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Creative Writing Reviewer

• Stages in Writing:
1. Prewriting
- What do I want to write about?
- experiences
• Prewriting Activities:
- free-writing
- clustering
- listing
- index card matching

2. Writing
- How will I write this?
- style and form

3. Post Writing
- How can I write it better?
- revision and editing

• Poetry
- written in lines
- poetic language
- line cuts
(line cuts are used as: a pause of breath, sets the rhythm, depth and double meaning)

• Prose
- written in paragraphs
- ordinary language
- punctuation marks

• Poetic Intention
- to bring out the desired effect the writer wants to convey
- deliberate choices a writer chooses to make
- affects the audience
A. literal
- straight to the point
B. figurative
- poetic language
- images/imagery

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