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The Cold War (1947 – 1953) was a period of tension

between the Soviet Union and the United States and

their respective allies. The term "cold" is used because
there was no large-scale fighting directly between
the superpowers
Cold War had begun right after the world war 2 had
finished. from the Nuclear Arms Race to the Berlin
Wall. The World had divided between two great
superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union.
It was a ideological war between communism and
capitalism with the two sides never directly fighting,
the East vs the West and the struggle for power. Both
sides would had piled up nuclear weapons, with
question on how to us them. The conflict would come
to an end when Gorbachev’s reforms( maintained
price controls, private property ownership,
etc).Reformers began to appear across Eastern Europe,
and in 1989, democratic revolutions would see nearly
every government expeled from power. On November
9th, the most symbolic monument of the Cold War, the
Berlin Wall, would come down, and Germany would be
reunited. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991,
spreading into 15 independent states. Cold War, a war
which destroyed international relations for over 40
years was ended.

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