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Business Horizons (2018) 61, 511—519

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Integrating lifecycle asset management in

the public sector
Joseph M. Giglio, John H. Friar, William F. Crittenden *

D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115,

KEYWORDS Abstract Lifecycle management of assets is essential for cost-effective mainte-

Lifecycle asset nance and long-term economic viability. Properly maintained infrastructure provides
management; significant economic advantages. Neglecting maintenance leads to lower productivi-
Public sector ty and imposes costs on users. Furthermore, delayed maintenance significantly
infrastructure; increases total costs associated with repair or replacement. Lifecycle asset manage-
Transportation ment should be used in the public sector to manage large-scale assets such as
infrastructure; transportation infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. Yet, state governments
Public-private have had little incentive to provide proactive maintenance. To address the infra-
partnerships structure capital investment backlog, particularly acute in transportation, govern-
ment priorities need to be coupled with long-term economic accountability. In
addition, funding and financial reporting mechanisms should be created to ensure
effective and efficient lifecycle asset management decisions. Public-private partner-
ships (PPP) also need to be fostered to help address regional deficiencies in
# 2018 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. Public sector infrastructure

Lifecycle management of infrastructure is essential

for all public sector assets. Public sector infrastruc-
ture is broadly defined to include capital assets
affecting water, sanitation, environmental protec-
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: (J.M. Giglio), tion, education, and transportation. Emphasis (J.H. Friar), should be placed on ensuring that public capital (W.F. Crittenden) assets are safeguarded and maintained to achieve
0007-6813/# 2018 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
512 J.M. Giglio et al.

their effective and efficient economic and social lifecycle of physical assets to provide the required
contribution. Underinvestment in transportation level of service for present and future customers in
infrastructure maintenance illustrates the failure the most cost-effective way (NAMS Group, 2006).
to provide lifecycle management and forgo the full Lifecycle asset management represents a system-
value of these assets. atic, holistic approach to asset development and
preservation that ensures maximum service perfor-
mance at minimum lifecycle costs (Federal Highway
2. Transportation infrastructure Administration, 2000; Lemer, 1999). Asset manage-
ment encourages managers to consider trade-offs
Ongoing investment and innovation raises national between deferred maintenance and preventive
competitiveness and enhances living standards. The maintenance, between short-term fixes and long-
quality of existing transportation infrastructure is term solutions, and between today’s costs and to-
viewed as a critical foundation for productive invest- morrow’s benefits (Shewan & Kovacs, 1995).
ment. Governments around the world are demon- The private sector has used lifecycle asset man-
strating a renewed focus on fiscal stimulus via agement to manage large-scale assets in a cost-
transportation infrastructure investments (PwC, effective way for operations such as electric power
2017). Yet, transport systems can quickly lose value plants, oil-drilling platforms, and refineries, many
if not maintained. Maintenance expenditures provide of which are valued in the billions of dollars. Such
for the repair and safe operation of existing roads, large-scale assets and facilities are intended to last
bridges, waterways, and transit systems. Neglecting anywhere from 25 to 99 years. Maintaining a state of
maintenance leads to lower productivity. good repair throughout these assets’ service lives
In the short term, poorly maintained transporta- depends on the quality of design and construction,
tion infrastructure imposes costs (e.g., delays, the proactive nature of maintenance and renewal,
damaged vehicles, greater packaging require- and the timely rehabilitation of critical features.
ments) on users. Over the long term, deficient If properly implemented, asset management
maintenance markedly increases the cost of dispos- principles should influence all aspects of the life-
al and reconstruction (Wessel & Olson, 2017). In cycle, including planning, design, construction,
addition, the environmental impact of deficient maintenance, rehabilitation, and disposal/recy-
transportation infrastructure, although underre- cling or replacement. This is demonstrated in
searched, is thought to be significant. Figure 1. Much of the credit for private sector
Lifecycle asset management has been used by the interest and use of asset management principles
private sector to manage assets with long, useful can be attributed to the dire consequences of asset
lives, but government agencies have not readily failure in terms of lost revenues and profits.
adopted this approach. This has led to inadequate Several research studies support infrastructure
repair and maintenance of infrastructure, particu- investment as supporting productivity growth. A
larly transportation infrastructure, in the U.S. and in study by the International Monetary Fund (2014)
many other countries. According to a U.S. Depart- found that infrastructure investments raise eco-
ment of Transportation (2015) report, U.S. roads and nomic output in the short and long term. Transpor-
bridges faced a capital investment backlog of $836 tation infrastructure has improved business
billion in 2015. Although there have been attempts to efficiency and reliability (PwC, 2017). A strong
get government agencies to better manage the main- transportation infrastructure also attracts foreign
tenance of infrastructure, these efforts have mostly investment in productive activities. Regions have
failed. In this article, we describe several levers to seen an increase in employment, particularly in
impose asset management discipline on the diverse labor-intense, blue-collar positions from ongoing
agencies managing our transportation infrastruc- transportation infrastructure maintenance invest-
ture. Before we describe the levers, it is important ment. Carbon emissions from delays and damaged
to explain prior attempts to bring lifecycle asset vehicles are mitigated with well-maintained infra-
management into the public sector and analyze structure. According to World Bank (1979, 2005,
why it has not been widely implemented. 2007) reports, the returns on transportation infra-
structure maintenance investment were almost
twice those of new construction projects. Strong
3. Lifecycle asset management levels of transportation infrastructure maintenance
expenditures enhance a country’s growth rate.
Lifecycle asset management is defined as the com- Political attention has been given begrudgingly to
bination of management, financial, economic, en- the concept of lifecycle asset management as it
gineering, and other practices applied over the full applies to large-scale, long-lasting public sector
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector 513

Figure 1. Sequential phases of lifecycle asset man- ensure that transportation infrastructure would
agement be managed and maintained effectively and that
it would operate as efficiently as possible. However,
only two of these mandated systems were actually
Disposal Planning
developed: pavement management and bridge
management. They were intended to track asset
conditions concerning the operational, mainte-
nance, safety, repair, and replacement needs of
these facilities and provide input to the transpor-
tation planning and program development process-
es to ensure their continued viability. The other
four–—public transit facilities management, inter-
modal management, congestion management,
and safety management–—were oriented toward
ensuring efficient performance of transportation
networks and making management systems devel-
Maintenance Operation
opment and integration an important part of the
overall transportation planning process. Congress
repealed the mandates for the four other systems
due to the lack of definitions of their intent or
scope, and then later repealed the other two man-
infrastructure assets such as highways, bridges, dates. However, the Federal Highway Administra-
dams, and airports. Unfortunately, the stewards tion continued to support the two developed asset
of our nation’s highway system, state and local management systems through both training and
transportation agencies, did not recognize the risks technical assistance.
of deferred maintenance for many years because
the nation’s highways were still in relatively good 3.2. Financial reporting impetus for asset
shape and largely functional. In addition, there management
were no perceived short-term financial risks, since
motor fuel taxes generated adequate funding to The second major impetus for asset management
keep the system going. In contrast, the tolling was the decision by the Governmental Accounting
industry charged a price for using its facilities be- Standards Board (GASB) to approve Statement Num-
cause they were financed by bonds accompanied by ber 34 (GASB, 1999). This standard, commonly re-
covenants that mandated adequate preservation ferred to as GASB 34, instituted a requirement that
efforts to keep facilities in a state of good repair. infrastructure assets be recognized in the annual
In the U.S., several factors came together to financial statements of the state and local govern-
promote the application of lifecycle asset ments that own these long-lived facilities. Under
management principles to infrastructure and, GASB 34, public agencies such as state DOTs could
in particular, the Federal Highway System. determine the current value of their infrastructure
They included: assets for reporting purposes in their annual finan-
cial statements based solely on the depreciable
1. Legislative support for asset management; value of the assets at the time of reporting. Alter-
natively, GASB 34 permitted these agencies to use a
2. Financial reporting requirements relating to as- modified approach that recognized the impacts of
set management; and lifecycle asset management on the effective service
life and current value of these assets. These infra-
3. Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) structure reporting requirements of GASB 34 re-
34’s influence on applying asset management. sulted in a growing interest in understanding
asset management and how it could be used to
3.1. Legislative impetus for applying asset better manage escalating infrastructure costs.
management to highway infrastructure
3.3. GASB 34’s influence on applying
The passage of the Intermodal Surface Transporta- asset management
tion Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 mandated the
development of six management systems for use by In 2004, the Transportation Research Board issued a
state departments of transportation (DOTs) to report that surveyed the status of compliance with
514 J.M. Giglio et al.

GASB 34 among the 50 state DOTs, plus transporta- also had difficulty estimating the costs or level of
tion agencies in Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico effort to maintain the condition of their infrastruc-
(NCHRP, 2004). The study found that only 21 out of ture assets (primarily pavements and bridges).
the 52 transportation agencies studied had Hence, most U.S. transportation agencies decided
adopted the modified approach that required the to pass on the opportunity to implement asset
application of asset management principles, prac- management programs by using the modified ap-
tices, and systems to report on their transportation proach permitted by GASB 34 and instead chose the
infrastructure. The remaining 31 agencies chose depreciation approach to financial reporting of in-
the depreciation approach to reporting. The rea- frastructure assets. Despite continuing efforts to
sons cited for using the depreciation method in- develop the knowledge base for asset management
cluded the following: in this country and to promote its broader applica-
tion by public stewards of infrastructure assets, its
 Simpler to implement; application remained limited.

 State and agency financial officials better under-

stood the depreciation approach; 4. Little incentive to take advantage
of lifecycle asset management
 Difficulty in estimating costs of achieving defined
condition targets for their reported classes of The dreadful condition of much of the nation’s
infrastructure assets; public use infrastructure is due to the failure of
government agencies to take adequate care of
 Additional requirements and obligations associ- these assets over their service lives. Public officials
ated with the modified approach; may be predisposed to defer infrastructure mainte-
nance, as the timeframe for these assets to show
 Easier to favorably portray the agency’s steward- irreversible effects of deferred maintenance is like-
ship of its infrastructure assets with less jeopardy ly longer than the officials’ terms in office.
to future funding levels; Lifecycle asset management is not prioritized for
a number of reasons. Elected officials find it easier
 Concern that the modified approach might jeop- to issue new debt or secure federal dollars to
ardize future funding levels if reported asset replace an asset than to maintain it. Construction
conditions far exceeded defined performance of new assets has a strong political constituency in
targets; and most political jurisdictions (e.g., various construc-
tion trade organizations), while maintenance has
 Concern that candid reporting of asset conditions weak political support. In a similar vein, the media
using the modified approach might suggest the pays attention to new projects rather than routine
agency had not prudently preserved its infra- maintenance.
structure assets. The federal highway program focused on infra-
structure development and construction for over
In essence, most of the state DOTs turned away from 40 years while largely disregarding long-term main-
the reporting approach that would have used asset tenance and preservation. The Federal-Aid Highway
management to give them better information and Act of 1956 set the pattern for highway financing by
tools to manage their infrastructure assets more establishing a pay-as-you-go plan that placed re-
cost-effectively over their lifecycles. Instead, they ceipts from federal excise taxes on fuel, tires, and
chose the easier approach that avoided revealing trucks into a Federal Highway Trust Fund to pay for
the true nature of the conditions and remaining the Interstate System of Highways. The resulting
service lives of their transportation infrastructure funds were paid back to the states as eligible high-
facilities. way projects were completed. The original program
Some of the agencies that chose the modified provided ample federal funding to cover much of
approach ended up developing condition targets the cost of building the system.
that were either the same or significantly lower Federal funds were restricted to pay for capital
than the current conditions of their infrastructure costs associated with designing and constructing in-
assets, thereby making it easier to show compliance terstate highways and other portions of the National
each year with the condition assessment results. In Highway System. State and local gas taxes, motor
most cases, complying with GASB 34 meant deter- vehicle registration fees, and driver’s license fees
mining the historical costs of their assets–—looking were used to match available federal funds for new
backward instead of forward. Many of these states construction. For the first 2 decades of the program,
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector 515

proceeds from the Federal Highway Trust Fund could 4.1. Funding forecast
only be used for new construction, with a 5%—10%
match required from state and local governments. In Despite growth in government funding for transpor-
addition, those governments were required to pay for tation infrastructure, available public resources are
all maintenance or rehabilitation of the National expected to be inadequate to address the need
Highway System. Unfortunately, mandated levels fully. This is especially so given congressional aver-
were not specified. This created a strong, inherent sion to raising the motor fuel tax, which has re-
bias toward new capital projects, with state and local mained at 18.4 cents per gallon for cars since
transportation agencies limiting maintenance efforts 1991 and 24.4 cents per gallon for trucks since
to conserve local resources. 1997. A shift to electric vehicles will exacerbate
Deferring road and bridge maintenance and pres- the funding shortfall. After 2020, Congress and the
ervation efforts led to the premature deterioration White House will once again face the prospect of
of the nation’s highway infrastructure. State trans- needing much larger budget offsets to keep the
portation agencies assumed that adequate federal transportation trust fund solvent unless changes
funds would eventually be made available to help are made to the gas tax or other significant funding
pay for the rehabilitation and replacement of these sources are identified. After 40 years, the problems
assets. Essentially, local efforts to leverage federal of deferred maintenance and lack of resources have
funding for highway capital projects described become more evident, with almost all available
above masked the harmful long-term consequences highway program funding directed toward long-
of deferred maintenance. overdue maintenance and rehabilitation efforts
In the mid-1970s and 1980s, Congress recognized needed to forestall system failure. This has left
the growing costs of road repair. Federal legislation little funding for capital replacement or expansion,
was enacted to help fund and maintain interstate which has put an increasing drag on the nation’s
highways in a state of good repair. Resurfacing, economic growth and stifled productivity as com-
rehabilitation, and reconstruction were added to muters and motor carriers struggle with increasing
the list of federal funding-eligible activities aimed congestion and travel delays.
at extending the life of the national system of
highways, with a particular focus on bridge rehabil-
itation and replacement. In 1983, Congress signifi-
cantly increased the federal gas tax while reducing 5. Using public-private partnerships
the federal share of certain highway project costs. to increase funding
State and local agencies’ lack of accountability for
infrastructure assets led to premature deterioration. The U.S., along with many developed countries, has
With a singular focus on capital project programming an eroding business environment due to various
to ensure the commitment of all available federal weaknesses, including those in transportation infra-
funds, once a project’s development phase was com- structure. Many of these are in areas driven by federal
pleted state highway officials turned their attention policy (Porter, Rivkin, Desai, & Raman, 2016). We
to the next capital project. Furthermore, state and need leadership that couples government priorities
local governments could omit highway infrastructure with long-term economic accountability. We need
assets from their balance sheets since there was no the creation of funding mechanisms to ensure effec-
mechanism to hold state or local governments ac- tive and efficient lifecycle asset management
countable for how they maintained or preserved decisions. We see business-government partnerships
these critical assets. Without having to demonstrate as an important force in addressing several of the
the consequences of deferred maintenance, state challenges faced with current transportation infra-
and local governments could skimp on maintaining structure and the adoption of lifecycle asset man-
highway infrastructure assets while awaiting future agement. Business leaders should recognize that it is
payments from the Federal Highway Trust Fund. in their strategic interest to use their influence and
One example of the perils of this short-term resources to help address regional deficiencies in
approach is the Longfellow Bridge, which spans infrastructure. This can include collaborating with
the Charles River in Massachusetts and connects industry, civic groups, and government agencies to
Boston to neighboring Cambridge. One study pub- prioritize expenditures. It also can include alerting
lished by Pioneer Institute, a Boston-based think local media and publicizing when and where infra-
tank, found that taxpayers would have saved more structure maintenance is inadequate.
than $80 million if the state had performed routine Closing the expected shortfall in public infra-
maintenance on the bridge rather than just allowing structure funding will require sustained infusions
it to deteriorate (Westerling & Poftak, 2007). of public sector revenues augmented by private
516 J.M. Giglio et al.

sector investment capital. Financing public use Table 1. Public-private partnerships

infrastructure through public-private partnerships Keys to successful public-private partnerships
(PPPs) will require state and local agencies to radi-
(1) PUBLIC SECTOR CHAMPION: Recognized public
cally change the ways in which such infrastructure is figures should serve as advocates for the project and
procured and managed. A PPP is a contractual the use of a PPP.
arrangement between a public agency and a private (2) STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT: There should be a
sector entity. Through this agreement, the skills and legal statutory foundation for the implementation of
assets of each sector (public and private) are shared each partnership.
in delivering a service or facility for the use of the (3) PUBLIC SECTOR’S ORGANIZATIONAL
general public. Each party shares in the risks and STRUCTURE: The public sector should have a
rewards potential in the delivery of the service dedicated team for PPP projects. This unit should be
and/or facility. involved from conceptualization to negotiation,
The advent of PPPs in the form of long-term through final monitoring of execution of the
concessions, joint development agreements, or partnership.
other contractual vehicles offers the best opportu- (4) DETAILED CONTRACT: Need a detailed description
nity for asset management techniques to be effec- of the responsibilities, risks and benefits for all
tively applied to optimize the performance of major partners. Contract should include a clearly defined
infrastructure assets in this country–—both by public method of dispute resolution.
sponsors of infrastructure facilities and by the pri- (5) CLEARLY DEFINED REVENUE STREAM: There must
vate providers of infrastructure development, fi- be an identifiable revenue stream sufficient to retire
nancing, operation, and preservation services. By this investment and provide an acceptable rate of
including asset performance measures, PPPs have return over the term of the partnership.
the potential to bring together disparate groups (6) STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT: It is important to
involved in supporting infrastructure programs. communicate openly and candidly with all
These include finance, engineering, construction, stakeholders to minimize potential resistance to
establishing a partnership.
maintenance, and operations personnel, who have
traditionally functioned independently of each oth- (7) PICK YOUR PARTNER CAREFULLY: The best value
er. Table 1 provides a list of keys to successful PPPs (not always lowest price) in a partnership is critical in
maintaining the long-term relationship that is central
as provided by the National Council for Public-
to a successful partnership.
Private Partnerships (2017).
Source: Adapted from National Council for Public-Private
What is often overlooked in the discussion of Partnerships (2017)
infrastructure financing and the role of PPPs is that
private firms are incentivized to maintain the asset
in a state of good repair. Every PPP involves risks for
the private participant, which reasonably expects In the case of PPPs, lifecycle asset management
to be compensated for accepting those risks. Thus, serves different purposes for each partner. For the
it is essential that the partnership is constructed to public sponsor of the facility, asset management is
provide benefits for both sides. There are frequent used to value the facility, structure contract terms,
misconceptions about partnerships and their value and ensure contractor accountability for compli-
to the public. Well-informed spokespersons and ance with these terms over the life of the contract.
regular communications with relevant interest For the private sector partner (members of a con-
groups can minimize misunderstandings. cession team, for example), asset management is
Since the late 1980s, public agencies in certain an essential tool to value the asset and manage its
countries overseas have developed and imple- stewardship in the most cost-effective manner over
mented asset management systems for their capital the life of the contract and potentially the effective
assets as a consequence of outsourcing the man- service life of the asset.
agement and operations of these assets (Sheffield,
2000). Common among these initiatives is the im-
portance of holding the contractor accountable for 6. Innovative infrastructure solutions
keeping assets in a state of good repair during the
period of the contract. Private corporations with Because the repair need is so great and the govern-
major infrastructure assets are more likely to apply ment can no longer solve the problem on its own,
preventive maintenance and preservation techni- several innovative solutions must be considered. We
ques to ensure that their major facilities remain in recommend:
top operational form and are not prone to costly
unscheduled service outages. 1. Strengthening GASB 34;
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector 517

2. Removing infrastructure funding decisions from Traditional highway funding arrangements have
the political realm; favored capital expenditures for new construction
by leaving maintenance funding responsibilities to
3. Creating a mandatory depreciation reserve; and state and local governments. The availability of
relatively cheaper federal capital funds inadver-
4. Requiring lifecycle asset management in bond tently encouraged state and local governments to
covenants. defer maintenance on their highway systems over
the past 40 years. This has produced higher lifecycle
6.1. Strengthening GASB 34 expenses for highway infrastructure when com-
pared to the costs of proper asset preservation.
First, strengthen GASB 34. Currently, trillions Adding to the problem is the fact that maintenance
of dollars in public infrastructure are generally is usually funded from general operating revenues
underrepresented in state and local government and must compete for resources with higher visibil-
financial statements. As a result, these assets ity services that have powerful constituencies. It is
are considered sunk costs that drain the mainte- an easy budget item to cut or constrain, especially
nance budgets of state and local infrastructure since the effects of such action are unlikely to
agencies. Highway assets should instead be viewed become apparent for several years.
as tangible assets with inherent value that can be Politics often influence decisions about infra-
used to stimulate additional economic activity. structure maintenance spending. The long time-
The potential consequences of GASB 34 include frame needed to demonstrate the benefits of asset
significant reductions in long-term costs of management and preservation leads many decision
highway programs and opportunities for innovative makers to be reluctant to embrace its tenants and
financing for highway infrastructure renewal and principles. This is particularly true for elected and
development. State and local jurisdictions that appointed officials of state and local governments,
structure their reporting around the needs of whose terms of office often limit their ability to
both infrastructure managers and users will reap focus on future consequences. This is why it is
significant benefits in terms of extended highway essential to find a way to realize the long-term
service lives, reduced replacement costs, and benefits of asset management throughout the
better information with which to manage these service life of the asset, not just at the replace-
critical assets. ment cycle.

6.2. Removing infrastructure funding 6.3. Creating a mandatory depreciation

decisions from the political realm reserve

Second, removing infrastructure funding decisions Third, the creation of a mandatory sinking fund or
from the political realm is one way to ensure that depreciation reserve could be required as a condi-
assets are appropriately maintained. Asset manage- tion of receiving federal capital funds in order to
ment provides state and local governments the mitigate the political temptation to divert funds in
opportunity to demonstrate stewardship of their a maintenance account for other operating pur-
highway infrastructure. Asset management also poses. The funds would initially be capitalized
provides the impetus for establishing innovative by modifying federal grants to ensure that a por-
techniques for financing highway infrastructure de- tion of the grant money be dedicated to mainte-
velopment, preservation, and documentation. Life- nance. This would mitigate the resource allocation
cycle asset management has a critical role to play in problems created by the capital bias of federal
demonstrating prudent stewardship of infrastruc- dollars. By requiring payments to such funds, the
ture and facilitating private sector confidence in financial gains from the longer life of infrastruc-
public use infrastructure investments. The ability of ture assets provided by effective maintenance
asset management techniques to extend infrastruc- would become clear. Some states are addressing
ture service life and reduce total lifecycle costs the maintenance problem, but they are the excep-
offers significant incentives to both public sector tion rather than the rule. Utah prohibits funding of
owners and private sector operators of infrastruc- new projects until enough money is appropriated
ture. These long-term benefits are generally valued to maintain existing assets. Missouri sets aside 1%
more highly by private sector decision makers with a of its general fund revenue in a maintenance
longer strategic view than by public sector officials reserve fund.
whose vision typically extends only to the next Agencies could be required to spend a specific
election cycle. percentage (e.g., 2% annually) of the replacement
518 J.M. Giglio et al.

value of their assets on maintenance. Performance Table 2. Benefits of lifecycle asset management
measures could also be used to encourage govern-  Much longer-lasting assets
ment owners of infrastructure assets to fund main-  Reduced time asset is kept out of service for rehabilita-
tenance properly. In addition to typical metrics like tion
travel time, data points that measure quality of
 Reduced incidence of crashes and fatalities caused by
deteriorating infrastructure
lifecycle management such as road quality and level  Reduced lifecycle cost of asset by up to 70%
of maintenance funding could be included in per-  Enhanced ability to budget preservation efforts & costs
formance data made available to the public. over life of asset
 Ideal basis for linking payments to performance indica-
6.4. Requiring lifecycle asset  Preserve most of asset’s value on entity’s financial books
management in bond covenants  Provide basis to securitize infrastructure assets using
tax-exempt bonds
Fourth, capital markets could also be a source of
 Greater transparency and accountability between asset
developer and asset patron over performance of asset
discipline for the public sector. Typically, the only and cost of using the facility
bonds that include asset management requirements  Applicable to private sector developers of green field,
are those associated with toll roads. Requiring gov- large-scale infrastructure assets who have greater ac-
ernments to include money for maintenance and cess to patient capital and ability to value long-term
asset management benefits
replacement in bond covenants would create a
strong incentive for acting responsibly. For revenue
Sources: Martin and Roper (1997); NCHRP (1996)
bonds issued by state and local governments
secured by revenues from a specific source (e.g.,
specific user fees), the price should be set at a
sufficient level to cover the payment of principal to realize the full benefits of lifecycle asset man-
and interest on the debt as well as funding a agement and the patience to stick to its principles
maintenance account to keep the infrastructure except as a contract administration tool. Conse-
asset in a state of good repair. Also, if general quently, U.S. government leaders must provide in-
obligation bonds are issued to build, operate, and ducements for state and regional political figures
maintain an infrastructure asset, an account should and agencies to make infrastructure decisions and
be created and funded to (1) support ongoing oper- take actions they might otherwise defer. Private
ations and maintenance in order to cover deprecia- sector involvement in the development, financing,
tion of the infrastructure asset from normal wear and preservation of highway infrastructure may be
and tear, (2) fund capital improvements to the the primary driver for using asset management
infrastructure asset in an intellectually honest fash- principles, practices, and tools to guide the cost-
ion, and (3) capture the true lifecycle costs of the effective stewardship of critical infrastructure.
infrastructure asset. In a carefully crafted long-term concession con-
Currently, state and local governments tract for infrastructure development, operations,
must compete for general federal tax revenues maintenance, and preservation incentives are
with a host of other taxpayer-supported services aligned properly. The concessionaire has the ultimate
that often have greater political appeal. incentive to preserve the asset in a state of good
The aforementioned approach would enable state repair and return the asset in the same condition in
and local governments to end their dependence which it was delivered for operation. Failure to do so
on the annual government budget appropriation means the concessionaire does not get paid. The
process. necessary incentives for long-term asset manage-
ment can be realized through a long-term concession
contract between a public-sector sponsor/agency
and a private-sector service provider/concession-
7. Moving forward aire. Front-end financing of infrastructure develop-
ment through public-sector availability payments
It is evident that the sooner steps are taken to or bonds can provide additional incentives to
repair, maintain, and rehabilitate existing roads, attract private-sector commitment to a long-term
bridges, waterways, and transit, the lower lifetime preservation-based concession involving lifecycle
costs of the asset will be. As noted in Table 2, there asset management approaches and systems.
are additional significant benefits through lifecycle The growing willingness of the private sector to
asset management. enter into partnerships with the public sector to
Yet, in the face of short-term political realities, expedite the development or expansion of needed
the public sector too often lacks both the capability infrastructure offers an important opportunity.
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector 519

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proaches to infrastructure funding and development. ment maintenance. Washington, DC: Transportation Research
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assets. Furthermore, senior leaders and program GASB 34 requirements. Washington, DC: Transportation Re-
search Board.
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