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The Greenbrier Hotel and Resort in West Virginia.


politicians were protected while the people suffer....

The Cold War. Comrades, 1917-1945/Iron

Curtain, 1945-1947/Marshall Plan, 1947-1952
Comrades: Though ideological enemies, the Soviet Union and the United States are allies against Hitler during
WWII. At the end of the war, Europe is divided, and the one-time allies now confront each other knowing that
the United States has the atomic bomb. The Iron Curtain: The Soviet Union dominates Eastern Europe.
Churchill warns of the consequences. Stalin insists that the governments of the Soviet Union's client states be
pro-communist. Impoverished after the war, Great Britain opts out as a world power. The United States
assumes the mantle of world leadership. Marshall Plan, 1947-1952. The United States adopts the Truman
doctrine, pledging to defend freedom worldwide. Secretary of State George Marshall plans to bolster economic
recovery in Europe. Seeing this as a threat, Stalin forbids his satellites to participate. The world effectively
divides. 1998. 47 min. each installment.
The Race to Berlin was a competition between two Soviet marshals, Georgy Zhukov
and Ivan Konev, to be the first to enter Berlin during the final months of World War II.
In early 1945, with Germany's defeat inevitable, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin set his two
marshals in a race to capture Berlin.

The main Allied powers were Great Britain, The United States, China, and the Soviet
Union. The leaders of the Allies were Franklin Roosevelt (the United States), Winston
Churchill (Great Britain), and Joseph Stalin (the Soviet Union).

The United States remained hostile toward Russia and the Soviet Union (founded in
1922) until President Roosevelt took office in 1933 and sought to establish relations with
the Soviets, in part because the United States was the only major power yet to
recognize the Soviet Union.

The plan had intended to focus on consumer goods. The Soviet Union mainly
contributed resources to the development of weapons, and constructed additional
military factories as needed. ... Stalin's Five-Year Plans helped transform the Soviet
Union from an untrained society of peasants to an advanced industrial economy.

Nevertheless, Hitler and Stalin attacked Poland in September 1939 and partitioned her
between them). Soviet-U.S. relations were established by President Franklin D.
Roosevelt (1882-1945) in 1933.

1 "Comrades" 1917—1945

The Russian Revolution of 1917, followed by the Russian Civil War caused a
rift between the Soviet Union and the United States. But when President
Franklin Roosevelt took office in 1933, diplomatic and trade relations between
the two countries resumed. The relationship was strained yet again after the
USSR annexed the Baltic States and signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi

Despite their differences the Soviet Union and the United States found
themselves allied after the German invasion of Russia in June 1941. As the
war in Europe began to wind down and victory was in sight, the two countries
had very different views as to what the post-war world would look like. At the
Potsdam Conference, just before the atom bomb was dropped on Japan, it
became clear that Stalin wanted to put Eastern Europe under the Soviet
sphere of influence, setting the conditions for the Cold War to commence.
Episode 1 includes interviews from George F. Kennan, Zoya Zarubina, Hugh
Lunghi and George Elsey.

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