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Rugby is less famous than football or basketball, generally the men play
rugby and the women are little chose this sport Commented [AH1]: And women are not very keen on
this sport

There are only few rules to follow. it is played by two teams of fiveteen Commented [AH2]: fifteen

players each one , and they play on a pitch, to play rugby you need a ball but
it has a shape avoul, the rugby players can touch the ball with their hands Commented [AH3]: it has an oval shape

and it hit it with their feet

If you play rugby, you must develop some physical and mental skills because
this game is too hard, you need to have a well- trained body, stamina and
resistance, furthermore you need be organized and responsible with you
diet. and the time to sleep that will help you to be strong, fit and healthy Commented [AH4]:
Commented [AH5]: Sleep is also important, it Will help..
Practicing rugby has advantages it helps you are to be fit and you could have
a life more healthy. besides you can know meet new people. Commented [AH6]: Have a healthier life

On the Other hand, it has some disadvantages, too, it requires time, and it is
a problem when you don’t have a lot of time, in addition you could suffer
injuries on your body. as a result, you can finish with a pulled muscle or a lot
of purple bruises.

In summary, I believe that playing any sport is very good for health, but play
rugbyn I don’t think the same about Rugby, it has advantages but it has more
disadvantages , if I were you, I should would choose other sport, but if you
want to play rugby, you must be careful with it
With fang

This story is about wild animal, his name is whithw fang , it began to discover
the world. It knew a indian. It grow, where white fang and the indian were
there live too a bad and cruel man called Beauty that he want to it, the
indian gaven white fang to him for wines´s bottles. He used it for
fought with white men´s dog, white fang always win the fight but. one day
it must fight with dog bigger than it and he lost the fight and it was very hurt,
the beuty began to hited it suddenly a man called Scott saved it of him, he
looked forward it and it learned to be a good animal, he taken it his house in
California, one night a criminal went into the house and white fang saved
family´s scott of the criminal

The ring
The story begins when a boy and his family come a the village to visit his
ancle Miguel and he saw a mad man called Rafael and he had a ring around
his neck, he aks his ancle for Rafael, he told his that Rafael wasn’t mad man
befores and the people know very little what had really happen.

Afeter fourteen years later the boy grow and became a doctor .he volve
come to the villange and he saw again Rafael, he was old and sick, he decided
to help and his ancle and the people of the villange told he all know about
Rafael and his strange story but nothing know the true only Rafael know all

When Rafael was boy his father was killed, he lived with his mother alone,
the people helped they because they were poor. He grown and he was
fisherman, he loves a beautiful girls called anita, she loved Rafael too they
meet a secret. but anitas father didn’t want she get married with poor
fisherman.he gave a ring a shape of fish, he had worked for moths for get it.
One day an strange man came the villange the people called soldier. But
Rafael and soldier were friend because both were loved anita. The people
belive that Rafael become a mad men because A morning the family anita
began to cried because she wasn’t in the house, they sold that anita went
with the soldier that moement Rafael was cazy man. Before Rafael dead ,
conffesed to the doctor that he found anita and the soldier together, he had
planned to kill the soldier but his plan had gone wrong because the shark skill
ate the soldier.

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