.


2. Siemens employed 3000 people in Cyprus in 2010.


3. People played the Maya ballgame before the conquest.


4. A Japanese company made these television sets.


5. Our company sold more than a thousand cars last month.


6. Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin in 1928.


7. Two million people used the London Underground system every day last year.

8. They didn’t teach Chinese in our school.


9. They didn’t offer us anything to drink.


10. Someone turned the lights off.

11. This country doesn’t produce halloumi.

12. They didn’t give me the results of my test.


13. Sandra didn’t write the invitations.


14. I sent her present to London by train.


15. My mother doesn’t usually wash the dishes in the afternoon.


B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the passive

1. Romeo and Juliette __________________ (write) by Shakespeare.

2. Paper money _______________________ (use) in China in the 13 th century.
3. The British Museum ____________________ (visit) by thousands of people every day.
4. A lot of trees ____________________ (destroy) by fire every year.
5. America ________________________(discover) by Columbus.
6. A lot of people ___________________ (kill) by AIDS.
7. English ________________ (speak) in Canada.
8. Nine symphonies _______________________ (compose) by Beethoven.
9. Information about old civilizations _________________ (collect) by archaeologists.
10. Coffee ________________ (produce) in Brazil.
11. Pizza _________________ (sell) to the poor people of Naples in the 18 th century.
12. Flour, water and eggs _________________ (mix) together to make a make.
13. The 2004 Olympic Games _________________ (hold) in Athens.
14. King Khufu’s pyramid ______________________ (build) by the ancient Egyptians in the
25th century BC.
15. Aspirin _________________ (invent) by Dr. Felix Hoffman in 1897.

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