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“Tear Down This Wall” (1987) – Ronald Reagan

1. Reagan compares and contrasts the capitalist and communist systems by describing the
success of West Berlin, then explaining how the Soviet Union is failing and cannot even
feed itself.
2. Reagan uses the Berlin Wall to symbolize a restriction of freedom. He describes how it
cuts down through the city, splitting the free West from the restricted East. He explains
how if the wall were to be torn down, the two halves would unite in freedom and liberty.

H – This document was written when Gorbachev was in charge of the SU, and he was
looking to bring the Cold War to an end.

I – His intended audience was the people of both Berlins, and Mikhail Gorbachev.

P – Reagan’s purpose was to convince the SU to tear down the wall, and to convince them
to seek further derestriction. He wanted to reunite the halves of Berlin.

P – Reagan was trying to convey that the US and the SU needed to start working together
to end the Cold War because he knew the Soviets could not last much longer. He wanted to
start with the clearest symbol of the Iron Curtain.

The Cold War Is Over (1989) – New York Times

1. To thaw East-West relations, Gorbachev helped mend the situation in Israel, made
settlements for Angola and Cambodia, pulled out of Afghanistan, and cut arms and
forces. He introduced economic decentralization, and encouraged free speech and

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