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Perbedaan Sikap Mahasiswa Kedokteran dan Mahasiswa Keperawatan Universitas

Jember Terhadap Perawatan Pasien Menjelang Ajal (The Difference In Attitudes Of

Jember Medical Students and Nursing Students Toward Caring For Dying Patients).

Nuril Aini Febriyanti

Faculty of Nursing University of Jember


End of life care is a field that is known to be a concern for nursing students and
medical students by reporting anxiety, fear, and emotional distress when faced with the
experience of providing care to dying patients. A positive attitude in caring for dying patients
is an important element that health workers must have to improve the quality of services for
dying patients. This research determined the differences between the attitude of nursing and
medical students at Jember University in caring for dying patients. The research variables
were student nursing attitudes and the attitude of medical students in treating dying patients.
This research used a stratified random sampling method and a cross-sectional design. The
data used Frommelt Attitudes towards the Care of the Dying Care Form B of Indonesian
Version (FATCOD-B-I) Questionaire in 124 correspondents. The result of this research
showed that there are different attitudes between nursing and medical students from Jember
university in taking care of dying patients with p=0,000 (106,66±6,07 vs 97,81±3,92).
Academic background, experience in caring for dying patients, training for dying patient
care is a characteristic factor that affects student attitudes in caring for dying patients. For
the future, it is important to identify other factors related to attitude toward caring for dying
patients such as social and cultural conditions.

Keyword: student, attitude, dying patients

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